Our Calling
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Many Times People in the Religious World Talk About Their Calling or Receiving a Call
Obviously they have a perverted concept of what it means to be called
Many are thinking of a miraculous calling
While many may mess up the term calling - it is Biblical language
1.God Does Call Us
1.God Does Call Us
.Acts 2:39
NASV, ESV - “the Lord our God calls to himself”
ASV - “Lord our God shall call unto him.
2 Timothy 1:9 - “called us with a holy calling”
Ephesians 1:18 - “hope of his calling”
ESV - “the hope to which he called us”
Ephesians 4:4 - “one hope of our calling”
1 Corinthians 7:17-20
v.17 - “the Lord has called each one”
v.18 - “called while circumcised”
v.20 “remain in the same calling in which he was called”
2. God Calls Us Through the Gospel
2. God Calls Us Through the Gospel
The World Is Looking for a Miraculous Call or A Feeling to Come Over Them
God Calls Not in A Miraculous Way But Through the Simple Preaching of the Gospel
2 Thessalonians 2:14
Examples of conv.
The Day of Pentecost - Acts 2:39
Acts 2:37 - “when they heard this”
Acts 2:40 - “with many other words”
Acts 2:41b - “received his word”
The Conversion of the Samaritans
Acts 8:5 - “preached Jesus to him”
Acts 8:12 - “they believed as he preached”
The Conversion of the Eunuch
Acts 8:35 - “preached Jesus to him”
Acts 8:36 - Ethiopian was called to obey by the preaching
The Conversion of Cornelius
Acts 10:42 - “commanded us to Preach to the people”
Acts 11:14 - “words by which you and all your household will be saved”
3.Characteristics of Our Calling
3.Characteristics of Our Calling
It is A Heavenly or an Upward Call
Hebrews 3:1
It is heavenly because it comes from heaven
God is the one who is calling
John 6:44-46
It is heavenly because it leads to heaven
2 Thess.2:14
It is a Calling with Hope
only those who have accepted the call have hope
.It is a holy calling
2 Tim.1:9
holy - sanctified, set apart
God calls us to a holy life
1 Peter 1:13-16
It is A Calling by the Grace of God
2 Tim.1:9
We did nothing to deserve this calling - Titus 3:5
4.Accepting God’s Call
4.Accepting God’s Call
We Accept God’s Call When We Obey the Gospel
Day of Pentecost
Acts 2:38 - promise of forgiveness was to those who obey the gospel
if we fail to obey then we have rejected the Lord’s call - Acts 13:46
5.We Must Walk Worthy of Our Calling
5.We Must Walk Worthy of Our Calling
Ephesians 4:1
Paul describes walking worthy of our call in Eph.4-6
2 Thess.1:11