S.O.A.P - Ro 1:20
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For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes, both His eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly seen, being understood through what has been made, so that they are without excuse.
What Paul is saying here is that there is no excuse for not being aware of God’s existence. This is because he has revealed himself through creation.
Now how has God revealed Himself through Creation?
Through design!!
There is a famous argument for God’s existence called the teleological argument (teleological being a fancy word for design). One form of the argument goes like this:
Every design has a designer
The universe has highly complex design
Therefore, the universe has a designer
Now what do I mean by the universe has a highly complex design?
Well, it seems like that certain dials were set just right to allow for us to be here. These are what we call anthropic principles.
Essentially, there seems to be someone monkeying around with the universe. Or the Universe be acting kinda sus
The percentage of oxygen in our atmospheres is 21%. If it were 25% fires would spontaneously erupt if it were 15% we would all suffocate.
If the gravitational consent were changed by 0.000000000000000000000000000000001% our sun would not exist and neither would we.
There are many many more examples but the point is clear. The conditions of our universe seem to be fine tuned for life.
For us, we can have great confidence that God has created and designed the universe. And this knowledge is available to everyone.
lets pray!!
Thank you lord for your marvelous creation. That you have made it possible for us to be here. That through creation you have made yourself known and it has allowed us to see how just how powerful and brilliant you are.
Please help us to appreciate the complex design and the beauty of the world around us.