Living Out Our Purpose
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Intro: Many years before Abraham Lincoln was elected president, he was a store-keeper in Salem, Illinois. Abe had a rifle displayed in his store that was one of the most beautiful rifles ever made. The barrel was made from the finest steel, the stock from the best walnut wood; and a world-famous gunsmith had assembled the gun. The price was extremely reasonable. Displayed next to this attractive gun was a rack of ordinary Kentucky squirrel rifles. These long-barrel rifles were made from ordinary gun steel, and plain wooden stocks. Yet, the price was higher.
A customer entered the store looking for a new rifle. He was impressed by the fine-looking gun, but was confused as to why it was priced much lower than the less attractive rifles. Abe explained that the good-looking rifle was for show, while the others were for shooting. The pioneer bought the Kentucky squirrel rifle. A little while later, a rich farmer was decorating a room in his country mansion. He wanted to place a gun over the fireplace mantle with his big game trophies. Abe’s fancy gun was exactly what he needed. The fact that it would not shoot was irrelevant it served a purpose.
God has given each of us a purpose, too. We can choose to work for God’s glory and make disciples for Christ, or we can choose to be decorations on church pews.
I. We must understand our purpose? (19-20a)
I. We must understand our purpose? (19-20a)
Everything has a purpose. A paints brush covers an object in paint. A jacket keeps us warm. The appendix protects healthy bacteria in the gut. A gun that doesn't shoot decorates. Everything has a purpose and we do too. Our is to carry on Jesus’ mission of mercy and make disciples until He returns.
A. We Must Be Soul Winners
Part of our purpose is to reach lost souls with the Gospel of Jesus. Do you know that the Soul has intrinsic value to God. As a Man values Gold, God values souls.
ILL: Dr. R.G. Lee once said, “One digit is valuable to the multiplication table, and one letter to the alphabet, far more valuable is just one soul in God’s sight.
Each soul is valuable to God and we can make a difference on earth by being a soul winner for heaven! God doesn't call all of us to be Pastors but He does command each of us to be on mission as we live do life. A man who understood this call was Ezra Kimball.
ILL: Ezra Kimball sold carpet and taught Sunday School at Mt. Vernon Congregational Church in Boston Ma. There he met a troubled young man who he ministered to for over a year without any results. Then on April 21st 1855, he wandered into the boys place of employment, Holton Shoe Store . Mr. Kimball spotted the young man stocking shelves and while pleading with him in the backroom the young man received Jesus as his Lord and Savior. To this day there is Plaque on Court St. where Holton Shoe store use to be, commemorating the site where Dwight L. Moody was saved. D.L. Moody would reach millions with Gospel.
Ezra Kimball was a common everyday man who cared enough about someone to tend to his soul. Not everyone will be a D.L. Moody but we all can be an Ezra Kimball.
B. We Must Be Disciple Makers
The main part of our purpose is to make disciples. A disciple is a close follower of Jesus who grows into perfection in Christ and lives out His purpose in Christ. Jesus commands us to teach them all that He has commanded us. Teaching simply means to provide instruction, this is a present active participle implying to keep teaching. This leads us to follow Jesus’ model for ministry, investing your life with others. Jesus lived with His disciples, He gave them hands on training much like an apprenticeship.
ILL: Over the years my dad had many apprentices, people he brought into our store and taught them hands on how to repair and make jewelry. He taught them the right way, how to use the right tools, encouraged them, and was he was there to correct any issues. After about 3 years these apprentices became Master Jewelers and would go on to acheive great things and even have apprentices of their own.
This is what I am doing with you because it is my purpose to help you live out your purpose. That is to make disciples who will in turn make disciples! The great commission will never be fulfilled by preaching, it takes personal investment and multiplication.
ILL: Dr. Roy Lucas once shared a poem that is spot on. Ten little Christians came to church all the time; one fell out with the preacher, then there were nine. Nine little Christians stayed up late; One overslept on Sunday, now there were eight. Eight little Christians on their way to heaven; one took the low road, then there were seven. Seven little Christians, chirping like chicks; one didn't like the singing, then there were six. Six little Christians seemed very much alive; One took a vacation, then there were five. Five little Christians pulling for Heaven’s shore; one stopped to take a rest, then there were four. Four little Christians each as busy as a bee; One had his feelings hurt, then there were three. Three little Christians couldn’t decide what to do; One couldn't have his way, then there were two. Two little Christians each won one more; Now don’t you see, two plus two equals four. Four little Christians worked early and late; Each brought one now there were eight. Eight little Christians if they double as before; in just seven Sundays we would have one thousand twenty four.
If we would do things Jesus’ way in one generation the whole world would be reached for Christ. We must Understand our purpose, but we must also carry it out!
II. We must understand our power. (18,20b)
II. We must understand our power. (18,20b)
It is the risen Lord who gives us our marching orders! All that He laid aside before coming to earth has been restored to Him. Glory, power, authority, and dominion. He is the King of kings and the Lord of lords, who one day soon, every creature will bow their knees before and confess. With great grace He does not seek vengeance on man for crucifying Him, instead He appoints His followers as ambassadors to the whole world. The King has given us authority to speak on His behalf.
Disciple making can seem intimidating until we understand that it is not us who saves people.
ILL: I used to get my hair cut by a man named Ollie Clyde, each time he cut my hair he asked “how many people have you saved this week?” My answer was always none, because it is God who saves! We are just His mouth piece, a tool in the right hand of God!
He has charged us and commission us to go and make disciples, but we often miss that it is the Great Co-Mission! Jesus may have ascended to heaven and is no longer physically with us but He did not leave us helpless and hopeless because Spiritually He is still with us.
Jesus says, “Lo” look… INDEED… I am with you always! The Resurrected living Lordis present and His power is made available to us, The Power that created telling nothing to be come evrythig and it did. Who flung the stars in the sky, told the oceans to stop here, and the mountains to rise, The power that cause life abundantly is wrapped up a simple message! “God so loved the world that He have His only begotten Son that whosoever believeth in Him shall not perish but have everlasting life.
His presence and power is here for us to draw from… but are we connceted?
ILL: I bought Tony a Jeep a few months ago. When We I went to test drive it, it would not crank. The owner said, Ill take it to Auto Battery and Elecric tomorrow and get a new battery. I cam back the next and it fired right up. I asked if he got a new battery. He answered, no the battery was fully charged and good, it just had a loose connection.
Many of here today have a loose connection and all we must do is tap into the power source by Faith! Trust in the power of the Gospel and give it time to work!
CPS: Live out your purpose, be a soul winning disciple maker, trusting completely in the ever present Lord and His message.