1 John 4:19....Why I love Him
1 John 4:19....Why I Love Him
He was the first to love us: this thought ought to create in us love casting out fear
God first loved us and made a relationship with him possible
He proved His love at the cross. Christ died that we might live “through” Him (1 John 4:9), “for” Him (2 Cor. 5:15), and “with” Him (1 Thes. 5:9–10
The perfecting of God’s love in our lives is usually a matter of several stages. When we were lost, we lived in fear and knew nothing of God’s love. After we trusted Christ, we found a perplexing mixture of both fear and love in our hearts. But as we grew in fellowship with the Father, gradually the fear vanished and our hearts were controlled by His love alone. An immature Christian is tossed between fear and love; a mature Christian rests in God’s love
We cannot claim we love God and then show that we hate our brothers. This only proves one thing: we are liars.
God commands us to love one another