Are we walking HIS way?
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Where do others see the power of God’s Grace in your life? Interestingly with the loneliness epidemic in our world, the Bible says the real solution is in Him and His church family. In Christ, we go from being separated to united. Let’s turn to Eph 2
Ephesians 2:1–10 (LEB)
1 And you, although you were dead in your trespasses and sins, 2 in which you formerly walked according to the course of this world, according to the ruler of the authority of the air, the spirit now working in the sons of disobedience, 3 among whom also we all formerly lived in the desires of our flesh, doing the will of the flesh and of the mind, and we were children of wrath by nature, as also the rest of them were.
4 But God, being rich in mercy, because of his great love with which he loved us, 5 and we being dead in trespasses, he made us alive together with Christ (by grace you are saved), 6 and raised us together and seated us together in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus, 7 in order that he might show in the coming ages the surpassing riches of his grace in kindness upon us in Christ Jesus. 8 For by grace you are saved through faith, and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God; 9 it is not from works, so that no one can boast. 10 For we are his creation, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, so that we may walk in them.
We’ll focus on the transformative power of God’s grace. Through faith in Jesus Christ, we become a beautiful workmanship, created for good works. Work that build relationships and a Kingdom family. Our salvation isn’t just about forgiveness; it’s about purpose, it’s about becoming one with Him and His family in thought and deed.
Separated from God (Spiritually Dead and facing judgement; v. 1-3)
Marching in step with Satan and demons. (v.2)
Living selfishly. (v.3)
We sinned in ignorance - missed the mark.
We sinned intentionally - trespass crossed the line into wrong doing and not honoring God’s values in relationship and giving, let alone breaking the 10 commandments.
2. His Rich Provision.
2. His Rich Provision.
a. He came to rescue us! (v.4, 6)
8 But God proves his own love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.
He offered Himself in death to defeat it’s hold on you. You no longer have to stand trial under the law and be condemned for your sins and trespasses or the basic separation from God that goes back to before the forbidden fruit.
REMEMBER EVE and ADAM swallowed the LIE before they took a bite out of the apple!
b. He took the wrath. (v. 3, 5)
c. He Pardons you’all! (v8-9)
d. God seats us beside Jesus! (v6)
e. He continues to give gifts! (v7)
Birthday Party illustration:
Imagine being invited to a famous athletes birthday party. You don’t know what to get the person but you are excited just to go. When you drive your 20 year old Hyundai with the dents and mismatched fenders, you notice the finely polished Lamborghini, jet-skis on his private beach, the tricked out Escalade. Suddenly the Bobble Head doll you bought seems out of place.
But, he is genuinely happy you are there. The music plays people sing and talk about all his accomplishments. Now comes the time where he seats in the seat of honor around a pile of gifts. You think I wonder what cool things he will open. But just when you think he will sit down and start opening gifts, he calls you up and has you sit in the guest of honor’s chair. He then gives you gifts~ wow.
But, these gifts make you happy and you discover, they are things you can use to help others as well. The gifts by definition need others for them to truly be enjoyed. You can call someone else over and bless them! And you discover your host loves to give gifts. But, they are not necessarily material gifts. They are gifts of character, service and relationship. The more you praise Him, the more he gives. The more he gives, the more you see things that make you happy and bless others.
However, even in gifts that can be used to bless God and others, there’s a danger when our minds drift from Christ. You can want the blessing without Christ!
Even when start out seeking Christ, we must guard our hearts so we don’t fall in step with Satan again?
Can you pray this prayer a friend shared:
Lord please don’t bless me unless I can use it in Your honor.
Please withhold wealth from me if I will lack a generous and giving hand and heart.
Don’t allow me to gain popularity or reputation if it puffs me up.
Keep me from success if it will become my priority over time with You my, family, worship, and Your church.
Don’t give me strength if it makes me less dependent upon You.
Keep me from wisdom and knowledge if I am not mature enough to handle them in love.
While we do receive material blessings in this life, the real gift is a new heart and love for God and others.
It’s growing and being empowered by the Holy Spirit to love more, have greater patience, joy, peace beyond circumstances, kindness that flows from the Holy Spirit, faithful and unwavering love?
Why? Because we are to become a family with people who lived in ways that are difficult for God to get along with. We find others need kindness because we find their areas of growth annoying, but we also learn humility in the discovery that we are difficult people as well.
