Learning to Pray the Bible
Learning to Pray
the Bible
Jesus’s Call to Prayer
• He provides content emphases
• He highlights God’s heart towards petitioners
…it is high time for me to write to you
fully on the painful subject of prayer.…
The best thing, where it is possible, is
to keep the patient from the serious
intention of praying altogether.
Screwtape Letters, 15
Problems we face when we pray
We just repeat the same things
We don't feel like praying
We pray out of balance
We focus wrongly on ourselves
We get discouraged
We get distracted
We get bored
The Solution: Pray the Bible
Prayer the Bible is a God-appointed way
to teach us the grammar of prayer.
• Daniel in Babylon (Jeremiah 33)
• Mary’s Magnificat (various)
• Peter and John (Psalm 2, 146)
• Jesus on the cross (Psalm 22)
Why should you pray the Bible?
1. It helps you focus on what is most important
2. It helps you focus on praying
3. It helps you pray confidently
4. It changes you while you pray
5. It helps you express yourself accurately
6. It keeps your prayers fresh and specific
7. It keeps your prayers in biblical proportion
8. It helps you understand the Bible
Turn the Bible into prayer…This is
the best way of knowing the
meaning of the Bible, and of
learning to pray.
Robert Murray
Suggested Methods
• Pattern: pray biblical prayers back to God
• Fellowship: interact with God about the Bible
• Reflection: summarize in writing and pray it to God
God gave the Psalms to us so
that we would give the Psalms
back to God [in song]. No other
book of the Bible was inspired for
that expressed purpose.
Praying the Bible, 46
A Starting Point
A Psalm A Day: [Day of the month]+30+30+30+30
1. Scan all five
2. Choose one to pray
For example: Psalm 11, 41, 71, 101, 131
Other Biblical Examples
Narrative: Genesis 11
Proverb: Proverbs 1
Letter: Ephesians 1:1–11, Ephesians 3:14–21, Titus 1
Prophecy: Revelation 22
Closing Encouragements
• Remember God’s heart towards you
• Come to God like a student, ready to learn his heart
• Don’t ignore “the same old things”;
apply the text to them
Learning to Pray
the Bible