The Call of Abram
Genesis 1 — God is powerful, but distant? (God)
Genesis 2-3 — God is close and holy, but gracious (Lord God)
The Bible continues to zoom in on God and we see this most with Jesus
Noah & the ark + Tower of Babel (diversity turns out to be glorious in Rev. 5)
Camera fixed on the Middle East & one man
3 basics of Christian faith
3 basics of Christian faith
God’s saving grace has always been part of the plan. (Gen. 12:1-4)
Grace is a gift accepted by faith. (Gen. 15:1-6)
True faith responds in action. (James 2:22-24)
Jesus — true and better
Jesus — true and better
Like Abraham…
he left the comfortable and known he walked into the void so that through his life all peoples would be blessed
Like Isaac…
he was laid down on the altar, BUT this time God gave his only Son
3 basics of faith’s response
3 basics of faith’s response
Faith means letting God give the directions
New Christian girl’s TikTok — “Father, I choose you”
Faith means trusting that God knows the destination
this life is a dot on the timeline Rom. 8:18 — not worth comparing the sufferings w/ heaven
Faith means following him without knowing the days between
Quote from Martha Wade
Maybe part of the reason God doesn’t let us in on all the suffering ahead of time is because he knows we’d back out and never experience the blessing that’s even greater.
We want to know “what if _____ happens…” but that’s not how it works
Be all in, and trust him to take care of tomorrow