Sunday, January 28 - Romans 16- Final Instructions
We're dealing with Paul's final instructions to the church in Rome the church that he longed to deal with. He longed to visit he longed to see them personally. Unfortunately, a lot of times people skip over chapter 16. They think it's just personal greetings, and there's not a whole lot to be gained out of it. I think you'll find differently as we approach it this morning. Just by way of briefest review and to make sure that the slides or an online version we have our outline. dealing with the major breakdowns chapters 1 through 8 are primarily concerning Doctrine. the doctrine that comprises our Christian faith chapters 9 10 and 11 deal with specifically the nation of Israel. They speak prophetically God's faithfulness in the past and its plans for them in the future. Chapters 12 through 16 are the Life Application where the rubber meets the road for the believer? In chapter 12 is the culmination that the summary and final instructions the personal greetings as Paul concludes his letter to the church in Rome. Before we turn to the text. I'll ask you to join me in a word of Prayer. Father in heaven, we thank you for this day. We thank you for the time. You've given us to gather together to study your word the same praise your name to fellowship with brothers and sisters load. We just ask that you would meet us here in this place that you would reveal yourself to us. That we would be changed because of our encounter with you. We ask this in Jesus name. Amen.
Will pick it up 16:1. I commend to you Phoebe our sister who is a servant of the church and send Korea that you may receive her in the Lord in a manner worthy of the Saints and a sister in whatever business. She has need of you for indeed. She has been a helper of many and of myself also greet Priscilla and Aquila my fellow workers in Christ. Jesus who risk their own necks for my life to who not only I give thanks but also all the churches of the Gentiles likewise greet the church that is in their house read my beloved a pan itis who was the first fruits of Ikea to Christ greet Mary who labored much for us greet and roditis and Juni at my countrymen and my fellow prisoners who are of note among the apostles who also were in Christ before me Greet a my beloved in the Lord urbanis our fellow worker in Christ and Steakhouse my beloved Rita pellas approved in Christ. Greet those who are the house of a strobilus herodian my countrymen greet those who are the household of narcissist who are in the Lord tryphena's and try. Who have labored in the Lord beloved purses who labored much in the Lord greet Rufus chosen in the Lord and his mother and mine greet as in chronic leg on her Miss patrobas Hermes and the brother and who are with them grateful ogas and Julia Darius and his sister and Olympus and all the saints who are with them greet one another with a holy kiss the Churches of Christ greet you now, why aren't you brother know what those who cause division 2 defense is contrary to the doctor in which you learned and avoid them. For those who are such do not serve our Lord Jesus Christ, but their own belly and by smooth words and flattering speech deceive the hearts of the simple for your obedience has become known to all therefore. I am glad on your behalf, but I want you to be wise and what is good and simple concerning evil and the God of Peace will crush Satan under your feet shortly the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you. Amen. Timothy my fellow worker and Lucius Jason and sosipater my countrymen greet you either she has who wrote this epistle greet you in the Lord? Gaius my host in the host of the whole church grease you are The Treasure of the city greet you and participial brother the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all amen. Not to him who is able to establish you according to my gospel in the preaching of Jesus Christ, according to the revelation of the mystery kept secret since the world began, but now made manifest and by the prophetic scriptures made known to All Nations according to the commandant of the Everlasting God for obedience to the faith to God Alone wise be glory through Jesus Christ forever. Amen. Now it's all right from the humor of listening to me mispronounce many of these names. You may be wondering why do we bother to read these chapters with 35 names most which are difficult to pronounce most of which we are either don't recollect having heard before we never have heard before many of which you could find if you were to study through the Apostle Paul's various missionary Journeys in the book of Acts, but there is value in it for all scripture is god-breathed and profitable for Doctrine correction rebuke training and instruction in righteousness. Not only that Paul has a specific message for these individuals 35 by name. And for those of you paying attention to the significance of numerology 35 is a significant number you like but I don't see how that really works out. But it's five times 7/7 the number of perfection 5 the number of Grace you get that you can follow that through there's a study you can do on your own there. These 35 names. The first one mentioned is Phoebe and Phoebe is a Greek name. It's a synonymous with Diana. She was named after the Goddess Diana. She's obviously Greek Pagan in origin, but she is a sister who has come to Faith and she's a sister who has labored greatly who has served the church diligently. We see her here and wanted to a Comanche you Phoebe our sister who was a servant in the church of Saint Korea that you may receive her in the Lord in a manner worthy of the Saints and the sister and whatever business she has need of you for a deed kiss me the helper of many and of myself also. So what do we know about baby while she's a companion of Paul's? She's a sister in Christ. This word servant in the Greek is diagonals, which is the word we get Deacon from it's the same word Paul uses when he gives to Timothy and Titus the qualifications of a deacon and yes, there were women deacons in the early church. She's a faithful servant. She is recommended by Paul the King James there instead of helper calls it sewer or nurturer.
