289. The Blessings That Make Up Our Spiritual Wealth
Open It
Open It
1. *When was the last time you received a letter that really cheered you up?
Explore It
Explore It
1. Who wrote the letter to the Colossians? (1:1)
2. Who was with Paul when he wrote this letter? (1:1)
3. How did Paul address the Colossian Christians? (1:2)
4. How did Paul greet his audience? (1:2)
5. *Why did Paul offer prayers of thanksgiving for the Colossians? (1:3–4)
6. From what source did the believers’ faith and love spring? (1:5)
7. What did Paul stress about the gospel? (1:5–6)
8. Who taught the gospel to the Colossians? (1:7)
9. How did Paul describe Epaphras? (1:7)
10. What did Epaphras tell Paul and Timothy about the Colossians? (1:7–8)
11. *What was Paul’s primary prayer for these Christians? (1:9)
12. *What results did Paul want for the Colossians? (1:10)
13. How could the church at Colosse have spiritual strength? (1:11–12)
14. How does God enable believers to share in His inheritance? (1:12–14)
Get It
Get It
1. What do you find appealing about the way Paul started his letter to the Colossians?
2. *Why did Paul praise a group of Christians he had never met?
3. How are the results of faith, love, and hope evident in your life?
4. How is the gospel bearing fruit in your church?
5. *What can we learn about praying for others from Paul’s prayers for the Colossians?
6. If Paul were to write you a personal letter, what might he say to you?
Apply It
Apply It
1. What is one way you can improve your prayer this week?
2. *To whom can you write an encouraging letter (message) sometime during the next week?