Men & Women in Marriage

Biblical Manhood & Womanhood  •  Sermon  •  Submitted   •  Presented
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Lead Vocalist (Kelly)
Welcome & Announcements (Hopson)
Good morning family!
Ask guests to fill out connect card
4 announcements:
1) Baby Bottles
Due back next Sunday
2) Nags Head Retreat
Deposits due by next Sunday to reserve limited spots!
3) Members Meeting
February 25, meal at 5, meeting at 6
Please bring a soup, chili, or dessert to share.
The Hospitality team will supply drinks and crackers.
4) Baptism Sunday
March 3
Please talk with an elder ASAP if you’re interested
Now please take a moment of silence to prepare your heart for worship.
Call to Worship (Psalm 136:1-3)
Prayer of Praise (Linda Butler)
Blessed Be Your Name
Jesus Strong and Kind
Prayer of Confession (Colin Smith), Failures in marriage
Assurance of Pardon (Psalm 32:5)
He Will Hold Me Fast
Yet Not I But Through Christ In Me
Scripture Reading (Ephesians 5:22-33)
You can find it on page 1162 in the black Bibles. If you don’t have a Bible, please take this as our gift to you.
The Apostle Paul is writing to believers at a local church in Ephesus, and is explaining to them what it looks like to live a new life in Christ.
If you’re a follower of Jesus, if you’ve been raised from spiritual death to spiritual life, you will live differently.
And this new life in Christ will transform every human relationship, including what we believe about marriage.
Read Ephesians 5:22-33
Pastoral Prayer (Hopson)
Prayer for PBC—PBC marriages
Prayer for supported ministry—Covenant Baptist Theological Seminary
Prayer for US—Against abuse
Prayer for the world—Poland
Leader—Andrzej Duda (Ahn-dray doo-dah)
Against nominal Christianity
Local churches
Pray for the sermon
Ask any unbeliever what the Bible says about marriage, and one of the first things they’ll probably mention is male domination.
That was certainly the opinion of a woman named Liz, whose story is told in a fascinating book called The Toxic War on Masculinity. [1]
Liz was a radio personality with a show on the same station as the notorious shock jock Howard Stern. Liz’s life was so out of control that Stern once shook his head and said, “Liz, you’ve got to clean up your act!” He wasn’t talking about her on-air show, but her off-air life. At that time in her life Liz was playing dangerous games with marijuana, speed, cocaine, alcohol, and promiscuous living.
But all that began to change when a Christian husband-and-wife radio team arrived at her station. For the first time in her life, Liz experienced genuine Christian friendship.
Four months after they met, Liz went to church with that couple. Here was a promiscuous, card-carrying feminist woman entering a church building for the first time in her adult life, and guess what Scripture was taught during that morning’s service?
Ephesians 5—Wives, submit to your own husbands, as to the Lord.
How would you respond in that moment?
Maybe for somebody in this room this IS that kind of moment.
For one reason or another you’re giving Christianity or this church a shot, and this is the topic we’re discussing today?
Perhaps there are others in this room who are serious, committed Christians yet if you’re honest with yourselves you’re a bit embarrassed by what the Bible teaches here.
Perhaps you’re hoping someone will explain these passages away.
But no matter how difficult or uncomfortable it is, it’s absolutely essential we rightly teach God’s Word. Even when it challenges us. Even when it pushes people away.
Because a pastor’s job is to deliver the mail. Not to tamper with it. Not to readdress it somewhere else. Not to hide it. But to faithfully proclaim what God’s Word says.
The Big Idea I hope to explain from the text we just read in Ephesians 5 is that because men and women are equal and different, we have different roles and responsibilities in marriage.
We’ll unpack this big idea by exploring…
Two Unique Roles in marriage,
Two Important Responsibilities in marriage, and
One Ultimate Reason for marriage
If you’re not married and don’t expect to be, remember Ephesians 5 was written to a church. The health of a Christian marriage affects the entire church family. So pray as you listen that God would give you opportunities to encourage the husbands and wives in your church family.
If you’re not married but you hope to be one day, listen carefully to how God expects you to follow Him if or when He gives you a spouse. This is the type of person you are called to be. I also want you to listen carefully to the type of person you should look for.
Ladies, there is a particular kind of man depicted in these verses and you should settle for nothing less.
Men, there is a particular kind of woman depicted in these verses, and you should set your sights here, not on all the superficial things the culture tells you to look for in a woman.
If you are married, this sermon is not about your spouse. It’s about you. You cannot respond to God’s Word for your spouse. But you really can respond to God’s Word for you. So please, stop and pray right now that God would speak to you through His Word.
Alright let’s begin by considering the...

