Building YOU Part 2 Spiritual Genetics

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1 John 5:1 KJV 1900
1 Whosoever believeth that Jesus is the Christ is born of God: and every one that loveth him that begat loveth him also that is begotten of him.
1 John 5:2 KJV 1900
2 By this we know that we love the children of God, when we love God, and keep his commandments.
1 John 5:3 KJV 1900
3 For this is the love of God, that we keep his commandments: and his commandments are not grievous.
1 John 5:4 KJV 1900
4 For whatsoever is born of God overcometh the world: and this is the victory that overcometh the world, even our faith.


Illustrate: (Chuck Swindoll- processed 1000 units)
God builds YOU as an individual, you are completely unique in His program.
God deals for today. What He does tomorrow is up to Him. And He always deals with us, with an individual, see, ’cause groups of men have too many ideas. 63-1113 - "The Sign Of This Time"
He deals with one man to a generation. (Samuel)
He is still God, just as much God as He ever was. But how can a man say those things unless God tells him first to say it? See, not under impression; but you know what you’re saying, then do it. But wait, don’t try to say, “Oh, that’s the way!”
Many people, I think, and gifts of God…Wait to know it is, you know it’s God. See, wait till the Voice comes, and you hear It, and know It, see It, then you can say, “It’s THUS SAITH THE LORD.” If it isn’t THUS SAITH THE LORD, then it’s your impression, it’s what somebody else thinks.
People requests people, “Say this for me. Do this for me.” How can you do it, if you’re honest with God, until God first tells you? How can I tell you, “Thus saith Jack Moore,” and Jack Moore hasn’t said nothing to me? See?
It’s got to come first from God, not impressed. It’s got to be God, and then it will happen, for it is then THUS SAITH THE LORD.
Now, everybody won’t have that. No, sir. It won’t be that way. It never was that way. It never will be that way. God deals with an individual. He did in the days of Noah.
He did in the days of Joshua. He did in the days of Moses. He has always. He has never made a system. It’s been an individual, ’cause two men ain’t alike, no time. See, He never did do no more.
But everybody didn’t have to be Moses. They didn’t understand it; they just followed. And the Holy Spirit, if a man is anointed of God, will direct you to follow the Holy Spirit and the Bible, for He is the One Who does these things, Jesus Christ in the form of the Holy Ghost working in the people. 63-1128M - "Testimony"
There was one individual with Thus Saith the Lord in our age. One Star in His hand for this age. We have Thus Saith the Lord when we say what He said.
He was not God, he was fallible, but He was the channel that God used for this age. Period.
He was the individual sent to YOU, the individual. This Message is for you.
If the Messenger to the age set guidelines for the church when it comes to church order and discipline, we will follow those guidelines.
If you think you have authority to override that, that’s your troubles. I won’t disfellowship you, but as for me and my house, we will stay under a vindicated prophet.
Joshua 24:15 KJV 1900
15 And if it seem evil unto you to serve the Lord, choose you this day whom ye will serve; whether the gods which your fathers served that were on the other side of the flood, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land ye dwell: but as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.
How did He serve the Lord? By saying what Moses said. We are individually responsible to this Message.
God never did deal with a group, nowhere in the Scripture. He deals with one individual, because every man is different from the other.
Every man, our thumbs are different, our noses are different, our actions are different. He gets one man, He can get him perfectly in harmony till he can become that Word. 64-0313 - "The Voice Of The Sign"
Genetics is the study of how genes and traits are passed down from one generation to the next.
(Show Picture)
Simply put, genetics is the study of your genes. Genes make up your DNA, or the most basic unit of your genetic material. Different genes are what give a person unique and specific traits - like eye color, hair color, etc. Humans have approximately 24,000 different types of genes.
Your genes are packaged up in chromosomes.
Chromosomes are like the carriers for your DNA, containing hundreds to thousands of genes and stored in each of your cells. Humans have 23 pairs of chromosomes.
The Word “Gene” was first invented in 1909, the same year Bro. Branham was born. The genetic code was not cracked until 1966.
1 John 5:4 KJV 1900
4 For whatsoever is born of God overcometh the world: and this is the victory that overcometh the world, even our faith.
We found out Wednesday that if you are born again it’s because you were in the thoughts of God before the foundation of the earth.
It never started on any day. You wasn’t saved on any day. You was always saved. Amen. Jesus just come to redeem that; but you was saved, from the beginning, because you had Eternal Life, to begin with. 64-0802 - "The Future Home Of The Heavenly Bridegroom And The Earthly Bride"
When you were born on the earth there was already spiritual germ of life, a seed, or a gene, that came from God.