The body of Christ is in need of people like Phoebe to nurture to help to serve the body of Christ.
Yes, there were women deacons in the early church. And if that causes you a problem you can take it up with Paul or you can take it up with the church of Saint kreia. Send Crayola is the port city near Corinth. It's on the port of Corinth. It would be the place where you would depart from out of that port and Paul has apparently. Been in close contact and a coal minister with Phoebe and now she is bearing this letter to the church in Rome at his request.
The early church fathers describe the role of the Deaconess as one who would visit the sick who would come alongside and assist the younger women and who is chiefly engaged in helping and attending the needs of the poor get a very practical Ministry within the church and she was faithful so much so that the Apostle Paul entrusted her to deliver this letter personally to the church at Rome. He continues on with his personal greetings greet Priscilla and Aquila my fellow workers in Christ who risk their own necks for my life who not only I give thanks, but also all the churches of the Gentiles Priscilla and Aquila. We see a number of times. They're often listed in Paul's missionary Journeys. They were tentmakers Paul was a Tent Maker by trade. Almost every time we see Priscilla and Aquila. It's in some reference to a home church that meets at their house. They were faithful ministers alongside of Paul. And we're not sure exactly which events this refers to for Paul's life was threatened many times and it's not specified here. But at some point along the way Priscilla and Aquila went to Great Lengths risking their own lives for the sake of Paul in his ministry and he is grateful. He has not forgotten them and they have gone on ahead of Paul. They've gone to Rome and they are ministering there.
Surprise surprise started another church in their house likewise greet the church that is in their house read my beloved epaphroditus. Who's the first fruits of Ikea at the Christ? Greet Mary who labored much for us greet and tinnitus and Junia my countrymen and my fellow prisoners who are of no among the fossils who also were in Christ before me. Greet a my beloved in the Lord gritar Banos our fellow worker and Christ and Steakhouse my beloved. Rita paulus approved of Christ Greek those who are of the household of aristobulus now, that's a weird name. And yeah, you can laugh as I mispronounce it. Historians believe that this gentleman was the grandson of Herod the Great and if you know anything about Herod the Great historically it is written it was safe to be herod's dog than it was to be his son. He was greatly threatened. By anyone who could possibly pose a risk or a threat to his throne so much so that he would have anyone remotely associated with him or close to him executed. He was hated by the people. So much so that he knew he would not be mourned at the time of his passing. But in order to ensure that there would be weeping and wailing and morning upon his death. He signed an order that 100 men who are highly favored and respected in the community were to be murdered upon his death so that there would be weeping and wailing and mourning after he passed only not for him. It's interesting that this man Herod. The Great's grandson has come to Faith. We also see that there's another gentleman here listed right after him herodian my countrymen and Paul here is making a closed link some Scholars go so far to speculate that. It's possible that Paul himself may have had some relation to hair. That's a study you can get into on your own. It's not necessarily germane to our purposes this morning, but it is possible even plausible. Read those who are of the household of narcissus who are in the Lord greet. Tryphena's and tryphosa who have labored in the Lord. This one makes me chuckle a little bit. Try Tina and try. These are names of women their names mean dainty and delicate but these women even though they were dainty and delicate. We're not afraid to roll up their shirt sleeves. They weren't afraid to get to work. They were servants in the body of Christ. They labored alongside of Paul and Paul knew of their work, even though they may have been dainty, even though they were delicate they were diligent workers for Christ and it was not lost on Paul. Read the Beloved purses who labored much in the Lord. Greek Rufus chosen in the Lord and his mother in mine and again another interesting one you can dig into on your own. Rufus is a name that we see earlier. It's possible. This could be the same Rufus. Who was the son of Simon the siren. And this is just a little bit of an interesting. It calls for some deductive reasoning.