1) Two Unique ROLES in Marriage

A few years ago a popular Bible teacher ruffled some feathers when he argued the evangelical church is filled with same-sex marriages. He didn’t mean churches are filled with homosexuals, but that in many of our heterosexual marriages we have obliterated God’s design for differing roles between men and women. In other words, there are many Christian marriages where there is no practical difference between being a husband or being a wife.
But in marriage, there are two basic roles God has assigned for men and women:
Men are called to be sacrificial heads, and
Women are called to submissive helpers.

A) Sacrificial HEADS

Ephesians 5:22–23—Wives, submit to your own husbands, as to the Lord. For the husband is the head of the wife even as Christ is the head of the church, his body, and is himself its Savior.
A few weeks ago we saw in the garden of Eden that even though both Adam and Eve were guilty, Adam was responsible because he was the head.
But our text mentions another Head who freely took responsibility for His bride.
We were very, very guilty for our sin. But unlike the first Adam, Jesus had no guilt. Yet He took responsibility for our sin. He died in our place and bore the entire weight of our sin. That’s what it means to be a head.
Ray Ortlund defines headship this way: “In the partnership of two spiritually equal human beings, man and woman, the man bears the primary responsibility to lead the partnership in a God-glorifying direction.” [2]
Men, I think if you’re honest with yourselves you crave this sort of responsibility, even if you’re terrified of it.
Men are like trucks, we’re built to carry a heavy load.
In his helpful book The Men We Need, Brant Hansen says “Taking responsibility is the very essence of masculinity.” [3]
Husbands: the very first thing you need to do this morning is take responsibility for your marriage.
Whatever else you hear today that’s off in your marriage, I want to challenge you with this. Commit right now that you’re going to take responsibility for it.
Not because your wife is elbowing you in the ribs, but because the sword of the Spirit is piercing your heart.
Whether there’s a lack of love in your marriage, or leadership, or submission, or whatever, you commit right now that you will take responsibility for it.
Would you take a moment, husbands, and commit that to the Lord?
Men, part of taking responsibility means you are assuming God-given authority over your home.
Ladies, I know this teaching is painful for some of you because you’ve seen how the teaching of a husband’s authority in the home has been twisted to justify the evil of abuse.
In 2004, a sociologist from UVA named Bradford Wilcox published a monumental study about the effects of male headship on actual marriages. [4]
His massive study found two staggering realities:
Committed, churchgoing men are the least likely to be physically abusive towards their wives.
Nominal Christians are the most likely to be physically abusive towards their wives.
Husbands, the surest way to guard yourself against the demonic evil of abuse is to be madly in love with Jesus.
One way churches can help eradicate the evil of domestic abuse is by teaching how not all authority is the same.
In his book Authority, Jonathan Leeman distinguishes between two types of authority: authority of counsel and authority of command.
"Those with authority of counsel, like husbands and elders, do not have a biblically assigned enforcement mechanism. Those with an authority of command, like governments and parents of young children do.” [5]
Governments discipline unsubmissive citizens with the sword.
Parents discipline unsubmissive children with the rod.
Churches discipline unsubmissive members with excommunication, what the Bible calls the keys.
But rack your brain for any time the Bible authorizes a husband to discipline an unsubmissive wife. You won’t find anything.
Which means a husband’s authority is wielded differently. A husband does not rule his wife with an iron fist, but with a gentle hand.
Husbands, your authority is not for you to get what you want. Your authority is for you to give of yourself so you and your wife might become one.
Ladies, when a husband leads like this it is far easier for you to be…

