Becoming Bold before your God
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Luke 11: verse 5-8
Title - Becoming Bold before your God
my wife has been complaining that I am starting to act too childish.
She says that since we had our first son all I keep doing is playing kids game
she really gave it to me the other night and slammed the bedroom door
as she walked into the living room.
I thought it was brave of her considering the floor was still lava.....
Q. What is boldness?
boldness is confidence and fearlessness to act
we needed to borrow eggs from our neighbor on Christmas..
took a little boldness...
then My wife and I needed a certain sized pan
and thats where I drew the line....
“Im not asking my neighbor for their cooking pans!
I was not bold enough to do that
Were going to read of another example similar to these from the scripture
And Jesus is going to teach us a valubale lesson
that will help us to become bold before His throne.
And He said to them, “Which of you shall have a friend, and go to him at midnight and say to him, ‘Friend, lend me three loaves; for a friend of mine has come to me on his journey, and I have nothing to set before him’; and he will answer from within and say, ‘Do not trouble me; the door is now shut, and my children are with me in bed; I cannot rise and give to you’? I say to you, though he will not rise and give to him because he is his friend, yet because of his persistence he will rise and give him as many as he needs.
Prior to this , Jesus taught his disciples how to pray.
Now Jesus gives His disciples a parable
In this parable or story ,,,we hear about a man
who needs to borrow bread from a friend in the middle of the night
He needs the bread to feed another friend who has just come from a long journey
cultural context- very embarrasing to have nothing to feed your guest.
So embarassing that He went to another friends home
at midnight
and woke him up to ask for some food.
Q. If your buddy came and knocked on your door at midnight and asked for a couple of frozen pizzas,,,,, Are you giving them to him...
Probably not
Give him the same reaction.
No way man…scram.
The man in the parable has children sleeping in the same bed.
You can especially feel this if you have young kids.
I have a 2 year old at home and if he wakes up in the middle of the night im in trouble....
He is not going to give his friend bread because they are friends
because His friend is persistent and shameless in His request
The greek word used for persistance is more accurately translated
as impudance---this reflects a unashamed and bold action
Because the man was bold and willing to
go to his friend at midnight…
He was heard and blessed
Q. If this neighbor responded well
to the bold request of his friend in need
How much more will our heavenly father
be gracious to you when you approach His throne with boldness.
As we approach His throne
we must remember 3 things.
the 1st
We must Identify our need for Jesus
We must Identify our need for Jesus
The man in this parable had a need for bread
This led Him to boldly and unashamedly
knock on his neighbors door at midnight
Q. What are your needs right now?
Many of you dont bring your needs to God
because you dont think He cares.
But im here to tell you He does.
He cares more about your needs than you realize.
Look at the birds of the air, for they neither sow nor reap nor gather into barns; yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not of more value than they? Which of you by worrying can add one cubit to his stature?
Nothing is too big, nothing is to small.
God cares about every detail of your life
and He wants to talk with you about it
Even if its in the middle of the night.
especially if its the middle of the night
Do any of you have trouble sleeping at night.
Its probably because your worried about something....
this is a perfect example of Identifying your need for Jesus
and bringing it to Him boldly in prayer.
our 2nd point to approaching Gods throne with boldness is
Come to Him with confidence
Come to Him with confidence
In order to be bold before God in prayer
we need to have confidence in Him
Let us therefore come boldly to the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need.
Why can we come boldly before God with great confidence?
Because we have a God who
understands us
He took on flesh
He never sinned
and He went to the cross to restore our relationship with God.
Were not just bothering a friend at midnight
Were going to our father in heaven who sent His son to die for us
because of His great love.
Many times we doubt God.
but more often what keeps us from prayer
is that our confidence is not in Him
but in our self.
When my confidence is in Him
I can come boldly to His throne
Because I know ----HE is for me
I Know He is my provider
I know Ephesians 3:20
Now to Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us,
Exceedingly, Abundantly, and above
thats a trifecta of amazing adjectives
and what does it say
He is able to do even more than what we ask.
I remember boldy asking God to put me in the church He wanted me in
I remember telling Him I need you to show me clearly.
The first day I went to this church The preacher was preaching from the same chapter I was reading that morning
And the song that they closed with was the same song that was randomly stuck in my head
And then a short while after I found myself in the midst of this thing called school of ministry
And God is doing more than I could have imagined.
If we believe this, we can stop relying on ourselves
and approach the throne with confidence
This leads us to our last point in approaching the throne with boldness
Expect results
Expect results
The man in this parable was bold and persistent
His friend finally decided to give Him what he asked for
How much more will God respond to you
in Gods response
you will always get one of 3 answers to your prayers
yes, no, and wait.
Regardless of what answer we get ...
We should expect God to move in mighty ways
and trust Him even when He says no.
you can have mighty faith that God is going to move on your behalf
And you should have great faith that He will
but dear friends, if He does not answer the way had hoped for it does not jeopardize
His goodness, His ability, or His Love
in the same way it does not mean your faith was weak
many people believe that they cant expect mighty results
its because if you did have faith
and God answered no
then God didnt hear me....or didnt care
Brothers, sisters
He hears you and He cares
even when You get called to suffer
Dont let your fear of Him not answering your prayer
keep you from believing He will.
so how do we pray in a way that expects results
We should echo the heart of meeshach, shadderach, and abendego.
If that is the case, our God whom we serve is able to deliver us from the burning fiery furnace, and He will deliver us from your hand, O king. But if not, let it be known to you, O king, that we do not serve your gods, nor will we worship the gold image which you have set up.”
They believed He was able
Believed He would
Believed He was for them
even if His answer was no
We need this confidence and boldness
to come to God in prayer
we first need to recognize our need for Jesus
We must then come to Him with confidence
and finally we need to expect results.
maybe you have been very vanilla in your prayer life
Will you be willing to come before God with boldness
And expect Him to move mightily in your life.
Lets pray
Lord maybe there is someone here who is going to become bold enough to start a relationship with you