But notice he says greet Rufus chosen in the Lord his mother and mine. There are some who have researched this out and believe that it's quite possible that the son of Simon the cyrenian Rufus and his mother may have hosted Paul during one of his missionary Journeys in Antioch, and let's get an interesting study you can get to on your own. Great afternoon, krytus play John hermis patrobas Hermes and the brother and who are with them fill a Lotus and Julia now, there's a name for you any but any expectant parents out there looking for good biblical names for your kids feel low logus. Fillo is brotherly love like Philadelphia. The City of Brotherly. Love logos is the word. This is obviously a man's nickname who was indeed a lover of the word. A know how that would be said of us that we would be people who would love the word so much so that it would become your nickname great villalovoz, Julia Darius and his sister Olympus and all the saints you were with him greet one another with a holy kiss the Churches of Christ greet you fall as extended personal greetings to these individuals some of whom we recognized some of whom we don't some of whom have an interesting history others are just hard to pronounce and you can enjoy the chuckle as I butcher their names, but what's the point why bother Paul knows of them some of them he's had past Ministry with some of them. He's only heard of their work, but Paul knows them. It's not lost on Paul their labor in the Lord Noah's Ark nor is it lost on the Lord? He knows of them. He's praying for them. He's written this letter to them so that they would be firmly established in Christian doctrine that they would not fall victim to the lies of the enemy. This is the church that is in Rome. The very heart of the Roman Empire. The Empire that at this point in time is hostile to the doctrine hostile to the Christian faith. He wants them to realize as we saw in chapter 8, but they don't fight for victory. They fight from Victory. He wants them to realize the Practical tools at their disposal and that they are not only able and capable but they are expected to live victoriously walking by faith. He longs to visit them personally and he's extending this personal greeting to them so that they recognize his great love for them.
He continues on. Now I hurt you brother and don't those who cause divisions and offenses contrary to the doctor and what you learned and avoid them for those who are such do not serve our Lord Jesus Christ, but their own belly and by smooth words and flattering speech deceive the hearts of the simple for your obedience has become known to all therefore. I am glad on your behalf, but I want you to be wise and what is good and simple concerning evil. His last instructions here are for them to pay attention. To wake up to note the troublemakers those who cause divisions the people who want to come in and argue over the inconsequential things. We talked about this the last couple weeks. People who are majoring on the minors and minor in on the majors making mountains out of molehills. They're always stirring the pot always seeking to cause controversy there this land or the gossips the backbiters. Can you believe what he said? Well, I heard that did you know? These are those who cause division. They take the contrary side simply because they enjoy the argument and enjoy watching The Fallout. They call themselves Christians, but they do not serve Christ. They serve their own belly their own appetite this would of course bring to mind the parable of the wheat and the tare. The landowner always symbolizes the father. He's got this good crop that's growing up and the enemy comes and he shows tears or weeds in the crop. And the servants say will should we go and pull up the weeds? Should we go pull up the tears and the landowner the father says no, just let him grow up. Harvest Time that's one will separate them because if we pull out the tears we might damage the week by their fruit. You will know them and of course by the tears, they look like wheat plant, but they don't actually produce any kernels. They don't actually produce any grain. They just robbed nutrients from the body of Christ. That's what Paul is saying here pay attention notice the fruits of those in your midst stay away from the people who are causing trouble who are sowing seeds of divisions. The gossips the Slanders the backbiters these people do not serve Christ. They serve their own lusts their own stomach.
