Aim to share The Gospel
Have your bible’s open. We won’t be reading outloud together, but I want you to follow along.
Father God, we thank You for Who You are. A great Big God who sees each and every one of us here and cares deeply about us. We ask this day, as we are continuing in this time of worship to You, reading Your Word and hearing Your Word, that You refine us with it. Mold us, make us, shape us, rearrange us so that we can more like You, and more made into the image of Christ. Help us be a people who love You and love others so much, that we are moved into action by whatever it is You are going to show us about Yourself today and what that means in our lives. Help us do this, because all to often our selfish and sinless flesh war against our will to follow Yours. As we are doing this, and as we are coming into Your Word today, we ask that You take away any distraction that we may have, and make it go as far away as it possible can, because we want to see and we want to know You better. It’s in these things that I ask and in Jesus Christ’s Holy and precious name that I pray, Amen.
This week, we turn our attention to what happened after Barnabas, Saul, and John Mark left Paphos and their run in with the sorcerer Bar-Jesus and the conversion of the areas Roman Proconsul, Sergious Paulus. In last week’s sermon, with the events of this missional and evangelistic endeavor of these brothers, we saw and understood that People are changed by the Word of God, that is, people are changed by the Gospel. This fact should motivate each and every one of us, to Go and share The Gospel, the good news that Jesus Christ died so that anyone who would receive Him in truth would be forgiven of sin; rebellion and separation from God.
This idea continues on throughout all of the missional endeavors, which are many, that we read about in the book of Acts. In today’s text, we see that idea continue and today I want to highlight a recurring theme throughout this entire book that: Believers are to actively pursue Gospel sharing opportunities. In his book, Donald Whitney says of Gospel sharing, that is evangelism, that it is, “Anyone faithfully relating the essential elements of god’s salvations through Jesus is evangelizing. Evangelism occurs whether the words are spoken, written, or recorded; delivered to one person or a crowd.” That is, words to relay a message have to be shared. This is what we see time and time again in the new testament and in Jesus commands to us as believers in Matthew 28:19-20, Mark 16:15, Luke 24:46-47, John 20:21, and Acts 1:8. All of these commands, include Jesus telling His followers to go and share the message of Jesus death and forgiveness of sins. In today’s text, we observe Paul doing just that, with him sharing the truth of Jesus being shared to a crowd in one of the worlds best recorded Sermon’s, Paul’s sermon to the synagogue in Pisidian Antioch.
One bit of useful background that will help you understand things now and in the future, is that in our missional teammates of Saul/Paul and Barnabas, we have now seen and entered into a role switch. That is, before, and up until verse 9 of this chapter, Barnabas was the prominent of the two. Now, we see a change from Barnabas and Saul to the showing Saul/Paul and Barnabas, meaning there had been a sort of leadership and direction shift between the two apostles. Keep in mind also, that now we are full-fledged into the time when the early Christian Church aimed to share the good news with everyone, as Jesus said, to share it to the ends of the earth. So, let’s all do just as Jesus commanded each and every one of His followers, to share your faith, share the gospel. This should be what we aim for, to always be looking for opportunities to share Him with others. So, let’s jump and From the text, I want you to see and do these actions as you aim to share your faith.
The first action to see and do is to: Take the opportunity presented (13-15)
13 Paul and his companions set sail from Paphos and came to Perga in Pamphylia, but John left them and went back to Jerusalem. 14 They continued their journey from Perga and reached Pisidian Antioch. On the Sabbath day they went into the synagogue and sat down. 15 After the reading of the Law and the Prophets, the leaders of the synagogue sent word to them, saying, “Brothers, if you have any word of encouragement for the people, you can speak.”
