Romans 14: 13-23
13-19 20-23
13-19 20-23
Verse 13 is a summation of verses 1-12, we are not to pass judgement on one another, but this command of passing judgement is not talking about sin in general, or any sin in particular either, but our Christian liberties that we now have through the work of Jesus Christ. We may eat of all animals, all foods are clean, we may, and thankfully so, associate with gentiles, which is good considering we are all gentiles, we may have our customs and celebrations that are not commanded in the Bible or keep some that are but are no longer mandatory in the new covenant. But we are not to pass judgement if another fellow Christian does not follow our particular eating habits or customs and celebrations. We are to be gentile and understanding, especially with one who may be newer in the faith, by not putting a stumbling block in the way of the newer Christian. If we have a new convert in our church family we are not to flaunt our liberties to them if they are having a hard time understanding. An example that is not exclusively spiritual is if we were friends with an alcoholic we would not invite him or her over to our house and start drinking in front of them. Drinking may not be a problem or hindrance to us but doing so would put undo and unjust temptation on our friend, and would not be very friendly or loving.
Now through the work of Jesus nothing in unclean in itself, but just like drinking in front of an alcoholic our liberty may tempt them to drink and become drunk, which would be against Gods word. Having an alcoholic beverage in its self is not forbidden or a sin but drinking to excess is.
If we flaunt our Christian liberties to fellow believers that may have a problem with them or a non complete understanding of the scriptures, or a different interpretation of them, as long as their interpretation is not clearly heretical, if we do something that may not lead ourselves to sin but may be an undue temptation for another believer then we are not acting in a loving manner to them. We must have compassion, patience and understanding for our fellow brothers and sisters in Christ, especially those who are, in the words of the writer of Hebrews, still on the milk of the gospels and not eating the solid food of the scriptures, new to the faith and thus like a child in the learning of our salvation and the freedoms we now have in it.
Just because we have liberties does not mean we can abuse them and harm a weaker brother and sister into sin or give any reason for them to say that we are double tongued or hypocritical. We should not abuse the freedoms we have and thus reflect badly on God.
Our Christian life, especially while we are here on Earth is not all about eating or drinking or any Earthly thing or activity, our lives should be striving for and filled with righteousness, peace, and joy that we have because we are God’s elect people and have recieved the Holy Spirit that helps us and enables us to do good for the glory of God.
Because if we are doing good works that are righteous in the eyes of God and serving Christ then we are acceptable and righteous to God and those good works will be seen by other believers as the evidence and proof of our salvation. The works do not provide our salvation or cause our salvation but are the outcome and result of the work of the Holy Spirit in us and faith in Jesus Christ as our Lord and savior that enables us to be Holy and righteous, not perfectly but able and desiring to be so.
Thus now that we have the desire and the ability to be Holy and righteous we should go after them with zeal and be at peace with our brothers always building each other up with love and support, praying for each other, talking about and helping each other with spiritual questions, celebrating joys and comforting in times of need and distress. Being a loving and patient family for every one of our church family, both local and universal.
What is more important, our freedom to eat of any animal or drink or the building up a fellow believer? We must remember that this life is not what we are living for, our ultimate destination is eternity with Christ in heaven, and our job while we are still here is to spread the gospel so that Christ’s church is built up, for the glory of God alone.
If by enjoying the freedoms we have in Christ causes another believer to stumble and possibly sin then we are not showing the love of Christ to our fellow believer.
Those that may be more knowledgeable and stronger in understanding know what liberties they have but may want to keep them between himself and God for the benefit of the others that may be newer in the faith. If we keep them to ourselves when we feel that others may take offence then we have no reason to pass judgement on ourselves for anything we may do, even though it is not a sin, but may tempt others into sin, then we are blessed and have no reason to fret or worry about harming or tempting others.
If you feel in your conscience that eating bacon is a sin, truly and honestly think it is a sin, then if you do eat bacon while thinking it is a sin then you have sinned because you did not eat the bacon because you had faith that there are no unclean foods but ate because you desired it more than your desire to not sin, even if your belief that it is a sin is from newness of the faith or a misunderstanding of the scriptures. Now replace bacon with any food or activity that is not expressly forbidden or condemned in the bible. Alcohol, card games, shellfish, whatever. If you truly believe that X is a sin and then do X then you have sinned because you did not do X with faith in Christ but deception in your heart. So to tie it all back together, if I know that one of you truly believed that eating bacon is a sin and I know that if you ate bacon without the understanding that all foods are clean that you would be sinning, should I then eat bacon in front of you and tempt you to eat it as well? That would not be very loving and kind of me, it would be more loving and righteous of me to abstain from eating bacon, at the very least in your presence, to keep you from falling into a sin of the faith. Love the fellow believers in Christ and help build them up, even if that means abstaining from some of the liberties we have in Christ for the benefit of others.