Humility for Elevation (2)

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Humility for Elevation

Welcome Everyone- Connect Cards
Freedom Night this coming Friday
The prophetic word that God has spoken over this house in 2024 is that this will be a year of Elevation. A year where we will climb to the mountain of the Lord. Psalms 24-3-4 says who will ascend the mountain of the Lord? Who may stand in his Holy Place? The one who has clean hands and a pure heart,
This is year where we will climb to the Holy Place of God with clean hands and pure hearts to be Elevated by God. Moses climb up and when came back down he wasn’t the same, Jesus went up the Mountain and He was transfigured, and those that were with Him witnessed something supernatural
The Biblical definition for Elevation is to lift up, to promote, to put in a higher place.
This is the year where God will lift you up from your struggle, this is the year where will lift you from your sorrow and turn it into joy, this is the year where God will elevate you in your job, where he will elevate you in your finances, youre marriage goes from the brink of divorce to the best year of your lives, this is the year where God elevates your spiritual life to another level.
God told Moses, come up to the Mountain. And God gave Moses showed Moses His glory, God elevated Moses from an unkown shepard to one of the greates prophets of Israel. And this is what we are believing for in 2024.
Today I want to talk to you under the title, HUMILITY FOR ELEVATION.
Open your bible with me to the book of 1 Pet. 5:6
“‭‭Humble yourselves, therefore, under the mighty hand of God, so that he may exalt you at the proper time,“
The word Humble in the greek is Tapinoo which means to abase, to bring low.
Websters defines Humble as:
: not proud or haughty : not arrogant or assertive : reflecting, expressing, or offered in a spirit of deference or submission a: ranking low in a hierarchy or scale : INSIGNIFICANT, UNPRETENTIOUS
I came to tell you this morning, the way is by getting low.
There is no other person in the world who has embodied humility, better than Jesus. He is the ultimate example of Humility.
‭‭Philippians‬ ‭2‬:‭6‬-‭9‬ ‭CSB‬‬ “who, existing in the form of God, did not consider equality with God as something to be exploited. Instead he emptied himself by assuming the form of a servant, taking on the likeness of humanity. And when he had come as a man, he humbled himself by becoming obedient to the point of death — even to death on a cross. For this reason God highly exalted him and gave him the name that is above every name,”
Do you see what is happening here?
Just like 1 Pet. 5:6 exalted or elevated comes at the end of each verse.
The bible says that although Jesus was in the form of God he did not exploit that. He didnt exploit His divine authority even when He had the right to.
He emptied himself. What did Jesus empty himself of? He Emptied Himself of Himself. The bible says that although He was in the form of God, He instead took a form of a servant. From a throne to a manger, from a Prince to a servant, from the son of God to the son of man a carpenter.
We all have heard the saying, you are full of yourself, when referencing a self-center & conceited person.
God cannot fill vessels who are full of themselves.
Humility empties us of ourselves so that God can fill us with Him.
If you are full of yourself God cannot fill you, its not until your empty of yourself that God can fills you.
If we want to be filled with God we have to be empty of ourselves. This is why fasting is so important for the Chirstian life. Fasting empties you of you, because its humbles you.
Going back to our key verse in Peter, it says HUMBLE YOURSELVES.
I want to give you a few practical ways how you can Humble yourselve.
Recognized that you are proud. That is the first step of being humble. If you thought to yourself, I’m not proud. Let me tell you something, that the first sign that you battle with pride.
We see it in the verses we just read, Obedience. Jesus was obedient to God to the point of death. The word obedience in the Greek mean submissive. Todays culture does not value submission, rather it promotes individualism. Let me ask you this. How purposely and actively do you work on submission to those whom God has placed as authorities in your life?
Confess your sins. All of us sin and fall short of the glory of God. However, very few of us have a routine practice of rigorous self-honesty and examination.
Acknowledge your sins to others. It’s easy to prentend that everything is okay, its hard to be vurneable. Humility before God is not complete unless there is also humility before man. A true test of our willingness to humble ourselves is willingness to share with others the weaknesses we confess to God.
Be okay with correction and feedback. Feedback brings growth. Dont get offended when correction and feedback is given. Be thankful for it, because it will make you grow.
Be okay with a lowly place. If you find yourself wanting to sit at the head table, wanting others to always recognize you, or your always wanting to be the star, the center of attention then pride is present. Aim to support others being recognized, rather than you.
Choose to serve others. When you serve others it reduces the focus of yourself and builds the kingdom of God.
Be quick to forgive. Is there anything else more humbling than forgiving someone they did you wrong and you want to repay? Forgivness releases you of that retalition. Forgiveness is denial of self.
Speak well of others. When we speak negatively of others what we are attempting to do is put that person down so we be one up. So we can look better, so we can shine. Chose to edify with your words not to break down with your words.
So the bible tells us to Humble ourselves, UNDER THE MIGHTY HAND OF GOD.
The best place where you can be and stay Humble is under his might hand.
Being under His mighty hand will never allow you get big headed, or to think more of yourself than you should.
Being under His mighty will keep you low.
But being under His mighty Hand also means that you have His protection, that you are under His power, you are under his favor, you are under his love, you are under His Grace.
Being under the MIghty hand of God you’ll find everything that you need.
And finally it says in due time He will exalt you. Or in others words if we’re translating from the Greek in His perfect time He will Elevate you.
These two words “Due Time” make up one word in the Greek which is KAIROS.
Kairos means the right or critical moment.
So many times we make moves AWAY FROM THE mighty hand of God, we attempt to make our own moves only to find to fail and turn and blame God for our failures. We try to elevate ourselves, to try to be revelant or make a name for ourselves, try to showcase our talents, our abilities our calling.
But its not your Kairos yet. Its not the right time yet. Its not a critical moment yet.
Listen your Kairos will always be alined with a critical moment. A critical moment in your life, a critical moment in someone else, a critical moment in History. ELEVATION IS NOT JUST FOR YOU, ELEVATION IS FOR SOMEONE ELSE, THAT WILL BE IN NEED IN THEIR CRITICAL MOMENT AND YOU WILL BRING THEM UP WITH YOU.
You cannot rush the Kairos of God, you cannot prematurely give birth to the Kairos of God. The Kairos of God is an appointed time.
The Kairos of God is never too late, the Kairos of God is never too early, The Kairos of God is the perfect time.
Kairos also speaks about seasons, I came to tell someone today going through a difficult season stay humble, stay under His mighty hand your Kairos is coming. Your time or promotion is coming, your time of elevation is coming.
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