B) Submissive HELPERS

Ephesians 5:24Now as the church submits to Christ, so also wives should submit in everything to their husbands.
The word “submit” is a compound word hypotassō in the original Greek. The word hypo means underneath, and the word tassō means to arrange, so the word literally means “to arrange yourself underneath.”
Some have looked at Ephesians 5:21, which calls Christians to “submit to one another” and argued for a “mutual submission” in the marriage relationship.
But that approach takes Ephesians 5:21 out of context. Because Paul isn’t saying “everybody needs to submit to everybody else,” but “every Christian needs to submit in relationships of authority.” And then he gives three examples in chapter 5: wives submitting to their husbands, children submitting to their parents, and servants submitting to their masters.
For example, Stephen Keatts is a member here at PBC, which means he must submit himself to the spiritual leadership of the pastors here. And yet he’s also the Chief of Police, which means the pastors must submit to his leadership in our community. Both Stephen and I are called to submit to one another in different ways, because we both have different types of authority.
In the marriage relationship, God has designed that husbands have authority.
Wives, this is not about who’s smarter. Or who’s a better leader. The reality is you may be more skilled than your husband in all these areas. And yet, the fact that you have married him means that you are called to make a deliberate, joyful decision to align yourself underneath his leadership.
I want to spend a bit more time here because submission makes women vulnerable.
I believe one of the reasons the Bible calls women “the weaker vessel” is because her role in marriage puts her in a weaker, more vulnerable position. [6]
So let’s tackle a few of the biggest questions you may have about this concept, and if you have more I invite you to attend the Q&A up front after the service.
Should I submit to my boyfriend?
No! The text is clearly a call for wives to submit to their husbands.
A woman is only called to submit this way in the context of marriage. Nowhere in the Bible are women called to submit to men generally!
What if my husband isn’t a Christian?
1 Peter 3:1—Likewise, wives, be subject to your own husbands, so that even if some do not obey the word, they may be won without a word by the conduct of their wives.
When Peter says some husbands “do not obey the word” he means these men are unbelievers.
And yet, what does Peter say to the wives: submit to them.
Ladies in this situation, perhaps, your faithfulness to submit to your unbelieving husband will be used by God to draw your husband to Himself.
Are there any exceptions?
At first glance, the answer appears to be no.
Ephesians 5:24—. . . wives should submit in everything to their husbands.
But this is an area where we have to interpret Scripture with Scripture.
He cannot mean there are no exceptions, because that would make the husband’s authority ultimate.
So what does Paul mean by “in everything”?
He means a wife should submit to her husband “in every area of their life together.”
In private and in public, in spiritual matters, financial matters, family matters, and more, wives should submit to their husbands.
But that submission is not an absolute submission. You submit to Jesus first, and then to your husband.
Ladies, you will submit to your husband best when you submit to him less than you submit to Jesus.
What are the exceptions?
Let me give you two, and we’re going to put these on the screen to be as clear as possible.
Do not submit to your husband if he is leading you or your family into sin.
This is a principle clearly taught in the book of Acts. Peter and the apostles were arrested by government officials for preaching the gospel, and when they were confronted for their disobedience they said...
Acts 5:29—. . . “We must obey God rather than men.”
If any authority in your life leads you to do something contrary to the Word of God, you should not submit to that authority.
Ask yourself, is this a better/worse decision or a right/wrong decision. [7]
If your husband wants to cheat on your taxes, bring pornography into the bedroom, get drunk together, skip church, or stop giving, these are right/wrong decisions. Be kind and gracious, but tell him no. Tell him you must obey God rather than men.
But if he has different ideas on how to educate your kids, or what sorts of food you all eat, or when bedtime should be, or where you go on vacation these are better/worse decisions. You can talk about it, and share your opinion. If he’s wise, he will listen to you. But ultimately you will submit to his decision.
Do not submit to your husband if he is leading you or your family into harm’s way.
I want to be careful here, because some ladies might hear this and think “my husband’s leadership decisions are hurting my feelings so the pastor said I don’t have to submit!” I did not say that.
I am not talking about short-term, temporary hurt.
I’ve made a few leadership decisions in our home that have caused Holly or the kids temporary pain. Most of those leadership decisions involved moving our family from one place to another. They were painful decisions, but they were for our good, and Holly was right to submit to my leadership.
The types of decisions that do not require submission are those which cause deep, long-term, lasting harm. And if you need help discerning the difference, seek counsel from a fellow church member or an elder.
The clearest example of this principle in the Bible is Abigail in 1 Samuel 25. Her husband’s foolishness was about to lead to the destruction of her entire household. But Abigail disobeyed her husband and appealed to another authority, the soon-to-be-King David. God blessed Abigail for her wisdom in not submitting to her husband’s folly.
The clearest example of this principle in our day is when a husband is harming his family through the demonic evil of abuse.
Ladies, you are not called to submit to an abusive husband.
Whether he claims to be a Christian or not, if he’s physically or sexually abusing you or your children, do not submit to that. Go to the civil authorities so they can help protect you and punish his evil conduct.
Husbands, if you are mistreating your wives in this way I hope you are terrified right now. I hope you are so terrified by your evil treatment of your wife that you break down in absolute repentance, and are willing to accept full responsibility for your evil actions.
The church is a safe place for repentant sinners. But it is not a safe place for unrepentant sin.
With God’s help, may we be a place where sinners find repentance and where unrepentant sin is exposed and dealt with.
Because men and women are equal and different, we have different roles in marriage.
But we also have different responsibilities. So consider next...