So, Paul and company leave Paphos and come to Perga. Along the way, John Mark left to go back home to Jerusalem. History and Biblical cannon is not exactly sure what happened here, and many feasible theories exist, but we cannot be sure of any of them. We do know however, from later on in Acts that John Mark leaving left Paul upset with him, but the two would be reconciled later on, even to the point that in the 2nd Letter to Timothy, Paul asks Timothy to send John Mark to him, who would be very important and useful in Paul’s continued ministry. After John Mark’s leaving, they traveled to Pisidian Anitoch, and as would be Paul’s custom, he went to the synagogue. While there on the Sabbath day, as was usual in the Hebrew Assembly on this day, their was a reading of the Law and Prophets. Typically after this a sort of interpretation and application, we might call this a sermon today, was given. It seems here, that this honor was given from the ruling elder of the synagogue to the Apostles. Paul of course, recognized this as an opportunity to share about Jesus with this congregation and would do so in his following sermon.
Opportunities can be both taken and lost. You can take it, and use it. Or, you can lose it and either be content with your choice or regret your choice. Let me share with you a story about a great missed gospel sharing opportunity. This happened a long time ago, In 1269 Kublai Khan sent a request from Peking to Rome for "a hundred wise men of the Christian religion...And so I shall be baptized, and when I shall be baptized all my baron and great men will be baptized, and their subjects baptized, and so there will be more Christians here than there are in your parts."
The Mongols were then wavering in the choice of a religion. It might have been, as Kublai forecast, the greatest mass religious movement the world has ever seen. The history of all Asia would have been changed. That is, they would have followed Jesus.
But what actually happened? Pope Gregory X answered by sending two Dominican friars. They got as far as Armenia, could endure no longer and returned home. So passed the great missionary opportunity in the history of the church.” This was a missed opportunity.
For the believer, when it comes to sharing our savior with others, we should aim to share Him with every chance/opportunity that we have. This is your Lord’s will. His will is not for you to deny Him. And it’s not for you to live in regret for not sharing. I’m sure everyone in this room, myself included has missed opportunities that were presented to us to share Jesus with others. Instead of holding onto that regret, repent and do better next time, and remember God’s promised in Romans 8:28, that God works all things out for good. So, take it as a learning opportunity, and take that next opportunity faithfully. I warn you, don’t use, “I’ll do better next time” as a long-term excuse. We have a word for that, it is called sin; intentional rebellion against God. Take the opportunity, aim to share the gospel, because believers are to actively pursue Gospel sharing opportunities.
Another action to see and do is to: Know about your audience (16-25)
16 Paul stood up and motioned with his hand and said, “Fellow Israelites, and you who fear God, listen! 17 The God of this people Israel chose our ancestors, made the people prosper during their stay in the land of Egypt, and led them out of it with a mighty arm. 18 And for about forty years he put up with them in the wilderness; 19 and after destroying seven nations in the land of Canaan, he gave them their land as an inheritance. 20 This all took about 450 years. After this, he gave them judges until Samuel the prophet. 21 Then they asked for a king, and God gave them Saul the son of Kish, a man of the tribe of Benjamin, for forty years. 22 After removing him, he raised up David as their king and testified about him, ‘I have found David the son of Jesse to be a man after my own heart,,who will carry out all my will.’
23 “From this man’s descendants, as he promised, God brought to Israel the Savior, Jesus. 24 Before his coming to public attention, John had previously proclaimed a baptism of repentance to all the people of Israel. 25 Now as John was completing his mission, he said, ‘Who do you think I am? I am not the one. But one is coming after me, and I am not worthy to untie the sandals on his feet.’
Paul was the perfect man for this opportunity. He was a learned man of the Jewish people, heritage, and religious background. He used this background knowledge of this people to his Gospel sharing advantage. Notice what He does here. He shares some of the highlights of their history, going back to their captivity in Egypt, reminding them about the captivity mankind has to sin. He reminded them about the cost of their rebellion, in this case it was their wondering in wilderness until God allowed them to come to the promised land. From there he reminded them of the times of God’s appointed judges up the nations first king, he pointed out the great king David, who’s very name would have stired up both pride in the people and stern warning about turning against God. Even this great king, a man after God’s own heart, was flawed and by no means perfect, as no other regular person could be. That is, except for David’s descended (who as you remember would be the promised messiah, the one who would redeem us). He went on to God sending one of His messengers, His prophet John the Baptist after hundreds of years of silence, who told about the one to come after him, the messiah.
