What Are you Afraid of?º

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Ushers please come on down
(i’ll pray over offering)
Who’s Ready to be set free this morning?
whew its good to know the church showed up in this building this morning!
Today were not going to have church. Today were going to have Revival
But first, lets handle business
Radiant meeting
2/10 @1030..?
Work out Group yesterday met, if you want to be a part of that join Cyndi Carpenter in the good work she is doing.
Dont have a date
Mens Meeting 2/16? @630
This wed we are finshing our series Awe of God. If you have missed the other weeks, thats fine come join us.
2/14 wed night we will be having a change of service, a little game night here at the church, small fellowship for those interested in coming on out
Who was that ready to be set free this morning?
I wanna take an unorthodox moment, and ask Has God done something for you recently?
I wanna ask you another question here, Has God used you for anything recently?
Let me ask you something else, Has your life been shipwrecked recently?
Who’s ready to be set free and anointed this morning?
The Boy who Knew
There was a young man who had a journal, one of his jornal entries read like this, “ I dont want to live my life now and die later, I want to die now, to live on forever later.” A very wise statement, and way of living for a young man, some would say wise beyond his years. Except it wouldnt be years. Because later that summer tragedy would strike this young man’s family.
Him and His girlfriend went out on a date to a theme park, they would both get on this ride and just like any other ride, it would go and fun would be to had, until all of a sudden in a moments notice, things began to go very terribly wrong, The cart this couple was in began to malfunction and this malfunction would lead this cart to being disconnected to the tracks plunging this young man and his girlfriend into a very tragic mishap. The young man in this accident died, while the girlfriend with many injuries would survive.
He may have died, but before this he had already died, died to self, giving himself to the Lord, for when this day came he entered into Eternity with the father. And although his family suffered great loss, he recieved a great reward. Even today he is with the Glorious Father in heaven now. If we can only adopt his belief of dying to self today, in order that we may live on in Glory with him too forever.
This is half of the account of an doctrie called the blessed hope, found more profoundly in Titus 2 12-13
Titus 2:12–13 NIV
12 It teaches us to say “No” to ungodliness and worldly passions, and to live self-controlled, upright and godly lives in this present age, 13 while we wait for the blessed hope—the appearing of the glory of our great God and Savior, Jesus Christ,
Paul also teaches on this idea of dying to one’s self to also Live in Christ
Romans 6:8 NIV
8 Now if we died with Christ, we believe that we will also live with him.
what this is saying is that we died to sin, it’s hold on us, it no longer has us captive.
Romans 6:14 NIV
14 For sin shall no longer be your master, because you are not under the law, but under grace.
Blessed hope is the assurance of those benefits that come to us, like that of heaven, and the coming of Jesus again, Jesus said
John 14:1–3 NIV
1 “Do not let your hearts be troubled. You believe in God; believe also in me. 2 My Father’s house has many rooms; if that were not so, would I have told you that I am going there to prepare a place for you? 3 And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with me that you also may be where I am.
Here’s the thing, there is a room for you, a place where Jesus is preparing a place for you. But about the time you come to that place no one knows the hour.
but before we stay here lets back up.
Because I glossed over a place many in this world feel stuck.
Sin having no more hold on us. Yet it feels like sin has a great hold on our lives. Our path’s are crossed with it every day.

