First Sunday of Lent Year B 2024
There are two images in our passages, the one being of Noah’s ark leading to a renewed creation through the forces of chaos that is like our being carried to salvation through the waters of baptism due to our commitment to Jesus as Lord. He died and rose and in his resurrection we find ourselves participating in his victory. The second is Jesus being tested and being victorious over Satan, reestablishes as Adam as master of the animals, and served by angels. Likewise we will experience testing as Jesus, Noah, and Peter did. Likewise the process will be messy as Noah’s and Peter’s was , but it will lead to a new peace. And finally we live in the righteousness of Christ that we are now in the process of putting on, and Lent is for our moving to a deeper level of righteousness and commitment as we repent more deeply, but so long as we are committed to Jesus we will in the end participate in his victory over Satan and his grand reign.
There are two images of rescue in our passages
First is the image of Noah
The second is the narrative of Jesus
Now all that has implications for us
If ye work that which is good, my children, both men and angels will bless you; and God will be glorified through you among the Gentiles, and the devil will flee from you, and the wild beasts will fear you, and the angels will cleave to you. For as if a man rear up a child well, he hath a kindly remembrance thereof; so also for a good work there is a good remembrance with God. But him who doeth not that which is good, men and angels shall curse and God will be dishonoured among the heathen through him, and the devil maketh him his own as his peculiar instrument, and every wild beast shall master him, and the Lord will hate him