Psalm 139:13 KJV 1900
13 For thou hast possessed my reins: Thou hast covered me in my mother’s womb.
The word reins is Hebraism for “heart” or “kidneys”. It means the innermost man.
You are a triune being:
Look here, you are a outside person. You have five senses that contacts that outside body. God gave you five senses; not to contact Him, your earthly home: see, taste, feel, smell, and hear.
Then you have a spirit on the inside of that, and it has five outlets: conscience, and love, and so forth. Five outlets that you contact the spirit world with that, but with your spirit.
Your physical contacts the physical. Your spiritual contacts the spiritual. But inside of that you’ve got a soul, and that soul is that gene that come from God.
And like a baby formed in its mother’s womb. When the baby comes into the mother’s womb by the little germ, it crawls into the egg, it doesn’t form one cell a human, the next a dog, and the next a cat, and the next a horse. It’s all human cells because it’s building off of an original human cell.
And when a man has been borned again by the Word of God, predestinated to Eternal Life, called “The Elected,” it’ll be Word of God on top of Word, Word on Word!
Not a denominational creed and then a Word, and a creed; and it won’t work. You can’t have that leaven in It! 65-1207 - "Leadership"
Inside the gene of God is the instructions to live a Christian life. It is the Word, and it follows the Word.
There is such a thing as a dominant gene or a recessive gene. (use examples)
You inherit two pairs of genes, one from your father and one from your mother.
I inherited the same genes as Joel, but my fathers genes were dominant in me, and my mothers genes were dominant in him.
He looks more like a Thaxton, I look more like a Pruitt.
I express a gene that looks like my father.
According to Psalms 139, it was not an accident that you inherited the genes that you did, or that they were expressed in the way that they are.
Psalm 139:16 KJV 1900
16 Thine eyes did see my substance, yet being unperfect; And in thy book all my members were written, Which in continuance were fashioned, when as yet there was none of them.
You were made to be expressed a certain way in a certain season.
John 14:2 KJV 1900
2 In my Father’s house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you.
Mansions= mone Dwelling places
Bro. Branham says this is many kinds of mansions.
I believe that God is a God of variety. The world proves that. He’s got big mountains and little mountains. He’s got plains. He’s got deserts. He’s got different things, because He made it the way He wanted it.
And He made the seasons; summer, winter, spring, autumn. He made the seasons. It shows He’s a God of variety. He made you in a variety.
Some men are real blusterous; and some are real dogmatic; and others are fine; others are kind. And you just find all different kinds of people, and in His Kingdom. See? 65-1205 - "Things That Are To Be"
You were all pre-planned by God. Nothing happens by chance, with God. He knows all about it. It’s all pre-planned, planned for many generations back, so that you could be here tonight.
You, at one time, was in your father, in the gene of your father. Now, he didn’t know you at that time, neither did you know him at that time.
But, you see, then you were put in the bedding ground, in the womb of mother, through holy wedlock. And then you become a person expressed in the image like your father, then there’s fellowship.
Now, the only way that you can be a son, a daughter of God, because you have to have Eternal Life. And there’s only one form of Eternal Life, and that’s God’s Life.
There, to be a son of God, you had to be in Him always. The gene of your Life, spiritual Life, tonight, was in God, the Father, before there was even a molecule. See? And you are nothing but the manifestation of the gene of Life that was in God, as a son of God.
Now you’re expressed, after His Word has come in you, to Light up this age, you are the expressing: God’s Life in you, because you are a son or a daughter of God.
You are now made, you’re setting in this church, tonight, because your duty is to express God to this nation and this people, and this neighborhood where you associate.
Wherever you are, God knew that you would be here, because you have to be one of His genes, or His attributes. You had to be. If you ever, if you’ve got Eternal Life, then It always was Eternal Life. And God, before there was a foundation, world, knew that you would be here.
And when the Word, or the water, “the washing of the water of the Word” fell upon you, it was expressed in a being. Now you have fellowship with your Father, God, just as you have with your earthly father.
You are citizens of the King; not citizens, but you are children, sons and daughters of the living God, if it be that the Eternal Life dwells in you.
Now, then, if It was, Jesus was the fullness of God manifested. He was the fullness of the Godhead bodily. Therefore, when He came to the earth and was manifested in flesh, you were here in Him then, because He was the Word.
(With Him in death, burial and resurrection)
Now, if we are those attributes of God, we cannot live by creeds. We cannot live by denominationalism. We must live by the Word, because the Bride is a part of the Bridegroom, like any wife is a part of her husband.
Therefore, we must be that Word Bride. And what is that Word Bride? The manifestation of this hour, the Bride, not a creed or a denomination; but a living oracle of God, a living attribute of God, displaying to the world the attributes of God, in the formation of the Bride that’s to be expressed in this hour that we’re now living.
