Relationship Has Its Privileges
Words & Works of Jesus • Sermon • Submitted • Presented
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Do you remember the old American Express Credit Card marketing campaign?
Membership has its privileges.
You don’t see a lot of Amex cards or advertisements for them any more. Visa, MasterCard, Discover, they all took over the market. Maybe the privileges weren’t worth it.
That is the one card you have to pay off every month.
It is a great card to start young adults off w/. In fact, they almost gave them away to every college grad back when we graduated in ‘82.
Here’s a twist on that marketing campaign. Relationship has its privileges.
What I mean is, the closer the relationship, the more it has to offer.
We just got back from a long week in HI w/ the kids and grandkids. Our first real big family vacay, ever. Sara and I hope that this will be a regular thing. Maybe not annually. But w/ some regularity.
These trips are great for family relationships. Maintaining them and strengthening them. Families all have their issues. So, by doing relationship things like this it makes it easier to deal w/ the stuff we have to deal w/.
There’s no way our kids could afford to take a vacay like this. Young, just getting started in their career, and for Jason 2 young kids at home.
So, this is something Sara and I decided to do for them.
We paid for their airfare, the condo, and a Suburban. So, at the very least there were in HI for a week. We went to Costco for groceries and everyone chipped in. We could cook in every meal.
But, if any of them wanted to go out for anything, that was on them. We got them there and gave them a place to stay. But anything above that it was on them.
At the very least, we could walk to the beach everyday. Okay. It’s Feb. Snowing here. And we were in the sun and surf for nothing extra.
We did some extra things. Had some fun. Went out to eat. Drove around and saw the sights. But whatever anyone did while we were out was on them.
We had a great time. Played lots of games. Enjoyed the stay w/ everyone out there.
Some of you do the same for your family. We got the idea from Sara’s parents. We couldn’t afford vacays when our kids were young.
We preparing for braces, buying or renting instruments. Alyssa played the marimba. It’s in the percussion family. We rented one and it dominated our living room. Jason played the sax. But he also played guitars, several of them. Acoustic, electric, bass, and he played a mandolin. Jared was the French Horn. Not cheap.
They all played sports. Baseball or softball. Basketball. And some football. That meant fees, shoes, cleats, uniforms, gloves, bats, bags, balls, and travel expenses.
Young families have to make choices and most often vacays are what gets folded into other things. Like travel tournaments.
Later we could afford a camper and a Suburban to pull it. But, when the kids were young, we didn’t take vacays. Except when Sara’s parents took us along.
They were understanding and generous. They wanted a rel. w/ their grandkids and us. So, they took us on a Disney Cruise, ski trips to Sunrise and in Utah, and we did a Mexican all-inclusive, among other things.
Good family relationship building fun. But, we were able to do b/c we already had the relationships. We are family.
The stronger and better the relationships, the more we will do together. And, the fewer the rules we will have between each other. Good relationships don’t need a lot of rules. A few good ones, but not many.
I like all of you. We’re friends. I’ll buy any of you lunch. I’ll buy all of you lunch. Not all at the same time. But, I’m not going to pay for you to come on vacation w/ us. Sorry. We don’t have that kind of relationship.
We could go on one together. We do that w/ friends. But, everyone is paying their own way.
Relationships have their privileges. Different relationships have different privileges.
And of all the relationships we can have, none are more important, better, potentially stronger, more valuable, and beneficial than the relationship we can have w/ Jesus.
Jesus has a great relationship w/ His Father. That has its benefits and privileges to Him. And He passes those privileges on to us.
As children of God, we have advantages and privileges that give us opportunities to live peaceful and abundant lives.
We are not on our own in this life. There is only so much we can afford. But God is gracious, He provides resources and opportunities we otherwise would not have access to without the relationship He makes possible.
This principle comes from an event in the bible that has to do w/ fishing and paying taxes.
It’s written about in Matthew 17, Mark 9, and Luke 9. We are spending our time in the Matthew passage this morning.
First, I need to set the context. We’re in a section of the gospels where Jesus has shifted into high gear preparing the discs to lead the church after He’s gone. They will face some very difficult situations. Doubts and questioning key truths would be expected. So, everything He can do to assure them that He is Who He says He is and He can do what He says He can do in a significant deposit in their bank of faith.
Let me set the immediate context before we get into the passage this morning.
Jesus has shifted the focus of His ministry from primarily Jewish, to including everyone equally. No longer would anyone have to become Jewish to be right w/ God the way they did during the OT.
The time is coming when the only thing anyone had to do to be right w/ God is have faith in Jesus. Not just believe He is Who He says He is. But accept what He did on their behalf to so that Jesus can do waht He says He can do for them. That is, save them. Anybody. Regardless of nationality, background, accent, country of origin, last name, ancestry, or even religious affiliation.
