Obadiah: To Be a Friend of the World Is to be an Enemy of God

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Good afternoon. It's so great to see you all today. I know there's some other event going on today some minor thing of football that's going on. Not even the proper football, but we know the real football is soccer.

Well, we're going to be in the book of Obadiah. It's so great. If you're visiting with us today, so glad you're here. We've been going through the Minor Prophets and the Minor Prophets are not named that because they're unimportant but because they're short in their length and we will be in the shortest one today and I didn't do that on purpose cuz of the Superbowl it just happened to be that way. So we're going to be in the book of Obadiah and as you turn to the book of Obadiah might be a little difficult to find it. Is that short one or two pages in your Bible. I want to bring up something that I was struck by this week. As I was reviewing the notes the prophets in the Old Testament do we see them is very important because their words were recorded in scripture in the Old Testament. They didn't have any power politically to speak. So the Kings the priesthood they had political power. They had religious power. And so when they spoke they had the ability to enforce what they were speaking the king through military consequences the priesthood through religious consequences, but the prophets really all they could do is plead with the people. They didn't have any authority to enforce the scriptures that they were speaking and I find that striking especially as we're reading the Minor Prophets and we heard Amos last time and how much judgment was coming upon all of the Nations around Israel and then finally upon Israel itself. It is very much is a word from God that says judgment is coming but has to be believed by faith that it's coming because there would be no earthly reason to think the Judgment was coming. And now Obadiah will read this here in a moment. But Obadiah is judgment on a pagan nation. In fact, it's the only book in the Bible written to a foreign Nation to eat them the descendants of Esau which were cousins to is real but they had separated at the time when Jacob and Esau separated and Edom the nation of Edom ended up taking the high mountains up in the hills and becoming the ones who lived up there nearby to Israel a neighbor of Israel, but the book of Obadiah is not written to the people of Israel. It's written to the people of Edom. so that's kind of fascinating because you have God appealing through Obadiah to a pagan Nation to repent. Really? He's telling them that judgment is coming because of how they've treated his people and so there is a sense of encouragement to Israel that God is the God of Justice. We get Echoes of this in the Book of Revelation when you hear the Saints under the altar crying out how long oh Lord until you bring Justice on the Earth. And all of us long for this sense of justice and in one sense, we do we want there to be righteousness and Justice. We're tired of the corruption that's in our government. We're tired of the the corruption that's in our legal system. We lament or we get cynical when I run up my whole life in California. I've not ever felt like justice was something that was ever going to happen. And so why even be involved just get cynical and yet we long for it, don't we? And yet that were a bit too minded when it comes to this because we want God to bring justice, but we don't want them to bring Justice upon us. And that's a good news of the Gospel is that God is both the just the righteous one and a justifier. The one who declares people righteous in Christ and so are our Stark schizophrenia as it were of wanting Justice to come and yet not wanting Justice to fall on us is satisfied in Jesus because the father made him who knew no sin to be sin for us so that we might become the righteousness of God in him. Well the book of Obadiah it fits in between anus and Jonah and if we take it a step back and think about the Book of Amos last time two weeks ago. It was judgment upon the nation, but even Israel's not exempt now the book of Obadiah is judgment on a pagan Nation for how they treated his real but then the Book of Jonah is the nice book end because it's Mercy on a pagan Nation Nineveh repents. And so God relent and the one who's angry is Jonah, but that's for next week.

All the other prophets speak to Old Testament Believers, but Obadiah proclaims a vision from The Sovereign God do a pagan Nation. They don't have any theology. They don't have any place for the knowledge of God in their lives. They make no claim to knowing god. In other words. God is speaking through Obadiah to a place a society much like our own. It has no theology no place for the knowledge of God in their lives and no claim to knowing god. No, but died himself his name means worshipper of Yahweh or servant of Yahweh. But we don't know anything else about him. We don't exactly know when this is written. I would think in my studies looking at it that it was written sometime shortly after the fall of Israel in Babylon, but before Edom is conquered by Babylon, which puts it. Somewhere in the 500s BC and the reason I say that is because Adam took advantage of Israel and Judah when they were fleeing the destruction of the Assyrians in the Babylonians, and then they took advantage of their Israeli cousins and plundered them. And so God is saying don't you think that in your pride you're going to survive this?