We look at what a Christian is. Literally that word means a little Christ. These people have the nature of Christ are they being conformed molded shaped made into the image of him? Or do they just resemble the world? What is the fruit by your fruits? You shall know them don't be deceived don't be dragged into their device of Destruction. Pay attention have nothing to do with them. They're doing the work of the enemy. What is the work of the enemy? He is our adversary. He continually lobs accusations at the believer. When we make accusations against a brother or sister, you're not doing the work of Christ. He is our advocate. He stands Before the Throne making intercession for us day and night you doing the work of the enemy the adversary
Paul wrote to Timmy's explicitly about this specifically with accusations against the elders do not receive an accusation against an elder except from two or three witnesses. There are always people trying to cause problems. There are always people who maybe have misunderstood the situation or maybe they don't fully understand and they make accusations. They try to cause division try to get you to embrace their seeds of bitterness. Paul says pay attention don't get sucked in. He wrote to this also to Titus about those who like to stir the pot. Avoid foolish dispute dispute genealogies contention strivings about the law for they are unprofitable and useless rejected divisive man after the first and second admonition knowing that such a person is Warped and sending being self-condemned. When somebody comes to you and they want to pull you into their gossip to their slander to their device of wait, I can't believe they're going to think that while yellow would you believe that everybody knows that would be a sin to paint that wall. You'll be like relax You're barking up the wrong tree. Those people need to be warned, but after the first or the second admonition have nothing to do with them reject the divisive man. Pay attention. Don't get sucked in these people. Do not serve Christ. They serve their own flesh. They serve themselves their fleshly appetites. And if you're not careful, if you're not paying attention, you two will get sucked in. You can be led astray. If you're not careful, if you don't pay attention, and if you are not careful, you may stumble and fall. You'll be focused on the wrong thing.
Gary wants them to be wise concerning good and simple or ignorance concerning the things that are evil. He can men's them for their report card that reads. Well, you guys are doing great. Keep it up pay attention. Be wise concerning good. But innocent or ignorant concerning evil. And there are those. Who really work hard they want to know every heresy and every false teaching and they go way into the weeds trying to examine all the possible errors and and go way down these rabbit trails. And it's simply not necessary. I actually heard this before I share it to you again. The Secret Service is involved in for more than just protecting. The president are also responsible for our currency and making sure it is sound. I either responsible for detecting identifying and removing counterfeit currency from circulation. but every day thousands upon thousands of counterfeit coins and bills and her into circulation and there's no possible way that you could study all of the thousands of counterfeit currencies that come into circulation so that you would be able to identify them. They don't train them by hand. Having them handle the counterfeit. They train them by having them handle the genuine article by becoming so familiar with the paper that is printed on the ink that used every squiggle every line every Watermark the weights the density how it handles you handle the genuine article and then the counterfeit stands out in stark contrast. So too is the same with us. You don't need to worry about all the lies of the enemy. You don't need to worry about all of the ways in which the world is trying to deceive. You don't need to go down and try to understand them to the infinite degree. You simply need to handle the genuine article the word of God be so familiar with the genuine truth of the word of God that anything else that is slightly a half bubble off Plumb raises a red flag. Oh, that's not right. The truth the word says XYZ so clearly that guys off and left field. We don't need to worry about that. You handle the genuine article. You become so familiar with the truth of the word of God that everything else stands out by stark contrast. And if you are wise concerning good simple or ignorant concerning evil paying attention so that you're not let astray you can have confidence. You don't need to worry about the world. You don't need to worry about the enemy. You don't need to worry about your circumstances. You don't need to worry at all. He reminds them that the God of Peace will crush Satan under your feet shortly the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you. Amen.
Are you struggling with worry right now?
Are you overcome with anxiety with fear with frustration? Are you at your Wit's End wondering how in the world we can possibly continue? Feeling like the world's coming crashing down around you. There's peace to be had brother. There's peace at your fingertips sister. the peace of God Is what crushes the enemy?
