Examination of Conscience for Children
To prepare for the Sacrament of Confession, we must think about the 10 Commandments. As we think of the Commandments, we ask ourselves if we have faithfully kept each one.
I. I am the Lord your God. You shall not have strange gods before me.
Do I pray regularly?
Do I make anything or anyone more important than God?
Have I placed faith in horoscopes, Ouija boards, tarot cards or fortune telling?
Do I put my trust in superstitions or good luck charms, rather than God alone?
Have I rejected any Church teaching or denied that I was a Catholic?
II. You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain.
Have I used the words “God” or “Jesus” in anger or irreverently?
Have I shown respect for holy people, things and places?
Have I wished evil on another?
III. Remember keep holy the Lord’s day.
Have I missed Mass on Sunday or any holy day of obligation through my fault?
Do I arrive at church late or leave early?
Do I try to be reverent and pay attention during Mass?
Do I participate at Mass?
Do I avoid unnecessary work on Sunday?
Do I make Sunday a day of prayer and rest?
IV. Honor your father and your mother.
Do I obey my parents?
Do I treat them with respect?
Am I willing to help around the house or must I be nagged?
Do I try to get along with my brothers and sisters?
Am I a tattletale or bully?
Do I give a good example, especially to younger siblings?
Do I respect others in authority: priests, nuns, teachers, police, baby-sitters?
V. You shall not kill.
Do I beat up others or hit or hurt their bodies?
Do I say cruel things, or make fun of others?
Am I mean to others who are different or weaker than me?
Do I encourage others to do bad things?
Do I try to love all people, born and unborn?
VI. You shall not commit adultery.
Do I treat my body with purity and respect?
Have I seen television shows, movies, or pictures that are not pure?
Do I tell jokes or listen to jokes or music that are inappropriate?
Do I dress and act immodestly?
VII. You shall not steal.
Have I taken things that were not mine from a store or another person?
If I broke or damaged something, did I fix or replace it?
Do I return things that I borrow in good condition?
Did I cheat on my homework or tests?
VIII. You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor.
Have I always told the truth?
Am I honest in my school work?
Have I said anything hurtful about anyone?
Do I tell lies to make myself look good or make another person look bad?
Do I tell lies to protect myself from punishment or get another in trouble?
Was I quiet about something when I should have spoken up? (sin of omission)
IX. You shall not covet your neighbor’s wife.
Do I allow my parents to spend time with one another, or do I get jealous?
Do I get mad when I have to share my friends?
X. You shall not covet your neighbor’s goods.
Am I jealous or envious of the things or abilities that others have?
Have I begged from family or friends for what I want?
Am I thankful to God and my parents for what they have given me?
Do I share the things I have with my family, friends and poor people?