Edom is an enemy of God. Well, let's read the book together. And then I'll I'll explain some few things and make some application the vision of Obadiah. Thus says the Lord God concerning eat them. We have heard a report from the Lord and a messenger has been sent among the nations rise up. Let us rise up against her for battle behold. I will make you small among the nation's you shall be utterly despised. The pride of your heart has deceived you you who live in the cleft of The Rock and your lofty dwelling who say in your heart who will bring me down to the ground. Do you store a lot? Like the eagle know your nest is set Among the Stars from there. I will bring you down declares the Lord if the leaves came to you if plunders came by night how you have been destroyed would they not steal only enough for themselves? If grape gatherers came to you would they not leave gleanings how he saw has been pillaged his treasures sought out all your allies have driven you to your border those at peace with you have deceived you they have prevailed against you those who eat your bread have said of Trapped beneath you you have no understanding will I not on that day declares the Lord destroy the Wiseman out of Edom and understanding out of Mount Esau and your Mighty Men shall be dismayed. Oh Tim on so that every man from Mount Esau. I will be cut off by Slaughter. Because of the violence done to your brother Jacob shame shall cover you and you shall be cut off Forever on the days that you stood aloof on the day that strangers carried off his wealth in foreigners enter his Gates and cast lots for Jerusalem. You were like one of them. But you're not gloat over the day of your brother in the day of his Misfortune. Do not rejoice over the people of Judah in the day of their ruin. Do not boast in the day of distress. Do not enter the Gate of my people in the day of their Calamity. Do not gloat over his disaster in the day of his Calamity. Do not loot his wealth in the day of his Calamity do not stand at the crossroads to cut off his fugitives do not hand over his survivors in the day of distress for the day of the Lord is near upon all the nations as you have done it shall be done to you your Deeds shall return on your own head. Brad you have drunk on my Holy Mountain. So all the nations shall drink. Continually, they shall drink and swallow and shall be as though they had never been but in Mount Zion, there should be those who escaped and that shall be wholly in the house of Jacob shall possess their own possessions the house of Jacob Shelby a fire and the house of Joseph Lane and House of Esau stubble. They shall burn them and consume them and there shall be no Survivor for the house of Esau for the Lord has spoken and those of the Negev shall possess Mount Esau and those of Chef Alex shall possess the land of the Philistines. They shall possess the land of Ephraim and the land of Samaria and Benjamin shall possess Gilead the Exiles of this host of the people of Israel shall possess the land of the Canaanites as far as Zahra Zahra fights and the Exiles of Jerusalem who are in Garage shall possess the cities of the Negev saviours shall go up to Mount Zion to rule Mount Esau and the kingdom shall be the Lord's. Wow, that is strong language judgments eat them is an enemy of God and we see in the first four verses that they were proud. We heard this in James, didn't we? It should be a friend of the world is to be an enemy of God and the god opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble. I saw the response here should be that they humble themselves under the mighty hand of God, but eat them does not do this. In fact God promises to make eat them small among the nations in verse to they thought of themselves highly their geography was high on the top of a mountain where the Eagles lived. And in fact that illustration God uses to say I'm going to tear you down from that high place. Your geography is a representation of your heart. You're high and lifted up in your heart. You're proud your lofty, but I'm going to make you small the pride of your heart has deceived you he says in verse three you make your home in the Heights and you think who can bring me down and when you're ever in Indiana Jones the Last Crusade that when they're going in towards the end and there's that that those buildings Petra that are carved into the rocks in the mountains. That's eat them. That's the location of Edom. They were way up high in these mountains and they had the ability with their army to defend themselves against anybody with a very small army and thought nobody can conquer us and God says, I'm going to tear you down from your Heights and that's what the Babylonians did to them in. The 500s eat them was also an important trade route between Syria and Egypt so it made them wealthy. So they had this secure fortress on the top of the hills. They were an important trade route between Syria and Egypt. They were five thousand feet above sea level. And they thought we got a great spot. We're secure. And what God says, it doesn't matter how strong or prosperous or successful you feel. You're going to give account to him. And he's your only security not your own possessions. Not your own Fortress is not your own security their pride diluted them verse for do you store like the eagle and make your nest Among the Stars from there? I will bring you down. And then what Obadiah does he listen out the sources of their pride verses 3 and 4. We saw it already there location. They're high up in the mountains there at an elevation. The mountaintops were considered Prime real estate is today to mean we eat here in California the coastline but the mountains as well. There's a reason the Oakland Hills are more prized than Oakland proper. Because the the hillside the mountain you have the better View.