Jesus will save anyone who comes to faith in Him to do it.
Shortly after this shift, Peter confirms he and the discs believe Jesus is the Messiah. They correctly ID’d Him as the only One who can save them. Sent by God to pay for their sins.
Jesus promised to build His church on faith like this. He will use faithful ppl to do it.
And, He told them, once someone is saved, then they will discover what it means to be a follower of X. The relationship requires sacrifice. Faith alone establishes the relationship. Nothing has to be done to be saved, just believe. But, for the rest of our lives we learn the rewards and ramifications of this relationship.
Jesus said, to be a follower, we must deny ourselves what we want and pursue what Jesus wants for us. PU our cross daily and follow. Give up our life to get His. And His is much better than ours.
From their Jesus took them up on the mountaintop where Peter, James, and John witnessed Jesus’ transformation. The glory of God shown out from w/in Him. He morphed. Changed physically. And Moses and Elijah met Him there to talk about what was about to happen.
There, the 3 disciples saw the greatest evidence that Jesus is Who He says. He is God. The glory of God showed out from w/in Him. And, they saw 2 men who’d been dead centuries who were still alive. They’d been somewhere else until that day. They returned there after.
Still, w/ all they experienced and saw. Jesus knew they’d question big things when they faced tough times. So, the more he could do to build up their faith in Him before He left them the stronger they’d be and better able to w/stand the trouble they’d face.
So, from there, Jesus had a private lesson for Peter. He would be the leader of the 12 and the first leader of the early church. So, he got a little special attention and experienced and event that would strengthen him for later.
Peter learned when Jesus led him to do something, then he could look a gift fish in the mouth.
It started when the temple leadership tried to bait him.
Tax Collector tried to Bait Peter
Tax Collector tried to Bait Peter
After Jesus and his disciples arrived in Capernaum, the collectors of the two-drachma temple tax came to Peter and asked, “Doesn’t your teacher pay the temple tax?”
“Yes, he does,” he replied.
When Peter came into the house, Jesus was the first to speak. “What do you think, Simon?” he asked. “From whom do the kings of the earth collect duty and taxes—from their own children or from others?”
Moses instituted a temple tax when Israel was wandering in the wilderness after they left Egypt. He did it to help offset the costs of building the tabernacle in the portable temple. The portable temple was tent where God met w/ Moses and taught him about leading the ppl.
God was specific about the furnishings he wanted in the temple. Included in that, they were to made of precious metals. They would have been expensive to build.
Remember, after the plagues, the Egyptians were so eager for Israel to leave so the plagues would end, they paid them to go. Literally, they gave them their entire wealth. So Israel left Egypt as the wealthiest nation on earth.
The ppl had money. But Moses needed to institute a tax so the ppl would share the expense of providing for a place where God could meet w/ Moses for their benefit.
So it was req’d that every Israelite over the age of 20 pay 2 drachma annually. 1 drachma was about 1 day’s wages. Everyone paid 2 days wages annually to the temple for construction, furnishing, maintenance, repairs, staff salaries, animals for sacrifice, etc.
The tax was instituted and only to be taken while the tabernacle was under construction. Once they settled in the PL the tax was to sunset.
Today, congress will pass and enact temporary taxes that are supposed to sunset, that is, end and no longer be collected. The problem is, once Congress gets used to spending our money, they can’t seem to stop. So, they hardly ever let temporary taxes stay temporary.
That happened in Israel, too.
After the Babylonian captivity, when Nebuchadnezzar invaded and exiled Israel, when the Persian king allowed Israel back into the land, they had to rebuild Jerusalem, the wall and the temple. It was all destroyed by Babylon.
The temple leadership, rabbis, re-imposed the tax to rebuild the temple. The revenues from this traditional tax paid for things like animals for the sacrifices, staff salaries, inspectors of the sacrificial animals ppl brought to the temple, copyists, bakers, the women who kept the temple linens clean, supplies, and repairs to the temple. There was more to be done in the temple this time around and it cost more to do it.
To refuse to pay this tax would not lead to being accused of violating the law. It was a violation of their traditions. God did not institute this tax. The leadership did. And this is further evidence that they had elevated their traditions to a point equal to and above the truth of the law.
Shortly after arriving at Capernaum, Peter was confronted by temple tax collector apparently b/c neither he, nor Jesus had paid their annual tax.
The collector asked, “Doesn’t your teacher pay the temple tax?”
the form of the question that the collector used did not call for an affirmative answer, such as Peter gave, but rather implied doubt. He assumed the answer t/b ‘no’.
Rabbis were not req’d to pay the tax. Jesus was widely recognized as a rabbi. So He should have been exempt from the tax anyway. But they were looking for whatever they could find to accuse Him and discredit Him.