Are you struggling in the storm straining at the oars floundering in the sea being tossed about in the wind and the waves?
You simply forgot who's in the boat with you? Just like the disciples did.
The disciples are at Sea. Jesus has told them he wants to go across to the other side. Remember. There were many storms. They were in there different types of storms have to save that for another day. But in this particular event, you can read about Mark Matthew Luke Mark for Matthew 8 Luke 8 Jesus is with the disciples in the boat and he's tired. Jesus got tired. He was fully man and fully God his Humanity cost him to get tired. He's asleep in the back of the boat. And there's a great storm that's raging the disciples are struggling after yours their floundering the boats taking on water and they start to panic. Jesus is asleep in the back of the boat. And finally they wake him master master don't you care that were perishing aren't you going to help us aren't you going to do something? He said oh ye of little faith.
He speaks to the storm. Peace be still. And immediately it's calm and quiet the disciples forgot who was in the boat with them just like we to forgets who was in the boat.
When the Outlook is Bleak what it's overwhelming when you're feeling like the waves are going to pull you under quit looking out. Remember the uplook remember who's in the boat with you fix your eyes upon him the author and finisher of our faith because he who has begun a good work in you is faithful to complete it unto the day of Christ Jesus. Jesus had given you peace. It's up to you to receive it. These things I have spoken to you while being present with you with the helper the Holy Spirit whom the father will send in my name. He will teach you all things and bring you to remembrance all things that I have said to you. Peace. I leave with you my peace. I give to you not as the world gives. Do I give to you let not your heart be troubled neither Let It Be Afraid.
God has given you peace. The question is will you remember to accept it? If libyans chapter 4 fall rights how they can do this rejoice in the lord always again. I will say rejoice let your gentleness be known to all men. The Lord is at hand be anxious for nothing but in everything by prayer and supplication with Thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God and the peace of God which surpasses all understanding will guard your hearts and Minds through Jesus Christ. The peace of God is at your fingertips and it's the peace of God that will crush Satan under your feet will crush the adversary but notice who it is that does the crashing. We're not going to have a seat and stumping service. We're not going to get all charismatic up in here. That's not how this works Genesis 3:15. I will put enmity between you and the woman. This is the father speaking to the surface during the curse. I will put enmity between you and the woman between your Offspring and hers he will crush your head and you will strike his heel it's the seed it's the promise. It's The Thin Red Line that runs from Genesis 32 revelation. 22. Satan is crushed and Jesus. The seed is the one who does the crushing. We have to remember that greater is he who is living in you than he who is in the world 1st John 4:4 you dear children are from God and have overcome them because the one it was in you is greater than the one who is in the world.
Did we forget that? far too often
we start to look out and we see our circumstances. We see the wind and the waves of the storm and we think there's no hope. But we forgot that Jesus is in the boat. This great Pinnacle from Romans 8. What Paul is trying to get them to remember what he has just written them a few chapters earlier? What then shall we say in response to these things if God is for us who can be against us you did not spare his own son, but gave him up for us all how will he not also along with him graciously give us all things who will bring any charge against Those whom God has chosen it is God who justifies who then he's the one who condemns no one Christ Jesus who died more than that it was raised to life is that the right hand of God and is also interceding for us who shall separate us from the love of Christ do trouble or hardship or persecution or famine or nakedness or danger or sword as it is written for your sake we Face death all day long. We are considered a sheep to be slaughtered. No in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us. Are you living life as a conqueror or are you living life drowning in a sea of Despair and anxiety is the wind and waves Roar about It doesn't matter what the enemy throws against you. It doesn't matter what the adversary says about you it matters who's in the boat?
Precede the grace of God.
Grace be with you all we talked a lot before about what Grace is great way to remember Grace is simply an acronym. It's a five letter word five is the number of Grace Grace God's riches at Christ's expense.
Are you living in the grace of God? Are you recognizing that you're walking in Victory?
Been truly you can experience the grace of God the riches of God because of Christ's expense.