2) Two Important RESPONSIBILITIES in Marriage

How do we faithfully live out our roles as husbands and wives? Thankfully the Scripture gives us an answer.
In a summary statement about the responsibilities of husbands and wives, Paul writes...
Ephesians 5:33—However, let each one of you love his wife as himself, and let the wife see that she respects her husband.
Now these two commands to love and respect are sometimes taught as gifts you give to your spouse to fill their love tanks or respect tanks.
But this is not primarily about fulfilling the needs of your partner. It’s primarily about obedience.
Husbands, whether or not you feel like your wife is meeting your need for respect you are called to love her.
Wives, whether or not you feel like your husband is meeting your need for love you are called to respect him.
Let’s consider first, the husband’s responsibility…

A) A Husband Must LOVE His Wife

The command to love your wife is not a command to love her in a sappy, romantic, Valentine’s Day sort of way. Sure, there’s a time and a place for that too, but Scripture is calling us to a love with a specific shape.

Love with a sacrificing love.

Ephesians 5:25—Husbands, love your wives, as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her.
How did Jesus love the church? By dying in her place.
Now men, none of us will ever die for our wives the way Jesus died for us. His sacrifice is unrepeatable. Only Jesus died as a sinless substitute to rescue His sinful people.
And yet, we can follow in Jesus’ footsteps by sacrificing for our wives.
Husbands, are you regularly sacrificing for your wife?
If your wife is regularly home alone with young children, do you freely give of your time so she can have time alone or with her friends?
If you have children that wake you up at night, how often do you help so she can sleep?
Are you willing to die to your personal hobbies so she has time to pursue hers?
Do you sacrifice your time to do things your wife likes to do, or are you always doing your favorite things?
When finances are tight, are you the one who looks for a second job or requests a raise, or do you expect her to do it?
When the relationship is in conflict, who is the first to sacrifice their pride and confess? Who is the first one to forgive?
I challenge you to sit down with your wife sometime after the service today and ask her to tell you one area she believes you aren’t sacrificing for her like you should.
Now wives, he’s going to ask for one area, not thirteen. Men are typically not great at multi-tasking, so you’ve got to pick one area and start with that.
And husbands, you need to listen to what she says, write it down so you don’t forget, tell her thank you, don’t fight, then bring it before the Lord. If you’ve sinned, confess it to Him and your wife, then commit to change.
With God’s help you really can love your wife with a sacrificial love. Also...

Love with a sanctifying love.

Ephesians 5:26–27—[Jesus gave Himself for the church] that he might sanctify her, having cleansed her by the washing of water with the word, so that he might present the church to himself in splendor, without spot or wrinkle or any such thing, that she might be holy and without blemish.
That word “sanctify” in verse 26 refers to growing in holiness.
Jesus didn’t give Himself for the church so He could have a trophy wife. He gave Himself for His people so that He might cleanse us and transform us and make us holy.
Husband, you too are called to lead your wife towards holiness. You’re called to lead her spiritually.
There is a sense in which this is the way you are called to lead your wife, and every other area of your leadership is simply a subset of this.
The man who fails to lead his wife spiritually is a man who is shirking his most important earthly responsibility.
Husbands, take some time and evaluate yourself here:
Are you praying with your wife? Do you read the Bible together?
Who leads the way in terms of your church involvement? Do you attend if or when she wants to, or are you leading her to be faithfully involved in the life of the church?
Do you know how your wife is doing spiritually? How are you helping her to grow in her walk with the Lord?
Husbands, I know this is terrifying for some of you, but this is what it means to love your wife. If you love her, you will love her soul.
You will love her with a sanctifying love. Also...

