There Life Is In The Blood (Working)
Leviticus 17:11 “For the life of the flesh is in the blood: and I have given it to you upon the altar to make an atonement for your souls: for it is the blood that maketh an atonement for the soul.”
As we read through the book of Leviticus, we are at the point in the bible where, the Lord is giving the law to Moses. He is establishing the way by which man can have atonement for sin, and as he is given to him, the various sacrifices, the animal sacrifices. The Lord declares for the life of the flesh is in the blood, and I have given it to you upon the altar to make atonement for your souls, for it is the blood that makes atonement for the soul.
I made friends with a Jewish man on the metro north several years ago. And I got my chance to ask him a question that had been on my mind for quIte some time. I asked him, since Jewish people don’t believe that Jesus is the messiah, Why don’t the Jewish people offer sacrifices any more? He replied, Sacrifices must be offered at the temple on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem only. But since the temple was destroyed we can no longer offer sacrifices for our sins. These are people who are very devout, and I have no doubt at all concerning their sincerity and their worship of God, But they do not believe in Jesus.
But here is problem that I see God provided in his covenant with Israel a way by which their sins could be forgive What do our friends do about their sins when in God‘s covenant with Israel, he declared
without the blood there is no remission that the blood is for the atonement of the soul. And it is the blood that makes the atonement.
What they do about their sins?
The Jewish people will explain how that they feel that their good works should be accepted by God and they seek to live a good life and as long as their good works override their bad works. They feel that God should accept them.
However, that is not the covenant that God made. God said that the way to approach him to come to him through the blood sacrifices that is the way atonement is made for sin.
And here is the common mindset of our culture, we tend to think that God should accept a person or a person’s goodness as a substitute for the provisions that God has required By way of sacrifice, and the shedding of blood for the covering or remission of sins.
We think that our good deeds, our sincerity and by the very least, our good intentions are enough to be in right standing with God.
But here is what God feels about that Idea. He says righteousness are as filthy rags.
Proposition Statement
There are some things we need to know about God’s designed covenant for atonement of sin. So that we can understand the significance of applying them to our lives.
The Life of The Flesh is in The Blood.(God chose Blood)
The Life of The Flesh is in The Blood.(God chose Blood)
Leviticus 17:11 “For the life of the flesh is in the blood: and I have given it to you upon the altar to make an atonement for your souls: for it is the blood that maketh an atonement for the soul.”
Here in our text, God first of all declares the life of the flesh is in the blood. I want you to compare that with the first words on the subject of blood in the World book encyclopedia it declares
Blood is the life stream of the human body. The life of the flesh is in the blood.
Blood is the life stream of the human body. Actually, they’ve paraphrased the scriptures, they’re saying the same thing is the live stream of the human body.
It says, no Part of the body can live without this red fluid.
Blood carries oxygen and food to every part of the body carries waste products away from the various body organs. It also fights disease germs that enter the body.
The blood is the life stream of the body, it carries oxygen and food to the cells of the body. And Without this oxygen, the cells will begin to die in just a matter of seconds.
But it also picks up the carbon dioxide and the other waste materials out of the body. When your cells burn, the oxygen byproduct of the burnt oxygen is carbon dioxide, a poisonous gas, which is picked up in the capillaries and carried through the veins into your heart where it is pumped into your lungs and is then exhale as you breathe out, and there gets a new supply of oxygen through osmosis, and it goes into the arteries and out into the capillaries, where through osmosis it goes on into the cells and feeds the cells the oxygen they need to survive.
The blood also picks up food and carries it through the various cells, the fats the sugars Proteins and it carries it to the cells of the body and it also picks up the waist food and deposit it in the liver and in the kidneys and your body gets rid of its waist. Marvelous system that God has developed.
Scientist marvel at the capacity of the blood to coagulate. One of the real marvel of science is how the platelets in your blood, whenever you’re cut, these platelets begin to assemble then they send out a message that your bleeding and all these platelets come running to that area where you’re bleeding, and they begin to join themselves together and begin to go in and glue themselves to each other until they make a covering over that and form a film and they stop the flow of bleeding. This is a mystery and a marble to the sinus capacity of the platelets to men the tear at enter to stop the flow of blood.
To me it’s a it’s a proof that Man has to be created by design rather than evolved by accident. It’s all part of what David said I am Wonderfully made, and that my soul knows quite well. I was created by God.
The red cells are interesting. They are the ones that do carry the oxygen in the food to the cells and pick up the waste materials and and get rid of it These cells are manufactured in your bone marrow. They have a life expectancy of about four months so that every day you have about 2 ounces of blood that has run its life expectancy. The energy is gone it dies and it’s deposited and gotten rid of out of your system, but these red cells are so small that are laying them side-by-side. It would take 3200 of them to be 1 inch long very small And your bone marrow has to manufacture about 2, million of these every second to keep up your blood supply from the 2 ounces of blood you lose every day. However, if you give a pint of blood, there’s a message that goes out somewhere in your body to the foreman of the factory and it says you better get some more blood in the body that’s about a pint low and so they going to overtime and they work 24 hours a day and they begin to create blood cells at five times the normal rate, until within 10 days, you have your full supply of blood back again.
