God Has A Plan F.R.O.G
The Way • Sermon • Submitted • Presented
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Last week we weren’t able to be here, but if you follow us on social media, We posted a video about what I was going share and that its that Jesus knows you. God might be a stranger to you, but you are not a stranger to God, He knows you better than you know you, He sees you no matter where you find yourself, wether you’re are struggling, growing, thriving, depressed, grieving. God sees and wants to help. Continuing on that this week I want to talk about God’s Plan for you. God’s got a plan for you. Not only does He know you and care for you, but He wants to help and lead you and so He’s Got a plan for you.
How many of you think about your future and what you want to do or be?
High Schoolers, how many of you know what you want to do after school?
How many of you are not sure what you want to do after High School?
Okay and how many of you actually consider want God wants for your life in considering the questions above???
The reason I ask, is because my hope and prayer that your time here in Fredericktown, MO, and even more specifically your time here being a part of Calvary Students is not a waste. BUT getting to be here, hearing God’s word, building relationships, serving others would be a huge benefit to you. And it benefiting you in the fact that you understand God loves you so much, and the life that He wants for you is better than you could ever come up with. That you would understand that following God is so much more worth it than following yourself, or this world.
So please here me when I say……
God’s Has A Plan for You!
God’s Has A Plan for You!
Maybe you’ve heard that before but you never really believed it or considered it to be true. Read this with me as Jesus leads some regular guys to believe His Way is better.
After John was arrested, Jesus went to Galilee, proclaiming the good news of God: “The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God has come near. Repent and believe the good news!”
As he passed alongside the Sea of Galilee, he saw Simon and Andrew, Simon’s brother, casting a net into the sea—for they were fishermen. “Follow me,” Jesus told them, “and I will make you fish for people.” Immediately they left their nets and followed him. Going on a little farther, he saw James the son of Zebedee and his brother John in a boat putting their nets in order. Immediately he called them, and they left their father Zebedee in the boat with the hired men and followed him.
Jesus coming up to these guys and asking them to follow Him, and they leave their boats, their jobs to follow Jesus.
You might think, these dudes are crazy they are leaving their jobs to follow this guy that has no intention of paying them to work for Him.
Just for record if you have a job, I am not saying that you have to quit your job to follow Jesus, now if your job is keeping you from following Him, or you are being asked at work to do things that don’t reflect God and His character, then I think that’s a good reason to stop that job and find something else.
The point His the disciples believed that following Jesus was far more worth it than following their plans.
So when it comes to God’s plans for your life, I want to help you maybe better understand His plans for you.
His plan for you is more relational than it is directional.
His plan for you is more relational than it is directional.
Just as Jesus wanted these guys to walk with him, learn from him, He wants that for you and I. His will and His plan for you is to be with Him.
Jesus gives directional terms here to His disciples, but again the directions were pointing to Him “COME, FOLLOW ME,” “I WILL MAKE YOU,”“FISH FOR PEOPLE”
There are times where God gives directions, yes, but just about every time there is a relational factor. God is drawing people closer to Him.
Yes God wants to lead us, God wants to direct us but where is He leading us and where is He directing us. He direct us to be with Him. It’s all about relationship with Jesus.
God’s plan for you is for you to be in relationship with Him.
God’s plan for you is for you to be in relationship with Him.
When we realize His plan for us is to be in relationship with Him it frees us. It frees us from trying to figure it all out. This is the goal. To be with Him. To Abide in Christ.
In this passage when Jesus says follow me right? If someone asked you to follow them how would you respond?
You and I would probably respond by where are we going?
We are so often worried about the direction we are headed we don’t want to get lost, SO here is what I am getting at to go back to the questions I asked you at the beginning. sometimes we get stressed out and we are like God where do you want me to go, and God what do you want me to do? I believe God is saying follow me. Maybe for the first time, or maybe you have been following Him, and He is saying just follow me, learn from me, and go and live like me.
When we, deny ourselves, our way, and walk with Jesus daily we will always be going in the right direction, we won’t get lost when we stay, when we remain, when we follow Jesus. He will open up doors, He will close doors, He will give you desires. He will help us speak what we need to speak, He will lead us to pray how we need to pray.