Got something to bring you down their wealth verses 5 and 6. And God says your treasuries are going to be searched out and looted their allies and verse 7 that they prided themselves on their allies were going to deceive them. They were known in history for flip-flopping all the time and making deals with all the nations around them. But their allies were tyre and sidon these two famous powerful countries that had wealth because of their ports and shipping and being part of this trade route. And he says your allies are going to deceive you in verse 7 verse 8 their wisdom. God says your wise men are going to be destroyed. You know, that one of job's counselors was from Edom. So they prided themselves evidently on their wisdom and their knowledge. And God says, oh I'm going to destroy the wise men in the counselors among you and their Mighty Men their armies versus 9. They're going to be destroyed. God says they're going to be dismayed and and slaughtered God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble. Now why would it be that way? Why would God do this? What does keeping in the character of God? It's not just that the God is simply doing this out of capriciousness or out of some sort of spite or retaliation. It's in keeping with his character. He's a holy God. Who can't abide sin?

He dwells in unapproachable light who no man has seen nor can see and so in keeping with his Holiness. He must judge sin and so eat them will be judged for her great sin. But it's also keeping with God's Own humility. What do I mean by that humility is the way of God himself Philippians 2 Jesus the Eternal Son of God prior to the Incarnation did not consider equality with God something to be grasped and used for his own Advantage. But instead he humbled himself becoming obedient to the point of death even death on a cross and God highly exalted him and is given in the name above every name that is the name of Jesus every knee will bow and every tongue confess that he is Lord to the glory of God the Father. The Incarnation is the heart of God the example of God's Own humility. God the son. Demonstrates that it is God like to be humble. incredible to think about God is opposed to the proud but gives grace to the humble and then think of Jesus when he's on the earth is he? What does he do? He washes his disciples feet. Because he wants to point to an even greater cleansing in the New Covenant when the spirit comes he was going to washes. Buy regeneration to be born again so that we would be with God forever. There's a Heart of Jesus as he goes to the cross. The son of man came not to be served but to serve and to give his life a ransom for many Mark 10:45 humility is the way of Christ.

So it must be for all Christians. Proverbs 6 16 and 17 says God hates the proud. He's opposed to the proud. Isn't Pride such a temptation? Man, I think of I think so many times in my life. When I've been proud proud of my accomplishments proud of what I've done and then it just seems like I'm blocked at every opportunity.

And I remember God opposes the proud.

But he gives grace to the humble. John Stott, the famous Theologian in his head has written on on humility at every stage of our Christian development in in every sphere of our Christian discipleship pride is our greatest enemy and humility our greatest friend.

This is what we learn from the book of Obadiah. God is opposed to the proud but gives grace to the humble. James 4 was an excellent appropriate parallel chapter to go with the book of Obadiah because it says there that to be a friend with the world is to be at enmity with God in any example of being a friend of the world is to be filled with pride. Why? Because when were a friend of the world we think that the world has all of the solutions to our life and our problems. Whether it's money or Prestige or reputation or security or comforts. We're finding all of it in the world rather than in God. God opposes us it makes us his enemy and eat them here is an enemy of God. They opposed God's people versus five to 16 verse five if teams came to you would they not steal only enough for themselves in other words neither robbers nor grape Pickers take everything. They leave some things behind. They only take what they need and maybe a little bit more but Edom has been merciless in her treatment of Israel. Jacob her cousin. I think about that for a moment. If you've ever been the victim of robbery, you probably felt those strange thoughts of vulnerability and anger and violation that gets experienced. I've only had minor things stolen, but even then it feels like a violation. I never had someone break into my home. And yet Edom was as Israel is fleeing the destruction of Babylon or Assyria, whatever circumstance it is and they're running up the Hills this trade route to escape and they're going through eat them. Then the edomites are just picking up there and taken whatever remains that's what was going on.

