Holy Spriit
Today we will examine the giving of the Holy Spirit and what the Holy Spirit does and does not do. Our main text today is from Acts 1:5-8 and we will also look at Acts 2:1-13
When the day of Pentecost arrived, they were all together in one place. And suddenly there came from heaven a sound like a mighty rushing wind, and it filled the entire house where they were sitting. And divided tongues as of fire appeared to them and rested on each one of them. And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other tongues as the Spirit gave them utterance.
Now there were dwelling in Jerusalem Jews, devout men from every nation under heaven. And at this sound the multitude came together, and they were bewildered, because each one was hearing them speak in his own language. And they were amazed and astonished, saying, “Are not all these who are speaking Galileans? And how is it that we hear, each of us in his own native language? Parthians and Medes and Elamites and residents of Mesopotamia, Judea and Cappadocia, Pontus and Asia, Phrygia and Pamphylia, Egypt and the parts of Libya belonging to Cyrene, and visitors from Rome, both Jews and proselytes, Cretans and Arabians—we hear them telling in our own tongues the mighty works of God.” And all were amazed and perplexed, saying to one another, “What does this mean?” But others mocking said, “They are filled with new wine.”
The Holy Spirit is the third person of the triune God and the Spirit is not as much a mystery with proper doctrine. My prayer today is you will find truth of who the Holy Spirit is and recognize the false teachings of the charismatic church and her off shoots.
Getting the doctrine of the Holy Spirit right is critical to the building of the church. This is why Jesus gave His Spirit to the church and to you as His bride.
I do not but have your attention fully for maybe 30 minutes, so I would strongly recommend a book and a conference series held by Dr. John MacArthur called Strange Fire.
You can find this book on Amazon or other retailers, I will locate the conference videos and send them on our weekly email.
Today will focus on the power of the Spirit and His Coming at Pentecost.
Power Given Exodus to Pentecost
Power Given Exodus to Pentecost
When the Hebrews crossed the red sea into the dessert, 50 days had passed and the Lord came unto Mosses giving him the Spirit to proclaim the law to the people.
Fifty days has passed and now the Spirit of God is given beyond the Old Covenant of certain servants of the Lord, but now unto the Church, to all who are born again.
This is known as Pentecost today. The purpose of this event is first its not normative as to the signs that were given to the Apostles to show the truth of what has happened, as the signs has ceased with the Apostles, but the Spirit of God has not.
Understanding the signs such as healing and the ability of speaking in toungus, were given as a witness to what has happened for time of the Apostles.
It should also be noted these tongues were not an unknown spiritual language, rather it was the languages of the nations. As God spread the nations apart at Babel, it is here He is gathering the nations in the Kingdom of God.
Given power of the word of God to understanding. Just as Mosses was given power to proclaim the law of God, the church today is given power by the Holy Spirit to proclaim the Word, Christ himself.
This event had to happened before the calling of the elders of the church. The Lord has acceded to His throne, and He has given His spirit so that the church may fulfill the great commission on earth furthering advancing the reign of Christ’s Kingdom on earth as it is in Heaven.
The Spirit of God in salvation
The Spirit of God in salvation
This is an important understanding of the power of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit regenerates the soul unto salvation. This is the baptism of the Holy Spirit that all believers experience.
The charismatic church see’s this baptism as something else to be equated with the speaking of tongues and performances of healings. This doctrine actually limits the power of the Holy Spirit and downplays drastically the role of the Spirit of God in salvation.
Man upon his first nature with Adam can not never come to a living relationship with the almighty God and therefore is by birth condemn to hell unless elected by God unto salvation through Christ and the working of the Holy Spirit. The trinue God works out the salvation of man.
Upon the mysteries of salvation, predestination, and election the Spirit of God draws the sinner unto Himself. To know God, to desire God, and to have his nature redeemed into a child of God, bride of the Son, and life as Christian.
The spirit of God is one of power unto Salvation as he is unto the church elders and those who with the church call sinners to the repentance and belief through the very word of God which is Christ.
The Power of the Spirit of God building the Kingdom
The Power of the Spirit of God building the Kingdom
The power of the Spirit of God is given to build the Kingdom of God. I state this often but I must state it again, the Kingdom of God is here and yet to come.
As the Spirit of God was sent upon the Church, it is through the church the Christ reigns on earth. How does it do this; first the Spirit of God is given unto those who truly know him and established in the local church who are faithful and true to the gospel.
Let us look at the reign of Christ through the church;
Christ establishes elders in the church to be the rulers of the church, not the head. We went into this last week so I will not rehash today was spoken a week ago.
He gives the church deacons to assist in the leadership of the church but are servers not shepherds. We will go into this further when we approach Acts Ch. 6
He has given His spirit to each member of the church. This member is able to give witness to the things of the Lord. They are not called to be teachers of the church that is for the elders only. However bringing the gospel to your neighbhoor, to your community is something the Holy Spirit gives unto you and the great commission does in one regard apply to you the church.
The reign of Christ is through His spirit who dwells with the Church.
Trust the promise of God that when Jesus prayed to keep the church here in John 17 and prayed for thy Kingdom come in Matthew 6 it was because the church is not to rapture out of this world as some eschatology holds too, rather the church is to build the Kingdom of God until the day of the Resurrection and Christ full coming where all enemies are His footstool. This should give you great hope that while we live a world that has ebbs and flows of suffering and good times, the reign of Christ is forever established as Christ is Lord and King. His reign is through the church to which The Spirit of God is given.
Go and proclaim the good news of Christ, for the Kingdom of God is growing and many are being added to the church as we see in the very first couple of chapters of Acts. This is work has not ceased and it is the power of God through the Spirit that enables you to proclaim His word.
Be warned of false teachings around Pentecost and the Spirit. As Baptist our doctrine is clear we do not believe the gifts associated with the Apostles (alone) are normative for today. We do not believe the tongues mentioned were a spiritual language but rather the languages of the nations.
As Baptist we hold to the trinity and a proper understanding of the Spirit of God. While we affirm our charismatic friends are in strong error of their doctrine and should be called to repent, we also believe that through proper discipleship and the further reign of Christ through biblical churches all churches who error in their doctrine will repent if they are of Christ.
Pentecost was a powerful display of Christ’s reign today through the giving of the Holy Spirit unto the church. It is through the Spirit of God we have power, and it is evident within the church who follows Christ that Christ’s reign has no end.
The Kingdom of God is very much here and still to come.