Philippians 1:3-11
Main Point: Today, we will be looking at 3 thanksgivings from Paul so that you might grow in your love towards others and God.
Why is Paul thankful?
Partnership in the Gospel (vs. 5)
Human Life. Sharing occurs in many fields, e.g., enterprises, legal relations, and marriage. Friendship is for the Greeks a supreme expression of fellowship. Citizenship is also important, since the preservation of society, and indeed of the cosmos, depends on political or cosmopolitan sharing.
Good work that will be completed (vs. 6)
When God begins a work of salvation in a person, He finishes and perfects that work. Thus the verb “will complete” points to the eternal security of the Christian
Partakers of Grace (vs. 7)
What does Paul pray for?
Love abounding with discernment (vs.9-11)
Love can be defined broadly as the conscious, sacrificial, and volitional commitment to the welfare of another person
God’s love means that God eternally gives of himself to others.
Here the obj. of the love is unspecified. The obj. can rightly be read as broad, general, or inclusive, including love for God, for each other, for other believers, and for the lost. However, while the general language suggests a broad range, in light of the concern of the letter for unity expressed especially in 2:1–4 (cf. 2:14–15; 4:2–3), the primary issue in mind is renewed love for one another.