What makes you thankful (Phil 1:3-7)
Catch- Thanks is easy to give when life is good
Thomas Jefferson was even thankful to his bitter rivals
Thanks to Washington and Hamilton , the American economy flourished ; thanks to Adams , the Quasi - War with France had receded to a memory .
Inheriting domestic prosperity and international peace , Jefferson benefited from exceptional good fortune as America settled down for the first time since the Revolution .
Jefferson may have opposed them at every turn, but he was very thankful for what they had built
But a christian is called to be thankful in all things, not just the easy times
True thankfulness is a more powerful emotion than happiness
Happiness is like a goldfish you win from the fair.. it dies so quickly
Thankfulness rests upon what another has done*and if it
*and if it is God you rest upon, thankful for what he has done.
Less like a gold fish and more like a box turtle
A pet that lives 60+ years
It just won’t die
Paul was in prison, people were speaking about Jesus to get him in more trouble, and there were troubles in his beloved church, Paul was not an always happy kind of guy:
Paul was not an always happy kind of guy:Paul felt sorrow- 2:27- Paul was worried Epaphroditus would die and bring up “sorrow upon sorrow”
Paul felt sorrow- 2:27- Paul was worried Epaphroditus would die and bring up “sorrow upon sorrow”Yet, Paul is content, and says, “always offering prayer in
Yet, Paul is content, and says, “always offering prayer in joy
Review- Last time we introduced the book
Strong book of relationships built around Christ
Philippians is Paul’s most close-knit book
I think we were challenged you to build our relationships around something more than just shared interests. Something that will last
So let’s see
3 hopes to make you thankful.
Have hope that the Gospel is moving forward (3-5)
3 effects of the gospel on our lives
You will be thankful to God
Grammar is so important to get the meaning, and it’s not really complicatedwho is the thanks given to?
who is the thanks given to? God
And through the New Testament, the object of this word “thanks” is 1 time people, 1 time Jesus, and 25 times God
When Paul is thankful, he does not thank people directly, he thanks God for the people
Because the blessings are not about us
1 Corinthians 4:6–7- What do you have that you did not receive? If then you received it, why do you boast as if you did not receive it?
Now, be careful, as some of us may take this too far saying… I should never say thank you to anyone because that would be stealing from God’s glory
But Paul has no problem thanking people saying
Romans 16:3–4- Greet Prisca and Aquila, my fellow workers in Christ Jesus, who for my life risked their own necks, to whom not only do I give thanks,…
Paul gave thanks to people too
This thanks then leads Paul into prayer
Notice how many times he emphasizes his consistent prayers-always, constantly, mentioning,
-always, constantly, mentioning, remembering
He is not saying when we remember you we pray, but we purposely remember you
Every time he remembers them
Almost involuntary action
Illus- How your mouth begins to water when you smell something sweet coming off the grill.
He thanks God for them.
His mind goes straight to what the Father has done
Paul knows the word of God will change them and cause them to be obey Him
So the lives of Christians become about thanks
Colossians 3:17- And whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.
So many of you have so much… you have possessions, you have family, you have gifts
There can be so many applications today, but I wonder if we’re able to give thanks for anyone we do not see on a regular basis
Do we seek to bring our missionaries to mind or old friends
One of the best bits of wisdom I gained from a seminary professor was to write down prayers and pray them over and over again, noting how God answered them even if I don’t see that person anymore
If you’re feeling discouraged, possibly consider more thanksgiving in prayer
Trans: along with that thankfulness comes
You will pray with joy
At the same time he would think of them and thank God, he would pray for them
This particular Greek word is used in scripture for petition
There are different Aspects or types of prayer
This is Supplication. Asking God for care for His people
Grammar hats on:
Notice the word “In” repeated
He thanks God in remembering and in prayer
So offering prayer is explaining “I thank my God”
And Paul’s prayer is made with Joy
John Macarthur describes Joy this way“Christian joy is not a giddy, superficial happiness that can be devastated by illness, economic difficulties, broken relationships, or the countless other vicissitudes and disappointments of life. Instead, it flows from the deep,
“Christian joy is not a giddy, superficial happiness that can be devastated by illness, economic difficulties, broken relationships, or the countless other vicissitudes and disappointments of life. Instead, it flows from the deep, unshakable confidence that God is eternally in control of every aspect of life for the good of His beloved children.”
Joy can not be taken away because Christ can be taken away
But notice: Joy is not the goal, it’s a product
He is thanking God for what God what has already happened, what Paul saw in them and what God has done in them.
Examples throughout the book
1:18- Christ is proclaimed, and in this I rejoice.