Ultimately, we could have all the material blessings in the world and discover in the end they don’t matter as much as we were lead to believe.
What does it profit my friend to gain the whole world and lose your soul?
Lord there is no blessing if it doesn’t include You! You are the gift first and foremost. Living apart from you is death. Living for you is true life.
Until you understand the revelation of Christ, you will work according to the world and self.
You don’t praise the Lord to GET a BLESSING, you praise Him as you see His blessing. When you praise Him, you begin to see God’s nature and purpose clearly.
One of the ways we know we are growing in God’s blessing is in GRATEFULNESS.
When we don’t recognize that all we have truly comes from God, His grace and mercy, we take these gifts for granted.
One of the ways to grow in God’s blessing and work is to be grateful and thankful for everything:
You realize the laugh of a child is a gift. Taking time to listen to a senior citizen share her story. Becoming mesmerized each morning as God creatively paints each sunrise as a unique expression He shares with us. The road trip with a friend becomes a cherished memory. Caring for a loved one at home as they prepare for heaven. Writing a note to a special someone. We’ve lost the art of handwritten notes haven’t we?
The more we learn to appreciate God’s grace, the more we begin
f. You begin to live in grace. (v8-9)
You can’t out give God but you can grow to become giving like God! eph2:8-9
3. God gifts so you walk His way! (v.10)
3. God gifts so you walk His way! (v.10)
Sometimes walking with God really challenges you. T
Walking in God's way isn't a Sunday boost; it's a daily choice. While we may never have to face this stark contrast. Consider the profound contrast seen in the Bethel Community in pre-war Germany. In Biesenthal (Beez- in- thia) Germany a group of churches, lead by Pastor Friedrich von Bodelschwingh, and doctors decided to provide for those in need. It started based on generosity, gifts and serving those in need. Amidst houses, churches, and facilities for the disabled, the community embodied Christ's love, valuing every individual as made in God's image.
The Nazis on the other hand sought to eradicate undesirable. When they came to power, they would come to collect those cared for in Bethel. The Bethel doctors and pastors, echoing Bonhoeffer's defiance, refused to comply. Many paid with their lives.
Grace when fully embraced will stand out. The stark contrast reflects life's ultimate choices: to honor, love, and serve, or to bring destruction. In Christ, we find the strength to say, "It's worth it," even if it costs us everything.
4. In what ways are you actively walking with God?
4. In what ways are you actively walking with God?
Remember, according to the Lord, there’s no middle ground. You are either walking with the Lord or running with the Devil.
How are you choosing to walk in Him daily?
Christ’s richness in grace gifts redirects our focus and resources towards God's kingdom. He calls us to act on His prompting to walk according to His way.
Let's actively pursue walking in God's way, serving others, and living out His grace in our daily lives.
How will you pursue the discipline of GRATITUDE?
Writing thanks to God each morning and evening.
Intentionally noticing beautiful things in God’s creation and sharing that experience with others.
Being aware when others choose to do difficult things for others and thanking and praising them for the good work!
Where are you letting the world fill up your time or influence you?
Do you really need that many Stanley cups? aren’t they refillable?
What could you do if you redirected that daily latte’s money?
Do you praise the Lord as strongly as you root for your favorite team?
Where do you need to act on God’s prompting to walk according to His way?
Loving my spouse like Jesus calls me to?
Loving my family?
Helping a neighbor in need?
Sponsoring a Compassion Child?
Go on a mission trip?
A ministry call?
Simply serving?
THE REST IS JUST NOTES NOT IN THE SERMON I might use a CS Lewis quote above
Christ’s call to His people does not call us to hide from the world, but to revive the world with the Christ life!
The Pre-war Bethel Community in Biesenthal; Germany vs. Hitler
The Pre-war Bethel Community in Biesenthal; Germany vs. Hitler
Posted on July 3, 2012 by notmanynoble
The Pre-war Bethel Community in Biesenthal, Germany vs. Hitler;
Moses vs. Darwin
In pre-war Germany before Hitler came in to power, a group of Christian doctors in co-operation with some Christian congregations had developed an entire community for people with epilepsy, and other disabilities. There were houses with nursing facilities nearby, churches, housing for the nurses, farms and factories for the disabled to work at, orphanages, and much more.
These were built and operated on the faith that all humans are made in the image of God, and therefore should be nourished and provided for, even if they could not take care of themselves. They had value because they were made in the image of God and that alone was all they needed.