I am fearfully and wonderfully made, and that my soul knows quite well
now these blood cells have to ultimately get down to the capillaries and the capillaries are extremely small, and it is in the capillaries that the osmosis takes place, and the oxygen is transferred into the cells, the capillaries are so small that when the blood gets to the capillaries, they have to go through the capillaries in single file. They can’t all rush at the capillary at and jam their way through they come through single file, but they have to carry the maximum amount of volume with the minimum amount of friction through the smallest amount of and it has to be the ideal shape, if it were round then the capillaries would have to open too wide, and the blood cell could not get through these tiny capillaries if they were square or rectangular, then there would be too much friction as they went through the capillaries, and your body temperature would rise up to 108 -110° it is actually the friction of the blood through the capillaries that eat your body keeps your body at 98.6 temperature degree. Now was that designed or did that come to pass through a tremendous series of concurrences of accidental circumstances over 10 billion years?
Believe what you want but I believe that God created the human body and put in the blood as the life of the body, for the life of the flesh is in the blood.
Respect for Blood
That is why God demands such respect for the blood, and there are so many laws that deal with the blood man was not to eat blood man was not to drink blood. We were to have a very high respect for blood, because it is the life stream of the body, God demanded this great respect for blood, because God‘s word declares it is the blood that makes the atonement for the soul.
It is the Blood That Atones for The Soul
It is the Blood That Atones for The Soul
Now God’s penalty for sin Is Death. The word declared that the soul that sin it shall surely die, and as we read the through leviticus, we read where God declared, and the man who does this shall Shirley be put to death. And over and over that phase he will be cut off from the people he shall surely be put to death and this was God sentence against the soul that sins. it shall surely die, and that we have all sin we’ve all been condemned to death and
This Death that is being referred to that spiritual man’s loss of the consciousness of the presence of God. And his life Alienated from God separated from God.
Our Greatest Need is fellowship with God
And man cannot stand to exist without God and if a man tries to exist without God. He finds that with him there is a churning. There is a yearning, and he is constantly trying to fill this void that it is that is in his life that he’s aware of. He’s conscious of
There has to be more to life and so I’m trying this. I’m trying that I’m trying this experience. I’m reaching out for this level or whatever and hoping that somehow I can be satisfied and fill this cry of my spirit for God.
we see the world today the pleasure Mania everything else that testify to men trying to get hold of something that’s going to satisfy this. Or you see them trying to cover up their pain.
You hear a lot about altered states of consciousness, and so a person takes drugs to have an altered state of consciousness. Why would I want an altered state of consciousness because I can’t stand to live with what I know I can’t stand to live without God, so I need to somehow supplement by getting into an altered state of conscience by taking drugs.
And God provided that our sins might be a ton in order that I might be able to be one with God to have fellowship with God to have the life of God.
But God provided a way
And so God provided the covenant with Israel, a man sins a man transgresses against the law of God. He can take a lamb, and he can bring it to the priest then place his hands upon the head of that lamb confesses upon it his sin, his guilt, and by doing this he is transferring the sin and guilt over onto the Lamb, and as that Lamb now has my sin in my guilt upon it I slit the throat, and the blood is caught in a basin, and as the blood is flowing out of that lamb, and I see that basin being filled with blood and I see the body of the lamb going wek as it is dying. It’s life is flowing out, I realize that that lamb is a substitute for me. I deserve to die because of my sin it is the sentence that is mine is taking my place. It’s dying for me and that lamb dies. It is the blood that makes the atonement for the soul.
One thing we don’t realize is the awfulness of sin we tend to take a very casual attitude towards it. We have a total misunderstanding of the holiness of God, and that man is failing to understand the awfulness of sin and the holiness of God, and in reality, a man is asking God to become a part of his sinful life you’re wanting God to be one with your sin, but we are told that God is so holy, and so as to not look upon sin,
Point: If Jesus was Forsaken because of Sin…
and surely if there should be anything that would convince you that God will not accept a sinful person in his sin. The cross of Jesus Christ should tell you that, as he cried my God, my God, why hast thou forsken me . And when did God forsake him God forsook him when he took your sins upon himself.
All we like shape of Grey we turned everyone of us to our own way, and God laid on him, the sins iniquities of us all.
So God laid upon him your iniquities, then even God for his own son. We and God laid on him the sins and iniquities of us. Solomon got laid upon him, your iniquities, then even God forsook His own son because of sin, how much more us, and how much less can you ever expect God to receive you or to be in fellowship with you as long as you have the sin permeating your life and that is why God made the provision for the atoning of the sin? and it is the blood that makes the atonement for the soul, these are the terms by God declared that he could be approached by sinful man,
We cannot come to God on our own terms
but man is always. It seems wanting to come to God on his own terms I’m wanting to present to God, my righteousness or my goodness I’m wanting to present to God, my good intentions, because it rarely goes beyond intentions I intend to do better I intend to quit that I intend to be good God you accept my intentions. And I want God to receive me on the basis of my good intentions or my good works but you know what God says about your good works.