Peter was questioned only about Jesus, not himself or the other discs. It is possible and quite probable that the prompt appearance of the tax-collector was set-up, a sting. It appeared to be part of their strategy to alert Jesus’ enemies and involve Jesus and Peter in a breach of recognized obligation, or reveal Him to be a radical trouble-maker.
But Jesus always obeyed the commands of the law as God intended them to be obeyed. And He obeyed the tradition when necessary and appropriate. Peter did not need to ask Jesus. His immediate response was that Jesus does pay the tax.
By answering in the affirmative, Peter surprised the tax collector and headed off a potential and unnecessary but nasty confrontation between Jesus and the Jewish leadership.
Jesus then took advantage of this situ to teach Peter and important lesson about the privileges of a relationship.
Jesus was going to fulfill the law on the cross. That meant, the law would officially end. The temple leadership tried to keep it in affect w/ their traditions.
But as the temple leadership continued down that path, Peter would lead the church down a different path where relationships mattered much more than rules.
As believers in Jesus, we are children of God, and exempt from the rules religious leaders may try to impose. Jesus made this point next.
Jesus Cut that Bait
Jesus Cut that Bait
“Yes, he does,” he replied.
When Peter came into the house, Jesus was the first to speak. “What do you think, Simon?” he asked. “From whom do the kings of the earth collect duty and taxes—from their own children or from others?”
“From others,” Peter answered.
“Then the children are exempt,” Jesus said to him.
You know the adage, sometimes you keep fishing w/ the bait on your hook. But, if the fish aren’t biting and it’s time to go a different direction, then it’s necessary to cut bait and go.
Jesus cut the bait the tax collector tried to entrap Peter w/.
Peter came into the house, implying that Jesus was not w/ him when tax collector confronted him. Before Peter could say anything about it to Jesus, Jesus asked Peter a question. Jesus knew already exactly what had happened and why. He asked Peter, “What do you think? From whom do the kings of the earth collect their duty and taxes - from children or others?”
W/ this Q Jesus was referring to the prevalent practice of the day of requiring conquered people to pay duty and taxes to support the conqueror. The people of the conquering country were exempt from the tax.
The Romans levied taxes on the conquered provinces to support their infrastructure and gov’t so that Roman citizens might be free from the obligation.
The family of the king was also exempt from any taxation obligation. The king would not tax his own son nor the citizens of the kingdom.
Peter recognized immediately the point Jesus was making. He responded to Jesus’ question by saying, “From others.”
He was correct and Jesus went on to say that the sons certainly were exempt from any financial obligation to the king.
This tax that the tax collector confronted Peter w/ was to support the temple, which was the house of Jesus’ Father. He, as God’s Son was exempt. So also were associates. That is b/c the association is relation. By that relationship, believers are also citizens of God’s kingdom, therefore exempt from this tax.
They held, and we hold, a privileged position and the King provides all we need to live in His kingdom.
This was similar to the affirmation Jesus made in the beginning of His ministry when He went into the temple and ran off all the money-changers and vendors taking advantage of worshipers in the temple courts.
The temple is Jesus’ Father’s house and it is a place of prayer and worship.
Jesus then took advantage of the situation to strengthen Peter’s faith in Who He is by performing a fun and off the wall sort of miracle. But, it demonstrated Jesus’ ability to print or mint money, that is provide what Peter needed and control nature by involving Peter in an activity he loved to do.
Peter went fishing and caught more than just a fish.
Peter Baited His Own Hook
Peter Baited His Own Hook
“But so that we may not cause offense, go to the lake and throw out your line. Take the first fish you catch; open its mouth and you will find a four-drachma coin. Take it and give it to them for my tax and yours.”
Jesus could have refused to pay the tax. But He did not wish to offend the leadership in that way at that time.
How ironic! They were plotting to kill Him and He did not want to offend them.
More irony! Jesus kept their tradition even though He didn’t need to. They broke God’s law, which was more important than their tradition, b/c they wanted Jesus murdered.
This was too minor of an issue for Jesus to use it to create a large disagreement. They would have had grounds on which to accuse Him and reject Him even though it was only their tradition He would have broken. Jesus was always careful not to allow them any grounds to reject Him, but the truth.
He never did anything to break God’s law as it was originally intended which would give them the opportunity to accuse Him. He told Peter that they would pay the tax. And, He chose la creative way to do it.
Jesus commanded Peter to go fishing. He was a fisherman. And fishermen don’t need a command or excuse to bait a hook and wet a line. It was his profession. He was good at it and enjoyed doing it.
Peter, being the obedient disc that he was, went fishing.
Matthew does not even record the actual miracle, but it is implied and assumed. The miracle was not the emphasis at all in this passage. The miracle was only to authenticate the message that Peter had received from Jesus. Jesus said that He was exempt from the temple tax b/c He is the Son of God.
