The Dreamer and the Mountain

Genesis 37:1-11
Genesis 37:1-11
His brothers were not very fond of Joseph. To add insult to injury, Joseph continues to push the idea of his dreams.
Joseph’s Dreams Were From God
Joseph’s Dreams Were From God
There was no question about it, he knew these dreams were from God.
The wording
Dream= Ha-lam
To dream.
A regular dream.
Sometimes it has prophetic significance.
Sometimes the things people dream about with a ha-la-m take place.
Dream= Ha-low-m
To dream where it is known that this has prophetic significance.
To know that this is now going to happen in the future.
This is something that does not take place anymore.
He repeats the phrase 5 times.
The repeated emphasis is to draw our attention to the fact that God is sovereign over this situation. Why?
God is the One Who Ordains the Future
God is the One Who Ordains the Future
God is the one who gives dreams, God is the one who ordains the future.
In a world that is as tumultuous as a raging river, God is the immovable mountain, that looms over that which is tumultuous.
And just as the river proceeds from the mountain. The dire situations proceed from, or pass through the sovereign hand of God.
The central verse is v.9.
The sun, moon, and stars bow down to him.
They all knew what Joseph was saying.
The dreams were so Joseph knew the future. Why?
Joseph’s life was about to get difficult....very difficult.
God gave Joseph the dreams so he would know that God was in control, through all circumstances and problems.
God was going to raise him to leadership. His brothers were going to come and bow before Him.
To us:
The Kingdom of God Will Continue to Grow
The Kingdom of God Will Continue to Grow
God has given us His holy word, and through it we see so much more of the plan that Joseph ever could have imagined.
Joseph saw the steadfastness of God being shown with his family bowing down, not realizing that God was using that time to save the world from a drought.
What prophecy has God given us?
Daniel 2:31-35
Daniel 2:31-35
As we look at these passages, I want you to have hope. Even though our future looks tumultuous. God is as constant as the rising sun. Let the word of God give you hope through difficult seasons.
King Neb has had a dream. Daniel has come to interpret that dream.
The Four Kingdoms
With hind sight we understand that these kingdoms are:
3)Greece/ Macedonian
At the end of the Roman empire, there would be a stone.
As some say, a tried stone, a precious cornerstone. One that whoever places their faith in, will be saved.
This stone would arrive at the time of the Roman empire, when divisions were taking place.
This stone would continue to grow into a mountain, and take over the world.
God will set up this kingdom that will never be destroyed.
It will happen in those days.
What do we do with a passage like that?
One that states the kingdom will come with the stone, with Christ…and would build a kingdom that would never end.
A kingdom that would take over the world.
Do we put this far into the future?
But that’s not the way God described it, it wasn’t in the future, it was with the coming of the stone.
Luke 1:32-33
He will be great and will be called the Son of the Most High. And the Lord God will give to him the throne of his father David, and he will reign over the house of Jacob forever, and of his kingdom there will be no end.”
These describe the coming of the kingdom of God…but when?
Matthew 12:28
But if it is by the Spirit of God that I cast out demons, then the kingdom of God has come upon you.
Did Jesus cast out demon’s by the spirit?
Then according to Him, the kingdom has come.
The stone that is growing into a mountain, taking over the world, has come.
It is growing, even as Jesus said,
Matthew 13:33
He told them another parable. “The kingdom of heaven is like leaven that a woman took and hid in three measures of flour, till it was all leavened.”
The kingdom is growing, taking over the world.
1st century- 7,500 (.02%)
150 AD- 40,000 (0.07% Roman empire)
200 AD- 200,000 (0.35% Roman empire)
250 AD- 2 Million (2%)
300 AD- 5-6 million
End of 5th century 10-11 million
Today 2.2 billion (31.6%)
Though we might look around and get discouraged, we say Christianity is on the decline.
The kingdom of God is growing, like God said it would.
Why does this matter?
God showed Joseph that He had a plan for Joseph’s life. He was about to face hardships but their was a plan behind them.
We to will face hardships.
The blessing is God has a plan through all the pain we might face! God is still on the throne, and his kingdom is continuing to grow!
He will use you to do it.
Whether you are 9 or 90 you are valuable for the growth of the kingdom of God.
Either evangelizing, discipling, showing hospitality.
This is how the kingdom grows!
God has invited us into this work.
The pain you experience, weather that is loosing a loved one, sickness.
God uses those pains that exist in this world because of the fall.
God uses them, for our good and His glory.
Once again, this is to encourage you with a big picture view.
God is continuing to work in this world, and he is using us to do it.
There are times this life will stink
Joseph, when he was thrown into a well, or thrown in jail, or left in jail.
You will have troubles.
2 Corinthians 1:8-9
2 Corinthians 1:8-9
Paul had such affliction that he despaired of life itself.
It’s not always going to be cotton balls and kittens.
Paul learned through it not to rely on himself, but on God.
So when you do despair. Rely on God.
Remember that their is a big picture.
No matter what the world might look like, God is conquering.
Jude 24 “Now to him who is able to keep you from stumbling and to present you blameless before the presence of his glory with great joy,” To Him belongs everlasting majesty and dominion. May He give you the strength and courage to fight the good fight. May He strengthen you, as you work for the kingdom.
For further study:
Genesis 49:10
1 Cor 15:24-26.
Psalm 110:1
Isaiah 9:7