Contention and Declaration (021824)

In their eyes, no more serious charge could be leveled against a fellow Jew. Peter had broken the religious taboo: he had ceremonially defiled himself, and he deserved to be excommunicated.
Strife; struggle; a violent effort to obtain something, or to resist a person, claim or injury; contest; quarrel.
Strife in words or debate; quarrel; angry contest; controversy.
When the great truths of Christianity are attacked, it is criminal to sit on the sidelines;
NO one, I think, can read this account thoughtfully without realizing how prejudices control and dominate the hearts of men. Most of us are more under the power of prejudice in things religious than we realize. Sometimes what we call “conscience” is, after all, only prejudice. We profess we cannot have any sympathy with this or that person (because he does not see as we do) on account of our consciences—whereas, if we were honest, we should have to admit it was just because of our prejudices.