And God here says eat him when you've done that to my people you're doing that to me. Remind me what Jesus said on the road to Damascus Saul Saul. Why do you persecute me? The Lord Jesus so identifying with his people that he refers to him as himself.

God demonstrates a similar kind of identification with his people in the book of Obadiah actions against God's people our actions against God himself. I should bring us great comfort in the midst of our suffering. The midst of living in this world where people take advantage of us mistreat us. They're making themselves an enemy of God and in verse 8, their cleverness doesn't save them the wise men and verse 9 their strength doesn't save them there. They're Mighty Men.

And the reason is so offensive verse 10 is because the violence is done to your brother Jacob. It wasn't merely strangers. It's your own brother Jacob your cousin.

God says I'm not going to temporarily destroy them. As I said to Israel. I would I'm going to destroy you forever. See God cares how his people are treated. That should bring us great comfort. The do the world be against us God is for us.

Sometimes we mistake. God's patience in his kindness for weakness and inaction. We don't see God working in our lives and we see evil prevailing and we we want to accuse God God. Why aren't you doing something? Why aren't you taking care of this problem? I'm suffering. I have a a person at work a boss who's mistreating me and slandering me and maligning me. I had a boss stealing my work and claiming it as his own. When I was at the oil refinery and I was tempted. I was crying out to God God. Why don't you vindicate me?

So when we get the curtain pulled back in the book of Obadiah and we see God tell his enemies old judgements coming you've mistreated. My people judgment is coming and when it comes its thorough that's a consolation to us. That's why Paul says in the Book of Romans vengeance is the Lord. He will repay. We don't have to take Vengeance. God will repay. This is the message of the Book of Revelation as well. The Lord. Jesus is coming back. And Justice will be served righteousness will cover the Earth. And so we don't have to take those matters into our own hands. We entrust ourselves to the Lord and when we cry out how long oh Lord. He says yet a little while. When we understand the purposes of God, we see that the reason he's delayed is not because he's weak not because he's asleep at the wheel not because he's an active but rather he desires that none would perish but all would come to him. Because of his mercy and his kindness that there's those who haven't yet turned to Jesus that he wants them to come. He has his sheep and the Lord Jesus is the Good Shepherd who owns Audi sheep. And he's put us here to to give this message why why wasn't immediate Heaven done in the first coming of Jesus? We can do everything else better in heaven. We can worship better. We can serve better. We can love one another better. I would never offend you in the glorified body. I probably do offend you now cuz I can be a jerk at times and say dumb things. Why do we live in this already? Not yet. We don't have all the answers, but we know one reason. It's because God has people out of every nation tribe people in tongue that are his and he's calling them out and he's using us and he has us here to be on mission to share that good news.

Back to book of Obadiah verses 11 to 14 Obadiah is explaining edom's violence against Israel verse 11. They stood aloof. What does that mean? They didn't step in when the violence of others hit Israel. They just stood aloof. They were bystanders. They watched it happen. They were the ones who today would have their cameras and film it for YouTube and post it up but not intervene.

First 12 they rejoiced in the day of Israel's ruined. They were actively gloating and rejoicing in the fact that Israel was torn down verse 13. They joined in with the Destroyers exploding exploiting Judas weakness.