Love with a cherishing love.

Ephesians 5:28–30In the same way husbands should love their wives as their own bodies. He who loves his wife loves himself. For no one ever hated his own flesh, but nourishes and cherishes it, just as Christ does the church, because we are members of his body.
Here Paul gives us another analogy to think about how to care for our wives.
Just like you are aware of the needs in your body, and you act accordingly to meet those needs, you should strive to be aware of the needs of your wife and act accordingly.
As I was preparing this I was thinking about how challenging this one is for me. I don’t consider myself a very aware person. Often people do or say things that I don’t notice for awhile. Then the Lord convicted me because it’s not really true that I’m unaware. I’m very aware of my body. When I feel hungry I know it! And I act on that awareness pretty quickly. My problem is not a lack of awareness, but a lack of awareness about the right things.
I wonder if that’s true for any other husbands in the room.
One reason why I encourage you to sit down with your wife and ask her questions about how you’re doing is so you can grow in your awareness.
I’m pretty confident if you come humbly and genuinely to your wife, seeking to grow in your awareness of her needs, she’ll tell you.
And her needs are your responsibility.
If you really believe that you will strive to love her with a cherishing love. Finally...

Love with a clinging love.

Not a clingy love. Ladies, you don’t want your husbands to be clingy. But you do want him to cling to you.
Ephesians 5:31—“Therefore a man shall leave his father and mother and hold fast to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh.”
Isn’t it interesting, men, that the woman is not told to leave her father and mother behind and cling to you. You are told to leave father and mother behind and cling to her.
You are called to forsake all others in a hot pursuit of your wife.
This is a call to forsake any and every other woman. To put to death the sin of lust. To pursue your wife, regardless of how she’s changed since you married her. This is a call to be madly in love with one woman, and one woman alone.
How are you doing, husbands? Have you allowed other loves to capture your eyes, your heart or your mind? Do you expect your wife to cling to you, while you remain unwilling to cling to her?
Men, this is what it means to love our wives.
Let’s consider second, the wife’s responsibility…

B) A Wife Must RESPECT Her Husband

Ephesians 5:33—. . . let the wife see that she respects her husband.
Ladies, you have incredible power in your marriage. Your husband is responsible for how he loves and leads you, but you have the ability to either put wind in his sails or deflate him.
Perhaps some husbands in this room have given themselves over to what one author calls toxic passivity because they’re married to a woman who repeatedly deflates them when they try to lead. So now they’ve just given up. [8]
Men: if that’s you, you need to take responsibility for your sin. You can’t blame the woman God gave you.
But ladies, you need to change too! Do you respect the decisions he makes when he tries to lead? Do you undermine him? Or complain about his decisions? Or tell him “I told you so” when it doesn’t work out? Do you respect your husband as the one God appointed to lead your family?
One simple way you can show respect to your husband is by helping him think through the ins and outs of the big decisions.
Not saying, “You’re the man, you figure it out!” But “yes, dear, let me help you. But please know that I will support you whatever you decide.”
Bible teacher John Ensor helpfully explains it this way: “It is right that men should lead and women should welcome and guide that leadership. She is his helpmate. Her goal is to give her man all the help he needs to lead well. His goal is to humbly accept that responsibility to lead and not run from it or wield it like a club. The guidance that she provides comes mainly in two forms: helping him to think clearly and in encouraging him to act confidently. What comes from this is a shared victory. If it proves a mistake it is borne together.” [9]
Here’s one example of how this works.
The first five years of our marriage I was drowning in toxic passivity. I was not leading my family well.
Through a long, dark, valley of sin and suffering, God broke me of my failures to lead. Through one small decision after another I began to grow as a leader.
But in 2016 our family was in trouble. We had four young children, I was working two jobs to pay the bills, and the part-time church I was pastoring was slowly running out of money. I needed to find one job that could provide for my family where we could plant our lives. The Lord led us to this little church in Poquoson, Virginia, a place we knew nothing about in a state where we had never lived.
I was convinced I had to lead our family in this decision. Holly and I talked through it together, we prayed about it together, but ultimately the buck stopped with me. Holly gave her feedback, but yielded her will to my decision-making.
At one point as we prayed about moving here, I was waffling and Holly told me, "Hopson I’d rather you make the wrong decision than not make a decision at all. I will support you and follow you. Just lead us.”
Do you know what that did for me? It gave me strength.
I was emboldened to make the decision to move here because I knew Holly would follow me. Because I really believed she wouldn’t grumble, wouldn’t say “I knew this was a bad decision” at the first sign of trouble. Because I knew she respected me and my leadership.
Ladies, when you respect your husband like this you put wind in the sails of his leadership. It strengthens him in ways you cannot even begin to imagine.
Some of you ladies already know you’ve failed here. So here’s my challenge to you.
Go to your husband this afternoon and confess. You want him to lead, but you haven’t let him. And you’re sorry.
Then ask him to lead you. Tell him you respect him and that you’ll follow him. Then let him make a decision.
And unless it’s leading the family into sin or into harm, respect that decision! Then encourage him for whatever positive things you see come out of that decision.
Then wash, rinse, and repeat.
Wives, your words to your husband are like a flashlight. You can either shine the light in his face, or you can brighten his path. Which will you choose?
Because men and women are equal and different, we have different roles and responsibilities in marriage.
But why is this all so important? Consider finally…