Martin Luther could not express the attributes that we express, because that that was in the beginning, the resurrection, like the corn of wheat that went into the earth.
(Man who didn’t understand the dark ages- No revelation)
The revelation of Jesus Christ in this hour, not what He was in another hour, what He was now, the Bible expresses, it’s growing in the Bride, to the full stature.
Therefore, if the corn of wheat, of Christ, had to fall in the ground, so did the Bride have to fall in the ground, through the dark ages. Any grain that goes in the ground must die, or it can’t produce itself, reproduce itself.
And the great Church that He established on the Day of Pentecost, by the sending of the Holy Ghost, had to suffer martyrdom and go into the dirt, into the earth in the dark age, to bring forth again in the age of Luther, and come on out to the full stature of the Bride of Jesus Christ for this last day.
Therefore, the Bride, in the Rapture, will come forth. And there is all pre-planned by God, all backed up. From the beginning, He knowed every man, every place, who would set, all about it. It’s all pre-planned. God knew it would be here. 65-1205 - "Things That Are To Be"
Faith is a revelation of what God is expressing in the Bride in this day.
If you have the genes of an alcoholic, you are more likely to drink alcohol. If you have a gene that causes depression, you are likely to be depressed.
1 Corinthians 6:9 KJV 1900
9 Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind,
1 Corinthians 6:10 KJV 1900
10 Nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners, shall inherit the kingdom of God.
1 Corinthians 6:11 KJV 1900
11 And such were some of you: but ye are washed, but ye are sanctified, but ye are justified in the name of the Lord Jesus, and by the Spirit of our God.
Before your new birth the genes of your parents dominated your life. After your new birth the seed gene dominates your life and produces the fruit of the Spirit.
John 3:1 KJV 1900
1 There was a man of the Pharisees, named Nicodemus, a ruler of the Jews:
John 3:2 KJV 1900
2 The same came to Jesus by night, and said unto him, Rabbi, we know that thou art a teacher come from God: for no man can do these miracles that thou doest, except God be with him.
John 3:3 KJV 1900
3 Jesus answered and said unto him, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.
John 3:4 KJV 1900
4 Nicodemus saith unto him, How can a man be born when he is old? can he enter the second time into his mother’s womb, and be born?
John 3:5 KJV 1900
5 Jesus answered, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born of water and of the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God.
John 3:6 KJV 1900
6 That which is born of the flesh is flesh; and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit.
Jesus was a child “of the Holy Ghost”
Matthew 1:18 KJV 1900
18 Now the birth of Jesus Christ was on this wise: When as his mother Mary was espoused to Joseph, before they came together, she was found with child of the Holy Ghost.
The conception was without sensation, the flesh had nothing to do with it, but it produced Deity in the flesh.
The mystery of the baptism of the Holy Ghost, without sensation, but the Person of Christ performing in you the same works that He did. 62-1230E - "Is This The Sign Of The End, Sir?"
When you are born again the Spirit of God moves over the seed gene just like He did in Genesis 1.
Genesis 1:2 KJV 1900
2 And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.
He builds YOU by putting you in the right atmosphere for a birth.
No matter what stage you are in, there is nothing that will keep you from becoming a reflection of Him.
There’s nothing can keep me from rising. There ain’t enough devils in all hell can keep me from rising. There ain’t enough nothing nowhere to keep me from rising. I have the promise of God.
I have the Holy Spirit. I got Zoe, God’s Eternal Life, resting in here. This old carcass come from there, and God brood me out of the ground.
(Life story)
(We have no choice in our natural birth.)
And if He made me what I am, without a choice; how much more, when that Holy Ghost goes to brooding over me, and I say, “Yea, Lord, You’re my Creator. I love You, and I accept You as my Saviour!” How you going to hold me in the dust? Just can’t do it, brother. Just can’t do it.
God never formed one piece of this calcium, or potash, or anything else, that ever be wasted.
John 6:39 KJV 1900
39 And this is the Father’s will which hath sent me, that of all which he hath given me I should lose nothing, but should raise it up again at the last day.
I heard Him call, when I come to Him. How can they keep me in the dust of the earth? There ain’t enough undertakers in the world to pat me in the face with a shovel, would ever keep me in the dust of the earth.
I shall rise someday and stand in His likeness, washed in His Blood, born of His Spirit! 58-0927 - "Why Are We Not A Denomination?"


Are you struggling to express His genetics? Why don’t you let Him brood over your life? Just get in the right atmosphere and surrender to Him, He’ll do the rest.
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