The LORD your Healer
The LORD your
Exodus 15:2229
• Israel is delivered and worships God on the bank
of the Red Sea (15:1-22).
• Now, it’s time to begin the 3-day journey (3:18;
5:3; 8:27).
• First of 5 impossible circumstances: Bitter Water,
No Food, No Water, Military Crisis, and Civil
A Need Unmet (15:22-24)
• Leading by Following
1. “Moses Made”: to drive out, to pull out with great
2. Moses was simply following (Exodus 13:21-22)
3. Wilderness of Shur: Large area, away from the coast,
hot, arid, and mountainous
• Leading into Disappointment
1. First, the Israelites were unable to find water.
2. Once the Israelites found water, it was unpotable
(bitter in taste and bitter to the soul).
3. Israel Grumbles – recurring spiritual amnesia
A Test Disregarded (15:25-26)
• God Supplies the Need
1. God used Moses – the man they were grumbling against
2. God used a Mechanism – as an aid to faith (he wanted
them to see a difference)
• God Reveals Their Hearts with His Test
• God Unveils His Purpose
1. God is a Teacher – following Him means eager listening
2. God is Compassionate – God preserves those who listen
3. God is Trustworthy – God both tests and supplies.
4. God is a Healer – God intends to fix our hearts.
Safety Supplied (15:27)
• Marah was apparently unsuited for a long-term
• God shows what His purposes were all along –
the people find an oasis.
• A disturbing absence hangs over the scene –
No Gratitude. This is an entitled people who
always think they know more than they do.
1. Israel’s repeated failures point us to God’s
ultimate provision (John 7:37-38)
2. God often leads us straight into impossible
situations to reveal us to ourselves and to
highlight God’s provision (John 6:16ff).