Why I Follow Jesus

Deciding on a team to play for
Or a job to take - best company to work for
I wanted to play for a team that didn’t lose
I wanted to work for a company that was at the top
I pretty much did both - I was not fulfilled
Why I Follow Jesus
Why I Follow Jesus
READ John 8:48-59
1) What the Savior Offers
1) What the Savior Offers
a) Dishonor by the world
Honor and shame were big deals then
He started it, right? Calling them sons of Satan (last passage)
He’s a “demon-possessed Samaritan”
(Recall the Samaritans - who they were - half-breeds, heretics)
Jesus threatens judgment by the Father
b) Life - forever
And if that didn’t get their attention…commitment to Jesus means never seeing death
“Now we know you are crazy - demon-possessed”
(Appeal to the senses - powerful - never “seeing” or “tasting” death)
Death is physical, and spiritual
Soul never dies, lives eternally - Lake of Fire or New Heaven and Earth
c) Recognition - by the works for Him
Jesus’ work was about pointing to the Father
Jesus was FROM the Father
His works, miracles, show His divinity
They never deny the works - but fail to connect them with who He is
2) Superiority of the Savior
2) Superiority of the Savior
a) Superior to enemy - “Satan”
Jesus is Truth (Way, Truth, Life)
Enemy is liar
b) Superior to Abraham
Jesus is saying that Abraham acknowledged the greatness of Messiah - a glimpse of forever in Genesis 15:17-18
Remember Abraham laughing at the announcement of Isaac’s birth (names means ‘laughter’)
Maybe not doubt, but rejoicing at future?
Jesus absolutely claims superiority over Abraham
Before Abraham was, I am”
Jesus, God, Yahweh, existed before time
See Psalm 90:2
Before the mountains were born Or You gave birth to the earth and the world, Even from everlasting to everlasting, You are God.
Isaiah 42:3-9 passage
“Behold, the former things have come to pass, Now I declare new things; Before they spring forth I proclaim them to you.”
Isaiah 43:13 (NASB95)
“Even from eternity I am He…”
Now, they claim blasphemy - He says He is God
(Aside, why do the cults deny He is God, when He Himself claims it?)
c) Superior to death
His death, physically, would come, but not on their timing
Jesus laid down His life for his sheep, but on His timing
To them, death is just “out of sight, out of mind”
Easy answer, stone Jesus and get on with life
They never think about dealing with their own death
SO…Why follow anyone or anything else?
You do have the choice - follow Jesus, live for yourself
Who/what else even comes close?
I can convince myself that I do…
This is the deception of the world - superiority of self
Analyze what He offers you
You OK being dishonored by the world, contrary to the world?
“Christian” was a slur, first used at Antioch (see Acts 11)
Extremist, radical, (see Barna list of “extreme”)
People WILL be prejudice against you - OK?
You OK living forever?
You will - where will it be?
You get to decide where that will be - Jesus gives you the power of choice
How do people recognize you?
Do they KNOW you follow Jesus?
Senses: ILLUST: fascinating how children recognize parents
Do you sound like a believer?
Do you smell like one? See 2 Cor 2:15
For we are a fragrance of Christ to God among those who are being saved and among those who are perishing;
Do you look like a believer?
Does your life as a follower exhibit the fruit of the Spirit in Gal. 5?
BIG QUESTION: How does God recognize you as a believer?
HOLY - Set apart
Jesus left no reason for people to say He didn’t show them who He was
We should leave people no reason to doubt Jesus!
What are you making superior in life?
The enemy? Oh, maybe not Satan directly, but what lies of the world have you captivated?
More importantly, what lies can Satan get the “religious” to believe? Just a few examples
I can be a believer without being a part of a local church
Ministry in church (serving) is optional
I don’t need to be baptized, saved is good enough
Giving isn’t important for spiritual health
I’ll keep my distance from church, I got hurt once by church
Your lineage, family, relationship to people
Christianity is NOT genetic, or cultural
It’s personal - YOU and YAHWEH
Relationship trouble? Passionately pursue Christ, everything else WILL fall in line with relationships
Create healthy ones, maintain them, grow them, repair them, restore them,
How fearful are you of death?
We were not created to enjoy dying or the thought of it
Paul wrestled with this - to the point that he decided he needed to live here as long as he could, so he could serve God here - Phil 1:22
But if I am to live on in the flesh, this will mean fruitful labor for me; and I do not know which to choose.
We need to impact others now, while we are here
Paul settles that, too, in Phil 1:24
yet to remain on in the flesh is more necessary for your sake.
Others need us in their lives, to keep pointing them to Christ
Unbelievers AND Believers
I can easily take my eyes of Christ, and believers around me help me maintain focus
THE GREAT I AM - Our Savior
I follow Him because I love what He has to offer
Living opposed to the world
Living forever with Him
Being recognized - a disciple of Christ
So others see Christ in me
I follow Him because He is God, Superior to EVERYthing!
Superior to he enemy and the world- and Satan knows it
Superior to all earthly relationships
They are important, based on my love for Christ
Superior to Death - He is already victorious
CLOSE - READ 1 Corinthians 15:54-58
“O death, where is your victory? O death, where is your sting?”