Looting his wealth in the day of his Calamity verse 14. They had total disregard for the life of the Israelite people who were fleeing do not stand at the crossroads to cut off as fugitives do not hand over his survivors in the day of distress eat them waiting at these Crossroads that were in their country for those who fled and when they found survivors they handed them over to their killers. The Invaders wouldn't have known the local roads, but the edomites did they guided the Invaders right to the miserable people who are playing. wretched remember this isn't a fairytale. This isn't just a story. This is a real attack in a real Siege in a real fall of Jerusalem in real people running from Jerusalem screaming and it was the very roads of Edom reached after an exhausting flight roads leading to the Israelites Only Hope for survival and their cousins the edomites waited in Ambush and pounced hoping to get in good with Babylon. And God says verse 15. I'm going to bring Justice the day of the Lord is near upon all the nations as you have done it shall be done to you your deed shall return on your own head another mention of the day of the Lord. We heard this in Joel this day of the Lord's judgment is coming where he brings salvation to his people in judgment upon his enemies Miss day is coming. This is a day which is Promised over and over in scripture and in verse 15. This is a a truism, isn't it? I think about what God says here as you have done it shall be done to you you reap what you sow there's consequences. And your deeds will return on your own head.

again I promise that God's judgment is real. Now. Again those of us who are Christians. This should encourage us this promise of divine Justice when we personally face unjust suffering when we hear of our Christian brothers and sisters around the world being persecuted. It's a reminder that it won't be forever. also It should change our expectations about this world. The world will hate us and oppose us because it hated and opposed Jesus suffering and persecution was the way of Jesus first Peter two. He leaves us this example that we would follow in his footsteps of suffering. Edom represents the enemy of God and it's the enemy of God's people there to Israel, but it took a picture of the enemy of God's people in all generations this world power against God. And the ultimate Destiny is destruction. God is opposed to such enemies. No mountain is high enough. No Fortress is strong enough. No military force is large enough and no hiding place is dark enough to secure an it such an enemy from the Judgment of God. This is what we see here.

Jesus says in the same way you judge others. You will be judged in with the measure you use it will be measured to you Matthew 7 verse 2.

But again, this this book is for Edom. So how do we as followers of Jesus hear these words will if you're not a follower of Jesus come to Christ Don't mistake the the weakness of the kindness of God for weakness and think that he'll never judge you. He will Judgment Day is coming. But if you placed your faith in Jesus and you're a follower of this word of judgment is not for you. This is a word of consolation. The God is on your side and he will make everything right.

We heard it in Joel. He will restore the years the locusts have eaten. He'll make all things right and that's what the book ends with the verses 17 to 21. You see God's children are his friends verse 17, but in Mountain Zion there shall be those who escaped and it shall be holy and the house of Jacob shall possess their own possessions. The rest of this little book is about the reality that God's children are God's friends. Edom is the great enemy of God pictured verse 15 is seen as all the nations, but God's children are his friends. Jesus he says the same thing in Matthew 10 when he says if anyone will not welcome you or listen to your words Shake the Dust off your feet when you leave that home or town. I tell you the truth. It will be more bearable for Sodom and Gomorrah on the day of judgment than for that town. In other words Obadiah is teaching us that God is The judge of all who are proud all who oppose God's people. Is a friend to his people he cares for his people remember what Peter says cast all your cares upon him because he cares for you. I love the super literal Greek it matters to him about you. He cares for you. It matters to God about you. So cast all your cares upon Him verse 17. What does he do for his people? He delivers them those who escaped and it'll the mountain will be wholly in the house of Jacob shall possess their own possessions. He makes holy set apart this mountain he fulfills his promises and then in verses 19 and 20. He says he give security a blessing those of the Negev shall possess Mount Esau those of Chef Allah shall possess the land of the Philistines. So on and so forth verse 20, the Exiles of this host of the people of Israel shall possess the land and they'll possess the cities. In other words God keeps his promises. Amidst this word of judgment against Edom. God is speaking words of Hope for his people not only Will the Wicked receive justice, but God's people will be restored. As if God were promising to bring them back to life from the dead. Imagine such a promise.