3) One Ultimate REASON for Marriage

Men and women, I hope to some extent you feel absolutely crushed by the weight of what Scripture calls us to here. Because this is beyond our ability. You can’t do this. It’s too hard.
Especially if your marriage is currently a mess. Cleaning up that mess and doing what’s right is going to be the hardest thing you’ve ever done in your life.
Perhaps even now you’re rationalizing in your head how much longer you or your spouse are going to live: “All I have to do is survive another 10-40 years!”
You need a bigger reason than your personal happiness to roll up your sleeves and do the work God requires to have a marriage like this.
The Holy Spirit gives us such a reason in...
Ephesians 5:32This mystery is profound, and I am saying that it refers to Christ and the church.
The different roles and responsibilities that men and women have in marriage are meant to point us to Christ and the church. They’re meant to be a living picture of the gospel.
Wives—when you submit to your husbands well, you're showing the world how the church submits to Christ!
Husbands—when you love your wives well, you're showing the world how Christ loves the church!
When marriage works the way God intends, it’s kind of like watching pairs figure skating at the Olympics. [10]
Now men, I know it’s bad form to talk about pairs figure skating on Super Bowl Sunday, but hear me out.
In figure skating, the couple have mastered the skills of male leadership and female support.
He leads her onto the ice and initiates the routine.
She receives his leadership and trusts his strength.
His physical strength is on display, far more than hers. But his strength makes her look beautiful. And she is able to do things that she couldn’t do if he didn’t lead her.
The man and the woman are not fighting for equality on the ice. They have different roles to play and they’re not fighting over who gets to throw who.
Nobody yells “oppressor!” as he leads her around the rink and throws her into a triple spin.
Is this the type of picture your marriage is displaying?
Perhaps it all just feels too impossible. How can I possibly lead like that? Or follow like that? By looking to Jesus!
Ladies, the perfect example of respectful submission is Jesus. During His earthly ministry He submitted, even to earthly authorities that were infinitely inferior to Him. He did not submit because He was weak, but because He was so strong. Take heart, ladies, and look to Jesus.
Men, the perfect example of loving, sacrificial headship is Jesus. He was tempted and tried for His church. He died in our place. He rose from the dead and even now lives to pray for His people.
So do not leave here overwhelmed by the weight of your sin. Yes, feel the weight. Then confess it to Christ and your spouse. Then leave here with your eyes on Jesus.
I bet you could have heard Liz’s eyes rolling when the preacher began to read about wives submitting to their husbands that day.
But then the preacher read the rest of Ephesians 5 and how husbands are supposed to love their wives.
She turned to her Christian friend and said, “If I ever met a man willing to die for me, I would marry him in a heartbeat.”
“Lizzie,” her friend whispered, “a man has already died for you.”
And right then and there, in the middle of a sermon about wives submitting to their husbands, Liz submitted her life to Jesus. [11]
And that’s what this is all about.
Friends, submit to Jesus.
Wives, submit to your husbands because you first submitted to Jesus.
Husbands, love and sacrifice for your wives because you have first submitted to Jesus.
Prayer of Thanksgiving
We Fall Down
Benediction (1 Timothy 1:17)
Remind about Q&A
To the King of the ages, immortal, invisible, the only God, be honor and glory forever and ever. Amen.
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