Have You Got Good Religion? (Part 2)
Introduction- A Generosity of Spirit: The Legacy of Black Philanthropy
Generosity Gone Bad…
Even in the church…
Instead of a Worship Experience
People, Visitors, Get
Whatever Happened too…
Transition To Body- Giving Glory To God
Do Your Good Works Give Glory to Your Heavenly Father?
Does Your Righteousness Exceed That Of Legalists?
Are You Perfect Like Your Heavenly Father?
Are You Properly Putting Your Religion Into Practice?
Righteousness which most of us are familiar
the act of doing what God requires—‘righteousness, doing what God requires, doing what is right.’
Practicing righteousness
‘to do, to act, to carry out, to accomplish, to perform, doing, performance.’
to give to those in need as an act of mercy—‘acts of charity, alms, giving to the needy.’
Have you got good religion?
Body- Religion of the hypocrite vs Religion of the faithful
Audience We Seek Recognition
Audience of our Giving (exterior work)
to give to those in need as an act of mercy—‘acts of charity, alms, giving to the needy.’
Audience of our Prayers (interior work)
To whom are you praying?
to speak to or to make requests of God—‘to pray, to speak to God, to ask God for, prayer.’
How long should your prayer be?
Audience of our Fasting (connecting the interior & exterior together)
to go without food for a set time as a religious duty
Whom do you seek approval (validation)?
to convince someone to believe something and to act on the basis of what is recommended—‘to persuade, to convince.
Church Gone Wild
Do you recognize your audience?
Our Righteousness…
By Grace Alone…
Authenticity Of Our Religion (Righteousness)
Authentic Charity
Authentic Prayer (Substance of your prayer)
Authentic Fasting
Aspiration For Our Reward
a recompense based upon what a person has earned and thus deserves, the nature of the recompense being either positive or negative—‘reward, recompense.’