2:2- Make my joy complete by being of the same mind
2:17-18- They rejoice because we hold fast to the word of life
4:4- Rejoice in the lord always. He is the focus not the joy
Paul is not trying to conjure up joy in his heart
Instead, joy comes from knowing the gospel, knowing God. Douglas Moo’s commentary says“
“joy is how believers who know Christ and whose futures are guaranteed by Christ respond in the context of present difficulties, not because they like to suffer, but because their joy is “in the Lord.” (Moo)
Phil 4:6 tells us to fight worry with prayer
But not just prayer
Prayer with thanksgiving!
So, brothers and sisters
Might I suggest we watch out for our culture’s focus on instant satisfaction and keeping ourselves happy
The opposite of waiting is meeting my "needs" now, taking matters into my own hands now, and acting as if I'm my only hope.
Esau embodies regrouping through immediate gratification
For a single meal, a bowl of soup, he sold his birthright. He refused to look ahead, to wait, to delay gratification
What am I convinced that I must have now that I believe is more pleasing to my deepest appetite than God and what He chooses to provide and what He promises?
Start each day praying to God what you are thankful for
Look at those around this church with all our imperfections and be thankful because they are participating in
be thankful because they are participating in the gospel
3rd effect
You will participate in the gospel
Participation=, the Greek word koinoia,
same word we translate Fellowship*The gospel is the news of what Jesus has already
*The gospel is the news of what Jesus has already done.
And we get to participate in that as we live lives worthy of the gospel (v27)
Or as Titus 2:10 we adorn the doctrine of God
There is no such thing as a sideline Christian
All have a spiritual gift and are part of the body (1 cor 7), we
we all have the great commission.
And our actions make the message we say we believe real and beautiful or fake and ugly
Paul’s could be so hopeful in them because he saw them changed by the gospel
There is a False idea: preach the gospel always and use words when necessary
St. Francis of Assissi did not say that, & he preached a whole lot!
Someone cannot understand the gospel without telling them what Jesus did.
If you say nothing: you only make confused moral people
Have Hope that the gospel is changing lives
I’ve had a number of people ask my hobbies over the past few weeks
And I love doing lots of outdoor excursions
But my wife and I have never shared lots of hobbies together
But do you know what we do share, a shared passion
We have a committed love for each other
And we love God
DA Carson- ““The heart of true fellowship is self-sacrificing conformity to a shared vision…a vision of what is of transcendent importance, a vision that call forth our commitment.””
So do you see the gospel changing your life
Because you can be thankful that God is changing people
You must ask the question: Am I changing? (Though I’m not perfect yet)
Transforming can be slow like a butterfly in a cocun,
or like someone changes as they grow older?
EX: You don’t see the changes in the mirror because they’re so small, but when you look back at and old photos, you go wow, did I use to look like that.
So, you must be different than who you were because the gospel takes you in a different direction
But We are to strive to not be like the Hebrews:
“For though by this time you ought to be teachers, you have need again for someone to teach you the elementary principles of the oracles of God, and you have come to need milk and not solid food.” (Hebrews 5:12, NASB95)
Trans: Why is Paul thanking God because of what they’re doing? Because he knew Jesus began it in them and will finish it.
Have hope that Christ will perfect His own. (v6)
Ask: Why does Jesus have to begin it?Because from our first breath of life we are against God.
Because from our first breath of life we are against God.
The bible repeatedly teaches the doctrine of being born sinners
Ephesians 2:1–2- And you were dead in the trespasses and sins in which you once walked, following the course of this world, following the prince of the power of the air, the spirit that is now at work in the sons of disobedience—
John 3
We do not throw a life preserver to a dead corpse and that would do nothing
But Jesus dives into death and brings the new birth
3 stages of salvation christ’s work
Jesus saved us (Justification)*he has to
*he has to breath new life into us
Turn to Phil 3:8- gaining Christ earned him everything
Jesus is saving us (Sanctification)
Phil 3:12- Paul presses on so he may gain the prize
Thus- “God is at work in you both to will and to work for his good pleasure” (Phil. 2:13).
Christ prays for us according to Hebrews
Jesus will save us (Glorification)
Phil 3:13-14. The goal of the upward prize
Every believer will meet that Goal one day
Day of lord= Jesus’ second coming, eschatology
His point is hope, not trying to distinguish between the rapture and the judgment, or define a end times chart.
But at the second coming there will be ultimate salvation
Saved from this sinful flesh, saved from the world, saved from Satan
Given a body like Jesus Christ’s resurrected body that is perfect.
But there will also be ultimate judgment as many are thrown into the lake of fire (Rev 20:14)
If you are in Christ, he will not let you fail
Romans 8:29–30- For those whom he foreknew he also predestined to be conformed to the image of his Son, in order that he might be the firstborn among many brothers. And those whom he predestined he also called, and those whom he called he also justified, and those whom he justified he also glorified.
