Mark 9:2-11 | A Mysterious Mic Drop

Who is Jesus and how should we respond? The One who calls disciples to follow Him does not abandon us for glory, but turns from it to accompany us “on the way” to the cross.
modeled after the greatest revelation of God in the OT on Mt. Sinai. True insight into the mysterious Son of Man is afforded not by human wisdom but by divine revelation. The first passion prediction (8:31) has thrown the disciples into a tailspin of bewilderment. What transpires on the Mount of Transfiguration is both a divine assurance in the midst of their consternation and a divine ratification of Jesus’ way to the cross.
Mark is signalling why Jesus has not thus far been open about who he is, and what will be the proper basis on which people will believe and understand what discipleship truly means. ‘There is no way rightly to understand who Jesus is until one has seen him suffer, die and rise again.’4
For Luke, Moses’ deliverance of the Israelites from Egypt and formation of them into a nation are prototypes of Jesus’ passion, through which he would deliver people from the power of sin and form a new people in the church. Elijah also was a deliverer of Israel, although from false gods of Baal worship rather than from foreign oppressors (1 Kings 17–18).