John one speaks directly to this the word became flesh and made his dwelling among us. We have seen his glory the glory of the one and only son who came from the father full of grace and truth John testified concerning him. He cried out saying this is the one I spoke about when I said he who comes after me and surpassed me because he was before me out of his fullness. We have all received Grace in place of Grace already given for the law was given through Moses Grace and Truth came through Jesus Christ.
the grace of God poured out through the blood of Jesus Paving the way for you to have a relationship with a holy God sinful selfish horribly wretched me horribly wretched. You can enter boldly into the throne room of Grace because of what Jesus has done in our place and we can find help in time of need.
He concludes with some final greetings from those who are with him. Timothy my fellow worker Lucius Jason Sosa powder my countrymen greet you either she has who wrote this epistle greet you in the Lord? Gaius my host the host of the whole church greet you arouses the treasurer of the city Greece. You course, it's a brother the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all. Amen. He's standing personal greetings. He's letting the church in Rome that they're not alone. But even though the persecution is getting hot but circumstances are getting rough that there are people elsewhere fellow brothers fellow sisters scarf praying for them to send their love who send their greetings know when it says either she has who wrote this letter to her. She isn't claiming to be the author he's what we would call in a man she winces he's he's the Scribe. Remember Paul has this pretty serious our problem. He doesn't see very well as some of the letters he writes with his own hand and he uses great big giant letters sure. She uses the amanuensis for the Scribe who wrote this at Paul's dictation butter. She is throwing in his own little. Hay I say hello to
Any closes with this benediction? Now to him who is able to establish you according to my gospel in the preaching of Jesus Christ, according to the revelation of the mystery kept secret since the world began. Now there's a lot in this and we could spend probably an entire Sunday. Just unpacking this alone. You say please don't you've already gone long enough. We're getting close. I promise. This is in Praise of God the capital H. There should give that away if nothing else but he himself is the one who's able to establish you according to the gospel preaching of Jesus Christ. And then we have this revelation of the mystery kept secret since the world. Began. What is that mystery what is this Revelation the church itself the body of Christ the Holy Spirit dwelling the people of God not just coming along side of not just empowering for a time as in the Old Testament, but actually indwelling the people of God. The body of Christ itself is the great mystery and it is Jesus himself who establishes who upholds and who brings to fruition the body of Christ.
Got to him. He was able to establish you according to my gospel the preaching of Jesus Christ, according to the revelation of the mystery kept secret since the world began, but now made manifest and by the prophetic scriptures made known to All Nations, according to the commandant of the Everlasting God for obedience to the faith to God Alone wise be glory through Jesus Christ forever. Amen. He's closing here with a benediction. Benediction is just simply good speech but it's far more than that. It's a blessing in parting it. It's the utterance of good wishes. It's a formal pronouncement. A good app on your hearers are your readers?
He's reminding them of who establishes them of who upholds them up who sustains them how they entered into this relationship which was through the acceptance of the Gospel. He gives them this word of encouragement. You guys are doing great. Keep it up. You can do it. God is established you he's giving you everything necessary.
And he will keep you and to him be the glory forever.
What clothes here this morning with a benediction for you?
May the Lord bless you and keep you may he make his face to shine upon. You may be gracious to you. It may give you peace Father. We thank you for your word. We thank you for the promises it contains. We thank you for your Holy Spirit who dwells within us who gives us everything necessary for victorious living?
father help us Do not lose sight of why we are here. Help us to not lose sight of what you have called us to be your ambassadors. Father help us to look for to recognize to see the opportunities for the good works that you have prepared beforehand in advance that we may walk in them Father. May you give us the boldness to Courage the strength to step out in faith that these opportunities father let us not wallow in self-pity or misery at the state of our circumstances help us to recognize that all these things work together for our good because we are the called and we do love you. Father let us not lose heart help us to remember who is in the boat with us. And help us to bring you the glory and you the owner now and forever. Amen, hope you have a great week. You like prayer. Come on up. Otherwise, we'll see you Wednesday.