To prove that He is the Son of God He performed a miracle and Peter had more evidence and could know for sure.
How does this happen?
We watch AGT when there’s a magician. What they do isn’t magic. It’s a trick.
What Jesus did wasn’t magic, it wasn’t a trick. It was a miracle.
Jesus commanded Peter to go fishing. He caught one fish. And that one fish had a 4 drachma coin in its mouth. Jesus told Peter to then go and pay the tax for both of them. In this way Jesus also demonstrated His submission to the ruling authority.
If Jesus commanded Peter to go do it, it is safe to assume it happened exactly that way even if Matthew didn’t record it.
It was a miracle. We might want details. But the miracle and its details are not the point. Only the Son of God could appoint a fish to bite Peter’s hook. And that fish would be the only one in the sea that had a coin in its mouth. And that coin just happened to be the exact amount Peter needed to pay their tax responsibility.
The miracle wasn’t the point. The point is Jesus is the Son of God as He says He is. He has control over nature, like fish. He can print or mint whatever money we need and place it in a fish’s mouth.
And if He says go fishing and you’ll find a coin in the fish’s mouth, you’ll catch that fish and find a coin in its mouth and it will be exactly what you need.
We don’t need any more details that this.
A relationship w/ Jesus has its privileges. He will provide for us whatever we need to live in His kingdom, which includes this life on earth. We will get what we need, not necessarily what we want.
Jesus offers abundant life, not abundant wealth until we get to heaven. There’s not going to be a coin in the mouth of every fish we catch. Maybe not in any fish we catch.
But, do you know what the abundant life that a relationship w/ Jesus includes?
According to Ephesians 1,
We always have hope. No matter how tough today’s situ is, tomorrow will get better.
We are heirs to God’s fortune. Waiting for us in heaven is wealth beyond measure.
We have strength, power to have the courage to always do right things in bad times. The very strength that raised Jesus from the dead exists in us.
Jesus said in Acts 1:8
But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.”
The HS is a down payment on the vast principle that awaits us.
He moves in the moment we come to faith in Jesus. And He brings w/ Him fruit, gifts, and guidance.
Is this true? Can Jesus do this? Well, Peter saw at the transfiguration the glory of God that shined out from w/in Jesus. Peter caught the fish that Jesus appointed to hold the coin that was the exact amount to pay their taxes.
How much more faith did Peter need? How much more faith do you need? It doesn’t take much t/b saved. How much faith does it take to face and survive your toughest test? Exactly as much as you have.
Children are exempt. The relationship we have w/ God has privileges. Jesus made that point in a fun way that confirmed to Peter that Jesus would provide all that he needed.
This is what He does for us. We are exempt from almost all the rules. Good relationships only need a few rules. And our relationship w/ Jesus is as good as any can be when have that kind of faith in Him.
Jesus will give you the desire to do what He wants you to do.
Sometimes we get the idea that when we become Xians we have to give up all that we like and enjoy and a life following Jesus will be all sacrifice and drudgery.
It’s not. At all. Just like Peter enjoyed fishing, Jesus will give things to do we enjoy doing. He will give you a desire to do what He wants you to do.
When we deny ourselves, we give up our desires. But then Jesus will change our desires to be what He desires for us.
Enjoy your walk thru life w/ Him. That is what’s meant to be.
Jesus will provide whatever we need to live our lives as He calls us to live.
He may not provide much of what we want. But we will get all of what we need. He may not give us the mega lotto numbers. But there may be a $20 hidden in something you find that you didn’t expect.
Relax. You’ll get what you need. Watch for God’s creativity in providing it.
Good relationships require few rules.
You know this from your own family. The better relationship you had w/ your parents when you were growing up, the fewer rules they placed on you.
If you were rebellious, you got more rules.
You’ve also probably heard this adage: Rules w/out al rel lead to rebellion. Truth. If there is no relationship in a family, work setting, or gov’t; and they place a heavy burden of rule on the subordinates, then the subordinates will most likely rebel. it’s a given.
Also, A rel w/out rules will lead to ruin. We all need a few rules. Murder is always bad, never do it.
Adultery, stealing, lying; also always bad. Honoring your parents; always good. Maybe a few more.
Place your priorities on the relationships you have and you will need very few rules to enforce. Life will be much more peaceful and rewarding.
Relationships have their privileges. Different relationships have different privileges.
And of all the relationships we can have, none are more important, better, potentially stronger, more valuable, and beneficial than the relationship we can have w/ Jesus.
Jesus has a great relationship w/ His Father. That has its benefits and privileges to Him. And He passes those privileges on to us.
As children of God, we have advantages and privileges that give us opportunities to live peaceful and abundant lives.
We are not on our own in this life. There is only so much we can afford. But God is gracious, He provides resources and opportunities we otherwise would not have access to without the relationship He makes possible.