Examination of Conscience
1. I am the Lord, your God, you shall have no other gods besides me.
Have I doubted God’s existence? Have I denied my faith in thought, word or deed?
Do I make a god out of my work, my possessions, or my image in the eyes of others so that these rule my life instead of God?
Have I tried to grow in the knowledge of God through daily prayer and scripture reading?
Have I neglected prayer over a long period of time or grown lazy in the attendance of mass and the sacraments?
Have I denied that I was Catholic?
Have I ever dabbled in the occult or placed faith in horoscopes, Ouija boards, channeling, tarot cards or fortune telling?
Have I refused to accept any specific teaching of the church in faith and morals?
Do I share in the apostolic and charitable works of the church and in the life of my parish?
2. You shall not take the name of the Lord, your God, in vain.
Have I used God’s name irreverently either in anger or in jest?
Do I curse others, deliberately wishing evil upon them or asking God to bring misfortune upon them?
Have I deliberately called upon God to witness the truth of what I knew was a lie? Have I said, “I swear to God,” when I knew it wasn’t true?
Have I deliberately cursed or ridiculed God, the Church, Mary, the saints, or sacred places or things?
Have I laughed at jokes or films that treat God’s name irreverently?
Have I spoken falsely under oath, for example in a court of law?
3. Remember to keep holy the Sabbath.
Have I allowed myself to become so dominated by my work or chores that I have not set aside Sunday for spiritual and family activities?
Have I attended mass every Sunday and holy day of obligation?
Have I had sufficient respect in church for the Eucharistic presence of the Lord?
Have I received any sacrament while I was in a state of mortal sin?
Have I observed the fast of one hour before receiving communion?
Have I received communion at a non-Catholic church?
Have I practiced full, conscious and active participation at mass?
Have I made a sacrilegious confession by purposefully concealing any mortal sins?
Am I presumptuous about God’s mercy for me? Do I believe that I am saved simply because I love God?
For extraordinary ministers of the Eucharist:
Have I persistently distributed Holy Communion when I knew I was in a state of mortal sin?
Have I been careless in the distribution of Holy Communion?
4. Honor your father and your mother.
For children:
Have I been disobedient or disrespectful toward my parents?
Have I neglected to help my parents in their needs?
Do I feel hurt and react proudly when I am corrected by my parents?
Do I do my household chores?
Do I quarrel with my brothers and sisters?
Do I take part in family prayer?
For parents:
Do I do everything possible to look after the spiritual and material well being and formation of my children?
If one of my children were to receive a divine vocation to God’s service, would I welcome it and encourage it?
Do I avoid taking it out on my children when I am tired or in a bad mood?
Do I obey lawful authority, civil and church? Do I teach my children to do likewise?
Do I harbor short term or long standing resentment toward my own parents?
Do I blame my own parents for my shortcomings?
5. Thou shall not kill.
Have I been directly or indirectly responsible for the death of another or serious injury to others, either by evil intent, neglect or recklessness?
Have I ever struck anyone in anger intending to injure them?
Do I easily get angry or lose my temper?
Do I allow myself to be dominated by the passions of anger, hatred, envy, jealousy or desire for revenge?
Have I ever had an abortion or have I ever advocated abortion, either through my opinions in conversation or by actively assisting someone in procuring an abortion?
Have I ever endangered myself or the life of another person through the taking of drugs or the abuse of alcohol or by reckless driving?
Have I tried to kill myself, not respecting the life that God has given me?
Have I practiced artificial birth control? Have I avoided educating myself on the church’s teaching about artificial birth control?
6. You shall not commit adultery.
Have I engaged in improper physical relations prior to or outside of marriage?
Have I given my mind over to lustful thoughts or fantasies?
Have I indulged in self pleasure?
Have I gone to places of entertainment which I know to be obscene or immoral?
Have I looked at pornography or watched indecent movies or television shows?
In conversation, have I told or enjoyed lewd or obscene jokes or stories?
Have I exposed others to grave sin by immodest dress or actions?
Do I strive to grow in love and affection toward my spouse?
7. You shall not steal.
Have I taken anything that did not belong to me?
Am I extravagant in my expenses to the point of incurring debts I know I may be unable to repay? Am I living beyond my means?
Have I been irresponsible and neglected the needs of my family by wasting money on gambling and betting?
Have I been dishonest in the payment of my taxes or in the submission of expense accounts in my business?
Have I wasted time and cheated my employer by not doing a full day’s work for my wage?
Did I deliberately overcharge for something I was selling?
Have I paid a fair wage to my employees?
Have I been faithful to my promises and contracts?
Did I purchase or accept as gift goods which I knew to be stolen?
Did I pirate software, music, movies or other computer systems?
Have I obtained money or goods by deceit or fraud?
Have I purposefully failed to return something that I borrowed?
Did I willfully damage another person’s property?
Am I generous in giving to charity? Do I support needy and worthwhile causes?
8. You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor.
Have I taken away someone’s good name by falsely accusing them of something evil or unnecessarily revealing personal information or past actions?
Have I indulged in gossip? Have I encouraged others to gossip?
Have I told lies, to avoid embarrassment, to get out of awkward situations or to make myself look better?
Have I revealed or leaked confidential information of a professional nature?
Have I condoned prejudice and hatred toward people of another nationality, race or religion?
9. You shall not covet your neighbor’s wife?
Have I sought the affections of another’s spouse?
Have I contemplated infidelity to your spouse?
Have I upheld the dignity of my spouse in all circumstances?
Have I rejected my family in my heart, wishing to distance myself emotionally and personally from them?
10. You shall not covet your neighbor’s goods.
Do I compare myself with others in terms of wealth, status or financial security?
Am I jealous of the personal qualities of others or envious of their possessions or success?
Do I practice Christian detachment by not craving after the most recent fads or developments?
Do I complain when I lack comforts?
Do I keep my finances in order and exercise proper stewardship over what is mine?
Do I support my church sufficiently and give generously to the poor?