Lord, Teach Us to Pray
Lord, Teach
Us to Pray
Luke 11:1–13
Jesus Practices a Life of Prayer
Luke uniquely details Jesus’s prayer life at key points:
• 3:21—Prayed during his baptism
• 6:12—Prayed all night before choosing his disciples
• 9:18—Prayed before asking, “Who do you say I am?”
• 9:29—Prayed during his Transfiguration
• 11:1—Jesus prays before teaching on prayer
• 22:31—Prayed for Peter’s faith
• 23:34, 46—Prayed while on the cross
Jesus Teaches the Pattern of Prayer
• Jesus had been commanding prayer (10:2).
• John had taught his disciples how to pray (11:2; 5:33).
• Jesus provides a pattern (i.e., “pray like this”).
1. Pray for God’s agenda (2).
2. Pray for your needs (3).
Jesus Reveals God’s Heart in Prayer
Why does God respond to petitioners? (5–10)
• Jesus’s example has an obvious answer (5–7).
• Jesus draws our attention to motive (8).
• Jesus commands prayer through contrast (9–10).
Jesus Reveals God’s Heart in Prayer
Why does God not answer us how we want? (11–13)
• Jesus’s example has an obvious answer (11–12).
• Jesus draws our attention to motive (13a)
• Jesus commands prayer from lesser > greater (13b).
What does your prayer life tell you?
• Malformed emphases reveal malformed views.
• Hesitancy in prayer betrays hesitancy in God.
• Guard your heart against accusing God.
Develop a pattern of biblical prayer:
1. Choose a location and unbroken time.
2. Learn to pray the Bible.
3. Don’t forget God in prayer.
Lord, Teach
Us to Pray
Luke 11:1–13