Finding Hope pt1
Since God resists the proud and pours his grace upon the humble, “therefore” believers should humble themselves. By humbling themselves they will experience God’s grace, for God bestows his favor on those who acknowledge their need of him. The humbling enjoined probably means that they are to accept the suffering God has ordained as his will instead of resisting and chafing against his will while suffering
When Peter said they are to humble themselves under God’s “mighty hand” (krataian cheira), he used an expression that is associated particularly with God’s delivering Israel out of Egypt (e.g., Exod 3:19; 32:11; Deut 4:34; 5:15; 6:21; 7:8, 19; 9:26; 11:2; 26:8; Dan 9:15). Just as the Lord delivered his people from Egypt, so he would vindicate his people in Asia Minor who suffered. The image of a mighty hand emphasizes the power of God. Believers humble themselves before a mighty God, the all-powerful one. Humility should not be seen as the ultimate goal here. Those who humble themselves before the Lord will be exalted
The participle should be understood as an instrumental participle, and it explains how believers can humble themselves under God’s strong hand. Seeing the relationship between the main verb (“humble yourselves,” v. 6) and the participle (“casting all your anxiety upon him,” NASB) is important because it shows that giving in to worry is an example of pride. The logical relationship between the two clauses is as follows: believers humble themselves by casting their worries on God. Conversely, if believers continue to worry, then they are caving in to pride
Worry is a form of pride because when believers are filled with anxiety, they are convinced that they must solve all the problems in their lives in their own strength. The only god they trust in is themselves. When believers throw their worries upon God, they express their trust in his mighty hand, acknowledging that he is Lord and Sovereign over all of life. As Goppelt says, “Affliction either drives one into the arms of God or severs one from God
Giving our anxiety to God makes eminent sense “because he cares for you.” God is not indifferent, nor is he cruel. He has compassion on his children and will sustain them in every distress
the devil’s aim is not to comfort but to terrify believers. He does not want to deliver them from fear but to devour their faith. Peter warned believers to be vigilant. The roaring of the devil is the crazed anger of a defeated enemy, and if they do not fear his ferocious bark, they will never be consumed by his bite
Believers must remain vigilant and alert until the very end because the devil seeks to destroy their faith
Resistance, then, is not passive but represents active engagement against a foe. Believers will not triumph over the devil if they remain passive
No, resisting the devil means that believers remain firm in their faith, that is, in their trust in God. Believers triumph over the devil as they continue to trust God, believing that he truly cares for them and will sustain them until the end. Perseverance until the last day is accomplished from first to last by faith
As Goppelt says, their sufferings “are not the personal misfortune of individuals, but belong to the essence of faith and are signs of its power against evil. Even more, they are signs that faith is sustained through grace