God said that the works of your righteousness are as filthy rags.
In his eye Isaiah in fact your righteousness is as a Menstral cloth in the eyes of God, literally from Isaiah, God has provided through the shed blood there would be the atonement for the soul and
Jesus Paid the Price
That is why when we look at Jesus Christ, we see God‘s plan of redemption complete we see now the value of the work of Jesus Christ and our behalf. We see him as he is there upon the cross, and as the soldier pushes the spear into his side, and out flowed blood and water, and with the shedding of that blood, there comes the atonement for the soul for without the shedding of blood. There is now remission for sand, but their Jesus pay the price, Jesus took your guilt in your sin, and he died as your substitute, even as in the old covenant, the lamb, or the animal that the person brought his death.
The shedding of the blood of that animal was the giving of the life symbolically that animal is being killed it is dying because that’s the penalty of sin but it is taken. My sin is dying in my place and now I can have fellowship with God.
That’s exactly what God is provided through Jesus Christ death for you
God made him to be sin for you who knows sin that you might be made the righteousness of God through him,
and we’ve been redeemed not with corruptible things like silver and gold from that empty hopeless life, but with the precious blood of Jesus Christ, who was slaying as a lamb without Spot, or blemish, and that shed blood of Christ His life flowing out, was your salvation it was the provision for your forgiveness of your sins, for it is the blood that makes the atonement for the soul, and that we read the blood of Jesus Christ God son cleanses a man from all sin
You have been hassled by the enemy because of your sin Some of you feel I’ve gone too far.
God could never forgive me you look at your past and you look at the record and your blush and your embarrassed at the things that you have done and you think surely there is no hope for me,
there is the blood of Jesus Christ God cleanses a man from all sin, and the glorious thing is that
you can go out of here today totally freed from the guilt of your past, you can go out from here today a new person a new creature in Christ Jesus
you can go out of here today cleansed, pardoned you can go out of here today and and and with God, walking and fellowship with your creator, for God has made the provision through the blood of Jesus Christ, where there is the atonement for your soul
we read in Hebrews that it was impossible that the blood of goats and bulls could actually put away your man all they could do was cover them, but they look forward to the perfect sacrifice that God would one day offer when his son would come and take your sin and die in your place and they all pointed ahead to Jesus Christ, who one day Would die for you
he was wounded for our transgressions. He was bruised for our iniquities.
He became our substitute there on the cross, and as you see the blood flowing from his side that washes and cleanses you from all your sin and now, as a result you can come to God and God will receive you and God will accept you and you can live in fellowship with God.
Your life cannot be full and rich and blessed
He is so good and you know that rich life of God‘s blessing as you live in fellowship with him because the past the sin has all been washed by the blood of Jesus Christ Jesus, open up the way the way to heavens gates, when he died on the cross, to redeem all the lost, he prepared the road that leads to his abode.
It’s a road marked by blood, but it leads us home to God is it,
You may say, I think all roads lead to God. I am sincere. try that one on the judge bank. When the judge says you rob the bank you judge you forgive me because I sincere I really needed the money and I was sincere when I went into that bank, I was determined I was going to take the money out of the bank. I was sincere that you forgive me because I’ve been sincere, no sincerity won’t do it. He said Jesus said the gate and narrow is the way that leads to Eternal line is broad or you just accepted. Everybody all love God there’s a spark of good and every man God accept everybody Jesus brought is the way and broad is the gate that leads to destruction there are that are going in I know that there’s some whiny voices saying flowers and God and Jesus said I am the way the truth and the life and no man comes to the father but by me so you have to make a choice whether you’re gonna believe the word of Jesus, or some guru as for me my hope is built on nothing less than Jesus, blood and righteousness, and I do not trust the sweetest frame, but I holy lean on Jesus name And the blood of Jesus Christ has cleansed me and me from the guilt in my past in my sin, and I have fellowship with God today I live at peace with God through the blood of his cross, and you can too, if you were lonely, submit to God‘s way and quit trying to do it your own way Who are you that you should dictate the terms to God by which you will walk with God Lord I’ll walk with you if you know you know if you’re lucky enough to have me come along, but I will as long as you bow to this and that, and you no way, I’m in no position to dictate terms to God I am the one who has offended. I am the guilty one I’m the one to death is murder here in San Quentin death waiting for the execution, the governor, I’ll allow you to pardon me you’ll let me do the things that I wanna do the kind of life I wanna live and if you do that judge, I’ll let you pardon me won’t work you’re guilty you’ve been sentenced you have no bargaining position you’re only hope is the grace in the mercy of God Coming God you can’t dictate terms, but God has dictated the terms and you can take it or leave it so we pray thank you for the provision that you have made
Acts 2:38 (KJV 1900)
Then Peter said unto them, Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost.
Baptized in to christ
What can wash away my sins nothing but the blood of Jesus.
How may were lost and confused, But he took our sins away
If any man be in Christ He is a new creature
There is power int he Blood
His blood was not just blood.
He’s alive
I know it was the blood