Encouragement to teachers

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There is no greater endeavor, than to teach God’s Word.
In college, I remember the passion expressed on the face of my professors as they taught the word of God to me and to my fellow students.
The majority of us were not Bible majors, but I speak the truth in saying: peoples lives were changed.
Teaching is of great importance
There’s a reason Jesus said the harvest is plentiful and the laborers are few, because VERY few people TRULY labor! TRULY love! TRULY sacrifice for the benefit of SOMEONE ELSE.
But it is SO encouraging to know, that there are people who behold that same fire in their hearts to teach Christ.
To Teach:
Often connected in the OT to the law / Torah… with the idea of teaching being at the very CORE of our faith to God
And refers to the ACTION… of making know the will of God
We don’t teach based on our own prowess… abilities … knowledge
But rather we teach that which does not CHANGE! The infallible doctrine… the revelation of the Word.
It is our standard and our plumbline.
And as we teach, those who hear come in conformity to the way of life God desires for His people.
End with a personal remark


Why do we teach? … To change peoples lives for the glory of God


Teaching is not always easy
Time / Effort / Work
You prepare during the week
You say no to certain things because of that responsibility
Your Saturday evenings become the most taxing part of your week
You get to worship and either kids or adults are waiting for YOU to lead them in study
Then you pour out your heart during the lesson, often wondering if it really made a difference in their lives
But let me pause… and say that teachers are more important than we could ever know.
Based upon Gospelrelevence.com…
Almost half of all Christians were converted before age 13
By the time a a child is 9, their basic moral foundation has been formed
From ages 4-14, kids are more open to the gospel than any other time in their life
80% of church leaders participated in Sunday school when they were children
Teaching is taxing but the reward is GREAT!!!
Teaching derives from being taught
How can one ever be inclined to teach if he / she isn’t fist taught HOW to?
Sit in on a class
Learn from your elders
Study for yourself
Teaching is the greatest gift we can give
To a people who know not God
To a people who are struggling with doubt
To a people who might never otherwise come to Christ
What a gift teaching can be.
Someone… taught you the gospel


We need more teachers
We need more parents
who will teach them?
youth minister, Sunday school teacher?
spend hours in public school… but color in a picture of Noah and the ark when they come to church
2 Timothy 4:3–4 “3 For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but wanting to have their ears tickled, they will accumulate for themselves teachers in accordance to their own desires, 4 and will turn away their ears from the truth and will turn aside to myths.
We need more people that love our God
“Just how great is your God to you?” — Dan Winkler
A Personal Remark:
In my 3 years of preaching, I’ve come to understand a LOT of things… about the Church, about Christ, and about His Word.
But I’ve also come to understand something about myself too
I don’t want to be known as a theologian… although I greatly aspire to be one.
I don’t want to be known as a scholar… although I greatly aspire to be one.
I don’t even want to be known as a good man or an eloquent speaker
I want to be known, as someone who gave His life… to teach the will of God to mankind.
And I pray you’d consider that endeavor, to labor in the field until a full harvest may be presented before God
Those not good at speaking… i never was
Those who aren't teaching… i never was
Those stuck in teaching… i guess im stuck for right now
But step up and assists your brothers and sisters. hen a family member needs help we would drop everything in an instant wouldnt we?
We need more teachers in the Church… wont you seek to fulfill that great commission.
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