Romans 14
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Paul is addressing the “strong in faith” These people understand spiritual freedom and were not enslaved to diets or holy days. the “weak in faith” are immature Christians who feel obligated to follow rules about what they eat and when they worship.
the weak Christians are judging the strong Christians and the strong Christians are resenting it.
1] God Accepts us (vs. 1-3) Acts 10:44-48, 11: 15-18 P
It is not our responsibility to decide the requirements for church fellowship. To set up man made restrictions on the basis of personal prejudice or even convictions is not following the guideline of scripture. we should not fight about such things, but instead cooperate.
2] God sustains His own (v.4)
all servants (believers) will be judged by their master (Jesus). It is wrong to interfere with this relationship
3] Jesus is Lord (vs. 5-9) John 21:15-25
not to be doing things in church based on a prejudice or whim. that would also include Spiritual things having to be fair
4] jesus is judge (vs.10-12) 1 COR 8:1
we also should’n”t be condemning each other
we sould be about blessing each other
5]Christians affect each other (vs.13-15)
If a strong Christian has knowledge, but not love, His knowledge will hurt the weaker brother
6] Christians must have priorities ( vs. 16-18)
7] Christians must help each other grow (vs.19-21)
8]Christians must not force their opinions on each other (vs 22-23)