How to find the dignity to die to self, and Live FULLY in Christ

dignity or honor, or worthless to die to self but more so to live in Christ.
Flip to Matthew 25 with me, and while you are doing so, i want to ask you if youve ever done what I have. Its more so of a confession than anything. This year, the day after thanksgiving we got out all our christmas decorations, and as a family rearranged the whole house to get our tree, stockings, and ornaments up, but this year I found like a whole bunch of extra lights, and i decided oh i wanna hang these up out side, so I helped get some of the house in order but then i became Clark Griswold… I even rushed to walmart to buy a timer so they will stay on the whole season. I believe we were the first in the neighborhood with outside lights.
And let me be honest they are ghetto..but im proud. It can only get better from here.
Anyways. a few weeks ago, my wife took down the decoration inside, the ornaments first, then the tree and last those stockings. We havent rearranged the living room back yet, so that corner by default has become a corner of toys.
But the issue is this, I havent done my part. The outside still has lights on it. I mean it wont even be that difficult, and ive had plenty of time to do it. The issue is, Because the lights are off, they are no longer recieving power, when i walk in the house i dont notice them.
My wife hasnt said anything to me, the kids dont mention it. I think honestly outside of me bringing it up in front of all of yall. I could have gone an entire year without even noticing that they were there.
But just because i dont notice them, doesnt mean our neighbors dont.
have you ever had that? Something in your life just become so ordinary, that you dont notice it, but when others see you, oh they can tell.
I mean those even in an intimate relationship with you dont call it out, but a clear stranger can tell, yeah somethings off here. Or in my case, Somethings on.
Now Christmas lights arent a crime, no public complaints, but its showing how Im taking care of my house.
The question is, if someone were to ask me to take them down, or to deal with it.
Would I?
Lets read this story, about dealing with the lack of noticing, until its to late.
Matthew 25:1–13 NIV
1 “At that time the kingdom of heaven will be like ten virgins who took their lamps and went out to meet the bridegroom. 2 Five of them were foolish and five were wise. 3 The foolish ones took their lamps but did not take any oil with them. 4 The wise ones, however, took oil in jars along with their lamps. 5 The bridegroom was a long time in coming, and they all became drowsy and fell asleep. 6 “At midnight the cry rang out: ‘Here’s the bridegroom! Come out to meet him!’ 7 “Then all the virgins woke up and trimmed their lamps. 8 The foolish ones said to the wise, ‘Give us some of your oil; our lamps are going out.’ 9 “ ‘No,’ they replied, ‘there may not be enough for both us and you. Instead, go to those who sell oil and buy some for yourselves.’ 10 “But while they were on their way to buy the oil, the bridegroom arrived. The virgins who were ready went in with him to the wedding banquet. And the door was shut. 11 “Later the others also came. ‘Lord, Lord,’ they said, ‘open the door for us!’ 12 “But he replied, ‘Truly I tell you, I don’t know you.’ 13 “Therefore keep watch, because you do not know the day or the hour.
My eyes have paid more attention to the job, I have lost sight on what is the real task.
Last night i was working on the message, and i was tormented by my dog, let me explain. I sat there at our dining room table and every time my dog would move, he cut on the Tv. The remote was under him, however instead of me being taken off my current task in my work, i opened my phone up, found the remote app, and turned off the tv. it happened a few times, it was every 5 minutes, then every 10 seconds. I had a fix, open my phone, find the app and turn it off. But it was only temporary.
To like our parable, if we focus to much with the work of serving God we dont truely handle the problems with God. but instead with inductive reasoning.
Reasoning only gets you so far.
These bridesmaids reasoned and said well the others can give me what I need. Rather then getting up, moving the dog and fixing the issue in the first place.
The love of God in my heart makes me afraid to not be ready.
When it comes to being prepared for all of God…What are you afraid of?
How to find the dignity to die to self, and Live FULLY in Christ

