The First Worship Revolution

The Roots of Worship  •  Sermon  •  Submitted   •  Presented
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Genesis 4:25–26 NASB95
25 Adam had relations with his wife again; and she gave birth to a son, and named him Seth, for, she said, “God has appointed me another offspring in place of Abel, for Cain killed him.” 26 To Seth, to him also a son was born; and he called his name Enosh. Then men began to call upon the name of the Lord.
Thesis: To show us the importance and attitude required to call on the Lord when it is not the norm of your environment. In essence, what revolutionary worship involves.
Revolution means there is a dramatic change in the way something happens.
Here worship is seen in the phrase “calling on the Lord”, and it is certainly part of the roots of early worship to GOD. It is an intentional proclamation of GOD and outreach to him to respond to something in ones life.
In our passage today Moses informs us of that in a certain time period, men BEGAN to call on the Lord. The fact that it began tells us that things were different beforehand. That ought to lead us to question “Why weren’t people calling on the Lord?” “How long had they not been?” “What caused people not to?” “And what changed?”
We can’t answer any of these questions without reviewing Cain’s history. Pay close attention to how Moses writes this account, after God and Cain’s conversation and God punishes Cain, verse 17 says he had sexual relations with his wife.
Wait, what? Often people read chapter 4 with two assumptions, that Cain and Abel were Adam and Eve’s first two children, and only children during this time. There’s no evidence that these were their first two. Also, Genesis 5:3-4 says Adam had other sons and daughters. So, Moses is spotlighting certain children so we can see God’s promise and purpose unfold.
The Social Context
Prior to this change in people reaching out to GOD, Moses shows how society was being shaped by Cain and his descendants. Thus, the social context is necessary to understand.
Industrious (v 17, 20)
Verse 17 also says that Cain founded a city. Which means as he wandered the earth looking for satisfaction and acceptance, it led him to be more industrious. Industrious being absorbed in working hard. And through blood, sweat, tears, and time, he built an entire city and dedicated it to the name of his son Enoch.
This thirst for industry continued to his 4th great grandson Jabal, who was a traveller raising livestock. He wasn’t moving livestock or cattle because he loved to travel with them, cattle became important for transportation of goods, skins for tents and clothing, and ultimately trade and agriculture. He dwelt in tents as he traveled. The fact that Moses says he was the first to do so leads to the next societal norm.
Innovative (v 21, 22)
Verse 21 says that Jubal, Jabal’s brother, was the first to play the harp and flute, thus he trailblazed musical instruments. Then we see that his half-brother Tubal-cain was craftsman in the first iron and bronze age of the world. All this showing that society was growing in innovation.
Application: We see this same thing today. Innovation is on blast. Looking to do things faster, more efficient, and at lower cost. Well there is nothing new under this old sun.
Independent (v 16)
Now in general, there’s nothing wrong with being industrious and innovative. We see the same traits in God’s people throughout history. When does it become a problem? When humans become absorbed in such societal norms without GOD! Look back at verse 16, we see that GOD banished Cain, but it was Cain’s fault for not heeding God’s correction. Cain left the presence of GOD. And when anyone makes that decision, one is attempting to live life independent of GOD.
Immoral (v 19, 23-24)
Now watch what happens, when this independence from GOD follows generations. People become more and more immoral. This is highlighted in what Moses records about Lamech, Cain’s 3rd great-grandson. He had two wives, which is polygamy. He murdered two people for hurting him. And then pridefully gave himself an upgrade of Cain’s protection against vengeance. See, Cain didn’t know how to process his shame and pain, here it is he has passed down the same attitude and behavior to his descendants.
Confront Social Norms
Now, Moses doesn’t provide any years details with Cain’s descendants. But from chapter 5, we learn that for 235 years, these things were shaping the society. What does it take to call on GOD in this environment?
In God’s Purpose
It is in the midst of all this going on that Adam and Eve have another child name Seth. They recognized that he was the child that God’s purpose and promise would be carried out in, hence why Eve says another seed in Abel’s place. Again, this is highlighting three sons. Not general offspring, else Cain would have been considered her seed as well. But this is focusing a particular seed of Eve, Seth. He has Enosh, and THEN, people began to call upon the Lord. Things changed for his family.
Application: To have revolutionary worship begins with being IN the purpose of GOD. Establishes affront to society.
In Tune with:
For them then, and for us now, to call upon the Lord, particularly when it’s not popular. It’s not the norm. There two overarching realities we must realize.
God’s nature
We must realize God’s nature. That includes all we looked at with Adam and Eve in the garden, that GOD is, he is powerful, he provides, he purposes, and he performs! Furthermore, with respect to calling on him, his nature is that he hears!! He also will respond according to his will!
Our need for him
We must also realize our immense need for him. If I know I need GOD to live, I don’t want to leave his presence. I can’t work or innovate on a grand scale without him. I need his direction and power to resist immorality.
Invite GOD In
Once we truly realize who GOD is and that we can’t exist or operate without him. That should drive us to open the door of our souls and invite GOD into every space of our lives. I am proclaiming that GOD is and he is my GOD, and I am his child. And whatever I need in my life, at any and all times, instead of attempting to be and do everything for and by my own power, I will call on GOD on whom my life depends!!!
Conclusion: How are we moving in this current environment? I think society needs to see a shift from the norm, and true worship lifestyles. People who call upon the Lord even when it’s unpopular!!
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