If you could lose your salvation, you would… but Jesus will rescue his own
Think of it like river rafting
Those who go rafting down the river know well the fact the river pushes you forward.
If you just sit back, the river will take you forward
And sometimes as christians we feel like God has just left us on this river by ourselves, so we can get caught, or we could coast and just barley make it in.
But Paul’s confidence comes from the fact that Jesus left us with a guide, the words of God and the spirit of
the words of God and the spirit of God
So you do not sit in raft alone
You have a guide who pushes you forward in moments of weakness saying paddle paddle paddle.
He guides you during times of rough waters
And he tells you when you need to rest and be ready for what’s coming up next.
He promises not just to get to down the river, but he will get you there alive
Because Christ will perfect His own
I’ve interacted with enough Christian couples to know that there are plenty of conflicts and moments of despair in Christian marriages
In his book Marriage Conflict: Talking as Teammates (Hoppe, Steve ) says
People believe[] either that God can’t change your spouse, or, if you know that he can, that he won’t change your spouse. In other words, you’re believing lies.
Here’s the truth: if God created the universe, parted the Red Sea, sent down manna from heaven, delivered Jonah from the belly of an enormous fish, and raised Christ from the dead, he can change your spouse. If God changed Paul—a killer of Christians—he can change your spouse. If God changed you, he can change your spouse.
And if your spouse is a Christian, Paul says in Philippians 1: 6 that the Lord—the one who replaced your spouse’s heart of stone with a heart of flesh—will continue to purify this heart until the day that Jesus returns. He will change your spouse.
Or maybe it’s you
If you feel like plateaued- you can’t seem to grow anymore, do not despair, but go back to the guide of God’s word and seek the help of fellow believers.
And if you’re worried that you’re not a believer because of sin which keeps entangling youthen the answer is the same as someone who knows
then the answer is the same as someone who knows they are not
Run back to Jesus and His gospel
It is where our foundation is.
Remember it is not our goodness that enables us to stand before Him but His.
So repent of your sin and trust that He can forgive
Trans: Why is Paul thanking God because of what they’re doing? Because he knew Jesus began it in them and will finish it.
Have hope that grace works and confirms (v7)
They proved their faith
They were by his side in the midst of difficulty back in the Philippians riot
, supporting him and creating a great relationship then
They’re helping Paul now in prison
Philippians 4:15–16- You yourselves also know, Philippians, that at the first preaching of the gospel, after I left Macedonia, no church shared with me in the matter of giving and receiving but you alone; for even in Thessalonica you sent a gift more than once for my needs.
They too suffered for their faith
They too learned their need for grace, that God would work in them and they didn’t give up
WE want to see how Grace confirms and assures faith
Story of child dying..
I knew a poor mom had two songs die in a tragic accident and two more sons living
Asking her about it a little later she said the most interesting thing to me… I am so thankful God took these sons and not those ones
Because I could see their real faith and love for the Lord, I know they’re with Christ and I’m worried about the ones who remain
Talk is cheap… but if actions speak louder than words, what do people’s actions say about their statements of faith?
Some of you need to be challengedHow do you show you are a partaker of grace?
How do you show you are a partaker of grace?
Life is hard, time is short and we have many obligations
But one way we prove that we are Jesus’ brothers is that we love Jesus’ brothers
True Koinoia doesn’t take much, just being aware that someone needs moving help, or help with the kids, or having their internet setup.
Because not only does a love speak volumes, but a lack of love speaks even louder.
You msut be moved to love others
And others of you are doing so well in your love
Do you know that being a partner in the gospel doesn’t always mean doing something physically
The prayers of a righteous man or woman, accomplishes much
And your financial giving or encouragement giving builds up this partnership
So not matter your challenges, keep loving
Since we have seen (Cohesion)- 3 hopes that result in thankfulness
The gospel changes lives
God will get a believer to the end, perfecting them
And God shows evidences of work here and now
We know we must (Resolution)-
You can be thankful no matter the situation that God is working
During the years of 1935-36 there was many christians pushing back on the Nazi party in Germany
For this, the pastors were arrested
There were young wives of imprisoned pastors,
The famous pastor Deitech Bonhoeffer arranged for them to stay at in a country home
When one of those ladies Werner Koch was imprisoned in a concentration camp, she wrote him: “We live in strange times, but we should be eternally thankful that poor, oppressed Christianity is acquiring greater vitality than I have ever known in the course of my seventy years. What testimony to its real existence!”
Don’t despair even in bad times, these give opportunity for you to look out to see the good that God is doing in people’s lives and thus respond in thankfulness