1. We cant be ready when we reason with all our resume

Matthew 25:1 (NIV)
1 “At that time the kingdom of heaven will be like ten virgins who took their lamps and went out to meet the bridegroom.
I remember the most Significant, and Unsignificant vacation me and my wife took. Ill get some details right and most wrong here, but I remember in one week I had decided to take my wife on a vacation. I think it was booked through groupon to be honest with you, but I planned this whole big surprise, yet my big surprise wasnt even that big. I book a hotel in charleston, SC and without talking to mika, i packed us bags, bathing suits (althought it was cold) and clothes for 3 days. I was all excited. Nice hotel for 2 nights. Before mika got off work, i placed our luggage inside of the car, she got home i acted like nothing was up, yet i was so excited. Then i said lets go to dinner. Put her in the car and begin to drive. 15 minutes into the trip shes like where are you going? I just keep saying oh you’ll see.
Long and short, disappointing story is, we drive to charleston, get checked in, laid in the hotel and decided to go out to eat. But there was a problem. I spent all my money on the hotels, my last few hundred dollars were acting as an unknown security deposit, so no nice resturant, the pool was closed, it was cold and i packed summer clothes.
My romantic gesture turned sour faster than the expiration date said.
Let me ask you, do I get points simply for throwing this together? Maybe a half a point, but everything else deems it - points.
There is nothing worst than going and being ill prepared for the reality of that trip. Especially if going in the first place was suppse to draw the two of us closer, and more intimate.
This is the Call of Christ. Go into the world and preach the Gospel.
Go into the World and Preach Jesus. And if there is anything i’ve come to know is when you talk about a person, you better know them pretty well, and they must know you if you are to speak on their behalf.
These 5 foolish bridesmaids they surely did go, but they did not go with intent of coming into a successful representation of the family.
I use to believe, No christian wants to ill represent Jesus’ name, no body wants to let God down, Nobody wants to say the wrong words, thats why they dont go, maybe even its not about the representation, but the lack of knowing if God is really speaking, or if so, what He is speaking.
I believe there has been a shift in the reason people dont want to walk within gifts, its not because we dont know if God is speaking,
Its because we dont want to know our purpose. We dont want to seek the anointing in our lives, leaving believers empty when oppotunities arise.
I Rebuke that thinking in the Name of Jesus. I rebuke this self-inclusivitiy to scripture,adding “who we want to be” to scriptures and Gods plans, closing ourselves in our controlled worlds.
I rebuke that, there is no place for that in the body of Christ.
May we learn to Die to self today, in order that we may Live forever on our tomorrow.
If i seem mad about this its because I am.
The Lord has to many good plans for you, and when we knowingly give to the enemy what he had previously had to be sneaky and steal, we do a great dis service to God.
I dislike when I beat myself up, question myself, and I dislike when I know that I’ve failed God.
But in those times I dont give my wrist back to the devil to tie me up, and attach me to sin! I remember this! My God is God!
Thats that!
Jeremiah 29:11 NIV
11 For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.
These ladies in our passage went to represent & be a part of something, but didnt care enough to come prepared
When we say we want the blessed hope, we say yes to the Great commision of our lives, and we CAN NOT do what God has called us to be, without both. The promise of What he says Is. And the Power of Where he says, we Go.
If Christ says he has a place for me, that HE is preparing then while he is working I will to. Ill serve in a soup kitchen if He called me to serve in a soup Kitchen.
Ill give my money, if he has called me to give my money.
Ill sing, if he called me to sing.
We do these things not because of our resume, but #2.

2. We can be ready if we trust His work

Matthew 25:6 NIV
6 “At midnight the cry rang out: ‘Here’s the bridegroom! Come out to meet him!’
His work, Is that He came!
Prayer in the holy spirit doesnt require my work’s resume, it requires His.
Healing in His name; Jesus, doesnt require a reference, it requires His
Miracle power doesnt come from ANYTHING we can do, its all about what HE is doing!
Hope doesnt come from our transformation, it comes within His transformative Spirit.
When we submit, the move of God divides, it conquers, its a restoration, its the miracles weve been waiting for.
Oh he divides the space between His voice and our enemies,
he conqures lands the enemy has claimed
and restores those feelings of Joy, Peace, and True Love.
When we serve, he gives new taste, He plants new seed, he buds new growth.
He makes what is unrighteous, unworthy to touch our lips, and purifies them
He throws seeds upon fertile ground
and Tends to those who earnestly seek his Face.
I mean every time Israel was in trouble God came through.
When Abraham had his own flesh and blood on the altar, God came through with a sacrafice
When armies surrounded Elijah, God made them no longer see thier target.
When death struck the egyptian people, the blood of the spotless lamb covered the multitude
When Israel was held at a stalling point, and the Egyptian chariots rushed to close in, God parted the sea.
When Israel was stranded in the dessert for 3 days with no water, God quenched the thirst
When Israel was hungry, God fed them for 40 days.
If you can’t do it, God can!
After consequences came through, and it was time to rebuild, God prepared them to make due
When all else seems to fail, Our God can come through, He will and He can!
Even in the times Israel died, lived Judgement from God, they only died, and walked into consequences because Demonic forces were attached to them.
The tourmenting Spirit that took Saul
The Spirit of discouragement that ate up Elijah
The many times the Spirit of discontent bothered israel, which lead them into captivity many times
Which could then lead to the Spirit of Bitterness….Which we will look at soon as im working on a message
The Spirit of comparison….
These are things that have attached themselves to us if we allow it.
No matter the thing, weather it takes time, or its a miraculous quick moment, Our God.
The Lord of the Heavens and the earth can do it.
This comes in the mighty name of Jesus. Through the power of the Holy Spirit.
This is what HE, GOD ALMIGHTY HAS DONE, IS DOING, AND… will Complete with YOU!
Yet church, Jesus says John 14 12
John 14:12 (NIV)
12 Very truly I tell you, whoever believes in me will do the works I have been doing, and they will do even greater things than these, because I am going to the Father.

