Joshua part 8
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pass the invisible football
make a choice and stick to it
make the right choice
Conquest completed 11:1 13:1
Conquest completed 11:1 13:1
northern Canaan is conquered by Joshua
the rest of the conquest is summed up rather than told in detail like other cities so far
the point of the book of Joshua as we bring our study to a close
the conquest is also not complete
before he dies, Joshua will tell everyone which part of the land is theirs which becomes like half of the book
despite the fact that Joshua is unable to finish the work, God says that he will go with the people and drive out their remaining enemies
just as Moses was not able to finish the work but only bring them to the Jordan, so Joshua must pass the torch on as well
A God who keeps his promises 21:42 22:10
A God who keeps his promises 21:42 22:10
the beginning of this saga was with Abram
God promises many things and here many of them have come true
there are other gods and things of that nature that people turned to then
there are other gods and things that people turn to now
but here we see nearing the end of Joshua’s story and the story of the land of promise, a stark difference between our God and those others
one who not only makes promises with men, but throughout so many generations, keeps his word
Application 24
Application 24
the beauty of scripture is that God keeps his promises even though as we see in the next book, people do not keep theirs
God did all that he said he would eons ago and he is not done with even all of those things he said then
but man will time and again claim to follow him and then turn away from him on a whim
when we see some of the things that are hard to wrestle with in Joshua and Judges that make the less informed say there must be two different gods in the old and new testament
if we see the whole picture it makes a bit more sense
God offers his creation over and over again a life with him
and even the ones who follow him the most reject him time and again
make a choice and keep your word