Sermon Tone Analysis
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< .5
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> .9
By Pastor Glenn Pease
The Chinese once started to kill all the sparrows because they were eating so much rice and seed.
They reasoned that this was a waste and they would be better off without them.
But then they discovered they were losing more food without them than with them.
The birds not only ate seed but insects as well, and without the birds to control the insects the insects were destroying the crop before the harvest.
They learned to leave the birds alone and let them eat part of the crop, for without them there was no crop at all.
The people of Brazil and Argentina decided to wipe out the jungle cats and owls for they appeared to be a nuisance of no value.
Then they found themselves overrun with disease carrying rats.
This story is repeated over and over by people all through history as men in their supposed wisdom conclude that God made some sort of mistake when He made certain creatures they do not like.
What man quickly learns is that it is a mistake to ever think anything God makes is a mistake.
This same principle applies to people.
If man was allowed to form a committee to advise God on how to create an ideal world of people, he would, no doubt, urge God to forget the present process of producing infinite variety.
They would lean toward Hitler's idea of a super race, and have all the women look like Marilyn Monroe, and all the men look like Clark Gable.
Everybody would be beautiful, handsome, strong, intelligent, and multi-gifted.
As we study Bible characters the one thing that stands out clearly is that God did not heed such advice if some angelic committee suggested it.
Bible characters are all so different even though they have much in common.
No two are alike, and it is folly to think that this is a mistake.
God obviously intended people to be different and unique, and one of the most foolish things we can do is to assume that some kinds of people are not really necessary.
Racism is based on this mistake, and so also most all forms of discrimination.
As every form of animal adds to the balance of nature, so every form of personality adds to the balance of human society, and to the balance of the body of Christ.
Timothy is so much different than many of the characters we have studied.
Most well known Bible characters are mature adults, but Timothy is actually a teenager when he first comes on the scene.
He is mature for his age, but he is young, and so he adds to the balance of the age factor.
Young and old alike are used by God.
Scholars feel that Timothy was probably only 16 years old when he began his ministry with Paul.
He was to Paul what John was to Jesus.
John was the disciple that Jesus most loved.
Both Timothy and John were just young people, but they both made excellent disciples.
Listen to the compliment Paul gave Timothy in Phil.
2:19-22: "I hope in the Lord Jesus to send Timothy to you soon, that I also may be cheered when I receive news about you.
I have no one else like him, who takes a genuine interest in your welfare.
For everyone looks out for his own interest, not those of Jesus Christ.
But you know that Timothy has proved himself, because as a son with his father he has served with me in the work of the Gospel."
Timothy was the son Paul could never have, and he had nothing but joy in this father-son relationship.
In I Tim.
1:2 he addresses Timothy as, "My true son in the faith."
In I Cor.
4:17 he writes, "Timothy, my son whom I love, who is faithful in the Lord."
Did Paul have a son?
Yes he did, and it was Timothy.
He was born into the family of God by watching Paul go through great suffering, and by having a willingness to die for his Lord.
This was a sort of male labor pains that gave birth to a new soul in the kingdom.
This is how it happened: Paul had been stoned and left for dead outside Lystra, the home town of Timothy.
He was taken somewhere to recover, and the evidence points to the home of Timothy where his devout mother and grandmother took care of him.
That is where he became acquainted with the family.
The reason scholars believe this is because of what Paul wrote to Timothy in II Tim.
"You, however, know all about my teaching, my way of life, my purpose, faith, patience, love, endurance, persecutions, sufferings-what kinds of things happened to me in Antioch, Iconium and Lystra, the persecutions I endured.
Yet the Lord rescued me from all of them.
As a teenager Timothy saw what Paul went through, and he wanted to follow Paul and be his disciple.
Here was commitment, and he never let Paul down.
He was like a son, and that explains why out of the 4 personal letters of Paul in the New Testament 2 of them are to Timothy.
The other 2 are those to Titus and Philemon.
But Timothy is the only person in history to have 2 letters written to him by Paul which became a part of the Bible.
He represents the very best of discipleship, for he was a faithful follower of another.
He followed Paul with the same loyalty as Paul followed Christ.
Being a Timothy involves being a disciple and then discipling others.
But before we look at that lets pursue our grasp of just how different Timothy was.
He was young, but he was also a half-breed.
Timothy was half Jew and half Gentile.
This has often been a handicap to people all through history, and it created some problems for Timothy as well.
In Acts 16:1-3 we read this interesting biographical information about Timothy: "He came to Derby and then to Lystra where a disciple named Timothy lived, whose mother was a Jewess and a believer, but whose father was a Greek.
The brothers at Lystra and Iconium spoke well of him.
Paul wanted to take him along on the journey, so he circumcised him because of the Jews who lived in that area, for they all knew that his father was a Greek."
What an eye opener into his family background.
Timothy's dad was a pagan and he resisted his mother, for a Jewish mother would have had her baby boy circumcised.
So we see the danger of a mixed marriage in carrying out religious convictions.
Paul had to circumcise Timothy or the Jews they were trying to reach would not give heed to this half-breed.
Here was a case of being all things to all men to reach them.
Timothy was willing as a teenager to go this route to be a disciple.
Timothy was willing to suffer and to pay a price to be a disciple of Paul.
No wonder he was Paul's favorite, for he was the ideal disciple.
That is why he received the two letters he did, for he was very teachable, and so Paul gave a lot of time and energy to teaching him.
To be a Timothy means to be willing to be instructed.
It involves being a real student.
Any Christian who goes off to school to learn the Bible better is a Timothy.
Any adult who decides to keep a notebook and build a library to study the Word is a Timothy.
Being a Timothy is a commitment of life to be a disciple.
The ideal that fits the facts of the New Testament is a younger person committed to work with a older person to learn and become the kind of Christian they are.
A disciple is one who is willing to be an over comer of obstacles.
Timothy was young and a product of a mixed marriage.
He needed to be circumcised, but he did not let any of this block his way.
Many people are disciples as long as the way is smooth, but let it get rough and they are gone.
A Timothy sticks to it, and that is exactly why Paul was so pleased with him, for John Mark, another young man, had just forsaken Paul before he came to Timothy's home town.
Paul was very upset about this instability.
To find a youth like Timothy was just what he needed to restore his faith in younger Christians.
Timothy was Paul's best assistant ever.
The last letter Paul wrote before he was executed was Second Timothy.
Tradition tells us that Timothy was martyred by a mob in Ephesus when he was 80 years old.
John the Apostle also lived in Ephesus.
What a combination they were.
The young man that Jesus loved and the young man that Paul loved together as old soldiers of the cross.
One the joys of heaven will be to hear these two share stories of their work together in Ephesus.
You cannot eliminate the young or the old in God's work, for the New Testament reveals that they are both vital to the plan of God.
Discipleship is a sort of spiritual cloning.
It is taking what you have learned and become and then passing it on to others so they become a duplication.
We are not dealing with paper, but with people, and so it is not a matter of carbon copying.
None of Jesus' disciples were just like Him, nor were any of them just like each other.
But they all came to understand the truths Jesus came to reveal, and they all became like Him in spirit.
So Timothy did not become a Paul.
He was different in many ways, but he became a communicator of the same message that Paul preached, and he had the same spirit as Paul.
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