“A young woman may ask God to direct her to His plan and believes college is part of that plan. But halfway through college, she falls ill and must spend the next two years in a convalescent home. Is she now out of God’s plan? Not if her heart is set to obey Him. In that convalescent home, she meets a young man who becomes her husband. They both love the Lord and desire to serve Him and believe that His plan for them is the mission field. They begin preparation, but halfway through the training, she becomes pregnant with a high-risk pregnancy. Did they miss God’s plan? Has the Lord abandoned them? Not at all. Because of their experience caring for a child with special needs, they are able to minister to other families with similar needs. Their mission field looks much different from the one they had envisioned, but it is God’s plan for them. They are able to look back and see His hand in every turn along the way.”
Jesus gives directional terms here to His disciples, but again the directions were pointing to Him “COME, FOLLOW ME,” “I WILL MAKE YOU,”
God’s plan for you is for you to be relational with others.
God’s plan for you is for you to be relational with others.
God wants us to follow Him, to live like Him, serve like Him, so that others will see the good you do, and recognize God in you. Jesus calls us to be relational so that they will know He is relational. That He wants a relationship with them. By God’s grace they follow Jesus and the family of God, the Kingdom of God grows bigger and bigger. God calls us to be a part of community that is honest and helpful to our spiritual walk.
God’s plan for you is not like a smooth path, but an adventurous journey.
God’s plan for you is not like a smooth path, but an adventurous journey.
What I mean by that is following Jesus is a daily thing,
“God’s plan is rarely a straight shot to a visible goal. His plan requires of us a journey……and that journey may be filled with detours, sudden stops, and confusing turns. But if our hearts are set to obey Him in all that we know to do, then we will be in the center of His will every step of the way.” - GotQuestions.org
and there are going be times and moments where we mess up. We drop the ball. Our pride gets the best of us or we are just tired and we don’t.
Justin, reminded me of John 21. After the Jesus had risen from the dead, the disciples were in a bit of a discouraging funk, things didn’t go the way they had planned. Jesus had died, the person they were following, but Jesus shows up, and He doesn’t disown them, or condemn them for going fishing again, and for them to being in a weird season, but He reminds them first, that He is with them, and He reminds them of the call the plan, the purpose that they get to be a part of that is so much bigger than them. TO carry on what Jesus started, with His Spirit, His strength and Power to see the Kingdom of God expand, and how the good news of Jesus would change and save life after life.
Follow Jesus. Join the journey He wants to take you on.
Follow Jesus. Join the journey He wants to take you on.
- It is the greatest thing you will ever do. Sure there will be moments you struggle and question, doubt, but when you abide in Him, follow Him.
Thank Jesus for being with you and guiding you on your journey.
Thank Jesus for being with you and guiding you on your journey.
Share your discouragement, anxiety, fear of the future, struggle, with the Lord and with others.
Share your discouragement, anxiety, fear of the future, struggle, with the Lord and with others.
Let others come along side to help you. When you hide that is when you will hurt.
Give God control.
Give God control.
Give God control of the areas of your life you so desperately want to hold on to. Jesus is better. The disciples gave up their way of life to follow Jesus’ and His way of life.
Psalm 62:5–12 (NLT)
Let all that I am wait quietly before God, for my hope is in him.
He alone is my rock and my salvation,
my fortress where I will not be shaken.
My victory and honor come from God alone.
He is my refuge, a rock where no enemy can reach me.
O my people, trust in him at all times.
Pour out your heart to him,
for God is our refuge.
Common people are as worthless as a puff of wind,
and the powerful are not what they appear to be.
If you weigh them on the scales,
together they are lighter than a breath of air.
Don’t make your living by extortion
or put your hope in stealing.
And if your wealth increases,
don’t make it the center of your life.
God has spoken plainly,
and I have heard it many times:
Power, O God, belongs to you;
unfailing love, O Lord, is yours.
Surely you repay all people
according to what they have done.