3. We must seek spiritual development to defeat physical fear

Back to our bridemaids. All 10 went, they knew they were called upon to serve. Some called wise, came prepared for what the task needed. Which was oil, the other 5, came only to come and did not have everything necessary to stay the distance.
Have you felt like you have stayed the distance in your walk with God?
Matthew 25:11–13 NIV
11 “Later the others also came. ‘Lord, Lord,’ they said, ‘open the door for us!’ 12 “But he replied, ‘Truly I tell you, I don’t know you.’ 13 “Therefore keep watch, because you do not know the day or the hour.
I had a friend, we were coworker friends, When i worked for American Airlines. Now that job, was awesome. Because me and my wife could fly for free. I worked a 4 days on 12 -16 hour shifts and 3 days off. I remember in the summer there was 3 weeks in a row that on those days off I got directly on a plane and flew to California. and the following week, vegas, Now flying is free, but if you go with my friend Daniel. It seems everything was free for him. No he wouldnt steal anything, he was just always at the right place at the right time.
You need a lift somewhere. Just stand next to him and someone will give you a ride, free food just walk with him he will find it! I mean he was just a good luck charm. He flew to Dubai and had some crazy experiences for the 2 days he was there. All for either free or 10% the price you and I would pay for it.
What drives me crazy is he was a part time employee full time traveler and He travelled to the most exotic places and had crazy stories.
For him, he didnt need to time anything, its more like you simply had to be there with him.
Thats what these bridesmades who were missing experienced.
We do not know the time or place God will come and recieve us, but being in the wrong place at the wrong time can cost you.
Im not refering to physical places.
Im speaking of your calling and anointing.
Are you called to teach, but stuck learning?
Are you called to be an encourager, but down on yourself?
Are you called to love, but filled with dispair
Are you called, and instead
We are called to live by faith not by sight
If you believe and look forward to Heaven, and the Coming of Jesus then listen here Hebrews 3 1
Hebrews 3:1 NIV
1 Therefore, holy brothers and sisters, who share in the heavenly calling, fix your thoughts on Jesus, whom we acknowledge as our apostle and high priest.
who share in the heavenly calling, Fix on Jesus.
We must stop being afraid of What God is going to do.
No reason to be afraid, fear is brought on by the unknown.
You know what freedom gives you, a cleansed soul
A refreshed Spirit
Today I’m ready to battle, to pray for your deliverance.
The church is okay with praying deliverance over political parties, laws & bills and cultural assignments
But we have shunned the deliverance inside the church body.
Today we take that back.
The power of the Holy Spirit is not limited in any way, He simply needs a vessel willing to produce Gods fire upon His people.
Ignite that’s us. That’s you and me!
I wanna take an unorthodox moment, and ask Has God done something for you recently?
I wanna ask you another question here, Has God used you for anything recently?
Let me ask you something else, Has your life been shipwrecked recently?
Who’s ready to be set free and anointed this morning?
Do you want spiritual renewal.
Are you tired of fighting demons in your mind?
It’s time for war. If we say we will fight for our communities outside of this building then we must first be willing to conquer what’s within!
We cast out bitterness, anger, resentment, revenge, jealously, we cast out addiction, we loose sexually idolatry, we rebuke physical drunkenness, we rid of the suffocation of marijuana, tabacco and vaping, we’re tired of it! We stand against it:
Pain and suffering is one thing, mental torment is another.
Anxiety get outta here, worry you are not welcomed in this temple!
Oh we’re casting the blinders away from us, into the lake of fire! We stand once and for all in the power and revelation of His great and mighty Spirit!
Our worship team is coming! Not to play us a song, or to make an album, but they are coming to lead us into the great presence of God.
Freedom is here, revival is happening, it’s time to cast our cares upon the Lord, receive a visitation and soar upon wings like eagles.
Receive the strength of God. I invite you to run to the altar.
Why run? Because if not the enemy will talk you out of it. Church the time is now.
At these altars some will receive sight, others identify, and others a job description.
You answer this one question.
Do I need Jesus today?
If you said yes, then come to the altars receive him. It’s time to pray.
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