He mentions Verse 18 the house of Joseph. Out of all the houses. He mentions the house of Joseph. And in one sense. These promises were fulfilled when several of the Israelites returned from Exile in Babylon to the land of Judah. That's later. But the off author also seems to perceive that this resurrected Kingdom will include all of God's people because he says the house of Joseph the house of Joseph was part of the northern kingdom that have been dispersed under the Assyrian conquest and what obadiah's alluding to is not the experience. Ultimately that Ezra and Nehemiah saw where the southern Kingdom Judah was restored. But this restoration when God's people are in God's place under God's rule through the Lord Jesus Christ. This Messiah who's to come the kingdom. He says in verse 21 will be yahweh's. So this is what Jesus taught us to pray. May your kingdom. Come may your will be done on Earth as it is in heaven. God says my Kingdom's coming. And all of my promises are going to be fulfilled and I'm going to restore my people and I'm going to judge the enemies. What a blessing we have. When we see God's Redemptive plan work out and we're on this side of the Cross and we see that the way God initiates this restoration is he sends his own son to be our savior? And in the first coming of Jesus the Messiah the Christ, what do we get? We get deliverance. We get a promise of an inheritance in him that he's going to give us the home and we're going to be part of his kingdom we get Justice. We get his word given to us. We we experience his steadfast Covenant keeping love and is God's people in his church. We've begun to experience all of these blessings in Christ Jesus.

Obadiah was promising this. in passing as he's as Obadiah is Preaching against Edom he in passing is making application to God's people and saying you're going to be restored and you're going to be holy and you're going to be secure and the kingdom is going to belong to Yahweh. So who is God in verse 21 the kingdom will be yahweh's. well We've already seen in the Minor Prophets that the Lord is King over all the nations. Not just is real. He's the Creator God. He's got overall. He's the one who made the heavens and the Earth.

So it's his salvation. His Justice is not just in Israel, but it's over the whole Earth. God's kingship Is the message in this little book the kingdom is going to be the Lord's the kingdom is not going to be etoms. It's not even going to be Israel's. It's definitely not going to be babylon's. They're not even mentioned by name. The kingdom is going to be always the Lord's. Polytheism will be removed. Yahweh alone as God will prevail in this Kingdom. What's remarkable at let's turn over to Isaiah 63 another prophet in the Old Testament.

again, we don't know if

Obadiah wrote before or after Isaiah but there's another reference to eat them here and Isaiah 63. I want to show this to you.

first one

who is this? Who comes from Edom in Crimson garments from basrah he who is Splendid in his apparel Marching In the greatness of his strength it is I speaking in righteousness mighty to save so who is this coming from Edom whose garments are red? It's Yahweh. The one who's mighty to save verse 2. Why is your apparel red in your garments like his who treads in the winepress? I've trodden the winepress alone in from the people's no one was with me. I tried them in my anger and trampled them in my wrath their life blood spattered on my garments and stained All My Apparel for the day of Vengeance was in my heart in my year of redemption had comes I looked but there was no one to help I was appalled but there was no one to uphold so my own arm brought me salvation in my wrath of held me I trample down the peoples in my anger. I made them drunk in my wrath and I poured out their lifeblood on the earth. Wow. That's graphic. This picture of a winepress I lived in the Napa Valley for a number of years and there's pressure Bob on the hill right when you're going into the Napa Valley and Jen's she went to Vintage High and The Crushers is the name in so you get this picture of the grapes that are in this this wine crush and course the old way to do it was you stood in it and just trampled on him and crushed him until the grapes were mush and God says, this is what I've done in Edom. There was no one to do it. So I did it and what it does is it brings judgment but it also brings salvation salvation for my people. This is why I say in verse 7. I will recount the steadfast love of the Lord the Praises of the Lord according to all the Lord has granted to us and the great goodness to the house of Israel that he has granted them. According to his compassion according to the abundance of his steadfast love. Now the Book of Revelation picks up this same imagery. Revelation 11

