Healing The Lame Beggar
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Acts 3:1-16
A supernatural wind, a supernatural fire, a supernatural event where foreign languages are spoken and understood, and now these supernatural signs and wonders being preformed by the apostles.
The miracles are important because they validate the apostles as true teachers. There were many rabbis and teachers during this time, NONE capable of what the apostles were demonstrating.
You remember what Nicodemus said to Jesus back in John 3 verse 2? “We know You are a teacher come from God.” How do we know that? Because no one can do the things You do unless God is with Him. And if God is with You, then we can trust what You say
But lest we forget the reasoning behind the miracles may we remember, that they were ONLY used in the 1st Century, and they were ONLY used to put a stamp of authentication upon the message of Jesus Christ. And the healings within the NT were notably, not for people within the church or assembly of believers. There is not one instance of a healing done for a NT believer in the church. We DO see however, many instances where NT believers have become sick and prayers are asked for concerning them.
The gate Beautiful, all the temple gates were magnificent to one degree or another. But Josephus tells us, the Jewish historian, that this one was larger than the rest. 75 feet high, 60 feet wide. It took 20 men to open and close it. It was made of Corinthian brass with adornments and thick, rich plates of Gold. Josephus says it’s more adorned than any other gate. People would want to go in that gate because of its beauty, because they would think it represented the favor of God…
We shall see:
1. The Description of the Beggar
2. The Desire of the Beggar
3. The Deliverance of the Beggar
4. The Determination of the Beggar
Acts 3:1 (NASB95)
1 Now Peter and John were going up to the temple at the ninth hour, the hour of prayer.
Peter and John were fishing buddies… They were the first to come running to the empty tomb of Jesus… and we see them together on many unique occasions in the NT this being one of them.
3pm… same time Jesus cried out on the cross ‘It Is Finished’
A time of prayer… a time of worship.
1. The Description
1. The Description
2 And a man who had been lame from his mother’s womb was being carried along, whom they used to set down every day at the gate of the temple which is called Beautiful, in order to beg alms of those who were entering the temple.
The man:
Lame / Crippled
Brought to this same spot each day
In great need
2. The Desire
2. The Desire
3 When he saw Peter and John about to go into the temple, he began asking to receive alms.
4 But Peter, along with John, fixed his gaze on him and said, “Look at us!”
5 And he began to give them his attention, expecting to receive something from them.
He calls out: “Alms! Anything to give? Alms? Alms?”
If you ever need a reminder that the gospel is not about silver and gold, look no further than this passage
There is a great horde of teachers across the globe but uniquely it seems in the US that teach God’s financial blessing upon your life.
Christ did not come for your wallets to be filled with coins and paper… or for you to live in mansions grow money on trees!
In Luke 16 the Pharisees were described as ‘lovers of money’ and in the very next verse Jesus tells them: “God knows your hearts; for that which is highly esteemed among men is detestable in the sight of God.”
3. The Deliverance
3. The Deliverance
6 But Peter said, “I do not possess silver and gold, but what I do have I give to you: In the name of Jesus Christ the Nazarene—walk!”
7 And seizing him by the right hand, he raised him up; and immediately his feet and his ankles were strengthened.
Look upon ME!
In life are we not distracted by great riches and pleasures and waste our eyes looking at a square idol in our phones and TVs.
Christ says look upon me! Look upon me for healing!
You cant be truly / genuinely / eternally healed by any singular item this world has to offer!
When someone passes away we understand this great truth.
You call your friends until you run out of numbers to call…
You post on Facebook to receive warm comforting thoughts
You may visit the grave where your loved one was placed in the ground.
But at the end of the day that wound still remains!
They say time heals all wounds. But time can leave the nastiest scars.
Christ says, look to me. Look to me.
It’s not us that were alive, but it was us in that grave. No amount of time can heal a rotted corpse.
For we were dead in our trespasses and sins, but have been brought to life by the blood our Jesus the Christ
As the beggar we may literally say, nothing in my hands I bring, simply to the cross I cling
4. The Determination
4. The Determination
8 With a leap he stood upright and began to walk; and he entered the temple with them, walking and leaping and praising God.
9 And all the people saw him walking and praising God;
10 and they were taking note of him as being the one who used to sit at the Beautiful Gate of the temple to beg alms, and they were filled with wonder and amazement at what had happened to him.
The man is filled with joy
Isaiah 35:5–6 “5 Then the eyes of the blind will be opened And the ears of the deaf will be unstopped. 6 Then the lame will leap like a deer, And the tongue of the mute will shout for joy. For waters will break forth in the wilderness And streams in the Arabah.”
John 15:11 “11 “These things I have spoken to you so that your joy may be made complete.”
God is praised
This man knew where the healing came from
In the very place where worship and sacrifices were given, he praises God!
Jesus promised doom upon the temple, that not a stone would be left. But Gods presence would forever remain with those whose faith is in Him
The people are amazed
They weren’t saying: “Did he fool us?”
Acts 4:16 The Council said concerning Peter and John: “16 “What shall we do with these men? For the fact that a noteworthy miracle has taken place through them is apparent to all who live in Jerusalem, and we cannot deny it.”
So here are the verbs in the story: carried, asking, expecting, seizing, standing, walking, leaping, praising, clinging. There’s the story. It’s all carried by the verbs.
To whom do we go for truth?
First Jesus… then the apostles… then to scripture. It is our plumbline, it tells us the correct path to rightousness
A man was healed and presumably gave his life to Christ.
Could there have been more? men / women / jews / gentiles / priests / servants
We’ll look at Peters powerful message he preached next week
Does God heal? He can if He wants.
He answers prayer when He chooses to. We’ve all seen that.
But is there a gift of healing? No. That was apostolic. What is important is the message.
The work of a Christian is far greater than just making life a little more bearable for people… it’s to proclaim the deliverance they can obtain through Christ