Hitler, a staunch evolutionist, rejected that faith. To his mind, some races were further evolved then others and the further evolved races were of more value, because they were fitter to survive. Sick people or disabled people had no intrinsic value. He called them “useless eaters” or “life unworthy of life” based on his faith in evolution.
One by one Hitler forced the doctors of the town to ship the disabled people to the death camps, though the doctors fought to get as many out of the country as they could. Most of them were killed before the war was over.
I don’t think you could find a clearer example of the difference between those who reject the faith of our forefathers, a belief that a supernatural God endows all human life with value because we are made in his image, and those who think man is a product of dead matter evolving over time. In America, faith in evolution has led to the death of 56 million innocent children in their mothers’ wombs, and if they survive the saline abortion, outside of the wombs.
One faith based on the bible, the other on a book written by Charles Darwin. Our constitution itself is based on the faith that man was created by a supernatural god and endowed with rights. However, as Christians often ignore the bible, we have often ignored the foundation of our government.
Who will you vote for this season, a man who gives his hearty approval to the blood of 56 million babies and supports the Supreme Court arguments that legalized those deaths, arguments that mirrored the 1857 Dred Scott decision supporting slavery? Or someone with a little kinder, more biblical worldview. The babies can’t vote, so no one is lobbying for them and they are of no interest to the candidates. You however can vote for the protection of the most innocent and defenseless form of human life.
Unborn babies, like Down syndrome people, or epileptics or cripples deserve our special protection and nourishment. What we do with the least of these says more about who and what we are then anything else we could possibly do. And you are not exempt from responsibility in the matter of the legally supported killing of pre-natal infants. You may not have to answer for it here and now but you will answer for it, and the nation will answer for it here.
The God of the Hebrew Torah and the New Testament makes it clear that nations will be judged for how they treat babies and the weak (and sexual immorality) and a common theme is that you will share in the guilt for behaviors you could have rebuked and stood against, but did not. This is particularly true in the case of blood guilt.
The more innocent and defenseless the victim, the more we are required to stand between them and their persecutor. This is not the god of the survival of the strongest; this is the God of the succor and protection and respect for the weakest; the oppressed, the infant, the aged, the infirm, the widow and the widower and the orphan, the Downs Syndrome person, the scorned, the poor, these are the objects of his particular attention.
Shouldn’t then they be ours?
God’s Lively Music
What movitivates you moves you. What moves you takes you to a destination.
What holds you back?
Lack of works?
God promised to take away death in the OT, in the New Testament, He revealed His plan through Christ.
“Those who have attained everlasting life in the vision of God doubtless know very well that it is no mere bribe, but the very consummation of their earthly discipleship; but we who have not yet attained it cannot know this in the same way, and cannot even begin to know it at all except by continuing to obey and finding the first reward of our obedience in our increasing power to desire the ultimate reward.”
C. S. LewisAuthor
The Weight of Glory
“Just in proportion as the desire grows, our fear lest it should be a mercenary desire will die away and finally be recognized as an absurdity. But probably this will not, for most of us, happen in a day; poetry replaces grammar, gospel replaces law, longing transforms obedience, as gradually as the tide lifts a grounded ship.”
C. S. LewisAuthor
The Weight of Glory
“Our Lord finds our desires, not too strong, but too weak. We are half-hearted creatures, fooling about with drink and sex and ambition when infinite joy is offered us, like an ignorant child who wants to go on making mud pies in a slum because he cannot imagine what is meant by the offer of a holiday at the sea. We are far too easily pleased.”
C. S. LewisAuthor
The Weight of GloryBook
Our Lord
“Like a good chess player, Satan is always trying to maneuver you into a position where you can save your castle only by losing your bishop.”
C. S. LewisAuthor
The Weight of GloryBook
“If you asked twenty good men today what they thought the highest of the virtues, nineteen of them would reply, Unselfishness. But if you asked almost any of the great Christians of old he would have replied, Love. You see what has happened?”
C. S. LewisAuthor
“The promises of Scripture may very roughly be reduced to five heads. It is promised, firstly, that we shall be with Christ; secondly, that we shall be like Him; .... The first question I ask about these promises is: “Why any of them except the first?” Can anything be added to the conception of being with Christ? For it must be true, as an old writer says, that he who has God and everything else has no more than he who has God only.”
C. S. LewisAuthor
The Weight of Glory
The Weight of Glory