Is it 11 did I get it? Right? I did not get it. Right. I have 11 written down. Where is The Grapes of Wrath the winepress? 14 thank you. 11 is a good verse 15 the kingdom of the world has become the kingdom of our Lord and of his Christ and he shall reign forever and ever that's why I had it written down is cuz the kingdom of this world becomes the kingdom of Our Lord but Revelation Chapter 14 verse 14, then I looked and behold a white cloud and seated on the cloud one like a son of man with a Golden Crown on his head in the sharp sickle in his hand and another angel came out of the temple calling with a loud voice. Damn who sat on the cloud put in your sickle and reap for the hour to reap his come for the Harvest of the earth is fully ripe. So he who sat on the clouds swung his sickle across the Earth and the Earth was raped and then another angel came out of the temple in heaven and he too had a sharp sickle. And another angel came out from the altar the angel who has authority over the fire and he called with a loud voice to the one who had the sharp sickle put your sickle and gather the Clusters from the vine of the Earth for its grapes are ripe to the angel swing is Sickle across the Earth and gather the grape Harvest of the earth and threw it into the great winepress of the wrath of God and the winepress was trodden outside the city in blood flowed from the winepress as high as a horse's bridle for 1600. Stadia. Wow. Graphic this picture of God's judgment upon the nation's turn back to Revelation 11:15. Just since you're right there. This is what I wanted to get to this is why I had this verse written down here is because right now the kingdoms of the world Rejoice thinking they're so powerful, but God opposes the proud he gives grace to the humble and what's going to happen. Verse 15 the seventh angel blew his trumpet and there were loud voices and Heaven saying the kingdom of the world has become the kingdom of our Lord and of his Christ and he shall reign forever and ever. This is the end of the story. Edom of course was destroyed in history. It was invaded in The Next Century and it suffered wave after wave of invasion in history until the nation finally disappeared and the only thing there today are military outposts in the modern country of Jordan. That's it. And where the Israelites restored will partially Obadiah Promises of future day when there's going to be a restoration of Jerusalem of Judah and when Jesus Christ came and declared that the kingdom of God had begun its here he ushered many Jewish people and non-jewish people into God's kingdom over their lives his Reign Over their lives and we know that this day is coming when Jesus is returning again in the Kingdom of this world will become the kingdom of our Lord and of his Christ. This is good news. I've alluded to it twice 2nd Peter chapter 3 verse 9 and 10. The Lord is not slow to fulfill his promise as some count slowness but is patient toward you not wishing that any should perish but that all should be should reach repentance. This is the heart of our God. It's why he hasn't come yet if he desires all should reach repentance. So we have a great mission. That should bring us great comfort in the midst of this mission that God has for us. Greater is he who is in you than he who is in the world? Can you read the news today? When you hear all of the unsettling things when you're down to the rabbit hole of Twitter? On all the speculations of how bad things are going to get. Remember God is ruling and raining and his kingdom is coming. And this world the kingdom of this world will be no more. It doesn't get the last word Edom was a Powerhouse and it's been reduced to nothing and God promised it beforehand. And he keeps his promises. Again, this should not cause us to fear but this should give us great comfort that who is the one who's for us? the one who made us the one who changes the hearts of kings and rulers the one who is king of Heaven and Earth. the one who does everything he pleases and no one controls him because he's Sovereign Over All East Auburn over your life and my life. He's Sovereign over the circumstances and he never forgets his people. He never forgets he's not lazy. He's not forgetful. He's not asleep at the wheel. He is concerned for you and for me. Until your circumstances, they're not on the throne. Your suffering is not on the throne. This world government is not on the throne. He thinks it is. Jesus is on the throne. He's ruling and raining and he's going to come again and make all things right. That's the hope. We see in the book of Obadiah. Let's pray father. Thank you for your word this time. what a word father I would never preach it. If it was my own decision to just skip over passages. And yet it's some of the most comforting words we could hear that you are going to bring Justice. That you were going to make things, right? That you are for your people. That you were opposed to the proud, but you give grace to the humble.

May the applications of this passage sink deep into our hearts so that when we are troubled When we are overwhelmed by our circumstances we run to you.

We trust your omnipotent hand your Mighty hand to save in Jesus name. Amen.

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