Paul knew what he was doing here. He was using what he knew about these people, and used it to craft and give a useful sharing opportunity, he found a way to speak to them in “their way.” Let this be an example for us. We all need to recognize that communication isn’t as easy as we suppose it is, understanding someone isn’t as easy as we suppose it is. Let me give you an example from my own life. When Emily and I first came here, I quickly realized that though we share Christ in common, we are very different from you. Now, different doesn’t mean bad or wrong, it just means that it’s not the same. The way we think is different, our jokes are different, the things we prioritize are different, the way we see the world is different. That means what? That as a pastor, I have to spend time around and near you to better understand what matters in your life and how to share Jesus in that. I can’t just make assumptions or I’ll spend a lot of time speaking to no-one. This is one of the reasons I like for us to have some sort of fellowship meal together each month, so that I can understand. So that I can be a student of you and share Jesus better with you, with this community, and the people within it. You could almost say, a meal with you or speaking with you is covertly sermon prep time or certainly gospel tie-in study.
Just like a husband is to be a student of his wife and the wife a student of her husband, so we should be students of the people we seek to share Jesus with. This means we have to get to know our audience. One area that you should always be evolving in with this is being a student of the younger generations. That is, spending time with them so that you can understand how they think, how they speak, how they share, and how they receive information. So, are you doing this. If not, why not. For many of us, this can include spending time with your children, grandchildren, and great children and seeing how they interact with their peers and recognizing that they are different that you and different doesn’t mean bad, it just means not the same. Also, you may even try watching or listening to some of the same shows and media that they do, watching for what is good for them and what is poising them against God so that you teach them. You do this because you know that sharing Jesus with this person is of the upmost importance. You want to be someone who can share with them in way that they understand and be a person that they feel they can open up to and ask questions. You are to do this as you aim to share The gospel because Believers are to actively pursue Gospel sharing opportunities.
The third action to see and do is to: Proclaim the Good News (26-33)
26 “Brothers and sisters, children of Abraham’s race, and those among you who fear God, it is to us that the word of this salvation has been sent. 27 Since the residents of Jerusalem and their rulers did not recognize him or the sayings of the prophets that are read every Sabbath, they have fulfilled their words by condemning him. 28 Though they found no grounds for the death sentence, they asked Pilate to have him killed. 29 When they had carried out all that had been written about him, they took him down from the tree and put him in a tomb. 30 But God raised him from the dead, 31 and he appeared for many days to those who came up with him from Galilee to Jerusalem, who are now his witnesses to the people. 32 And we ourselves proclaim to you the good news of the promise that was made to our ancestors. 33 God has fulfilled this for us, their children, by raising up Jesus, as it is written in the second Psalm: [1]
You are my Son;
today I have become your Father.,,
Here, Paul gets right at the good stuff. Paul proclaims that this is the way of salvation, there is no other way. He points out all of the people in Jerusalem, who should have accepted Him, denied Him. Through the words of the Prophets themselves, they have condemned themselves and rejected the savior, the messiah. They had Him killed by a roman cross and put in a tomb. Despite their rejection of Him, God raised His Holy One from the grave, and hundreds of people saw Him for many days; all of whom came to follow and believe in Him. We have seen and know this same thing, and proclaim this to you today; that the Word of God is fulfilled by raising up Jesus who showed that He is the Son-Of-God, whom God the Father Calls Son and Lord of everything. The messiah, the savior has come and His name is Jesus.
Brothers and sisters, do you understand the simplicity that is the gospel? In fact, it is so simple that in our minds, we all think it should be more difficult. It’s not. It is that because of our sin we are separated from God but through the accepted sacrifice of Jesus you can be forgiven and whole before God. Boom, that’s one sentence! It’s a wonderful sentence, a true sentence, a sentence that you had to both agree with and confirm when you became a believer, a follower of Jesus. Thank God for that true sentence, thank God for His great love for us that He would provide this payment, make this sacrifice for us, because we couldn’t pay it on our own.
Let me share with you a hard truth. You will remember that last year when we did a short lesson series on evangelism, that at the end of it I took a survey of us. From that survey, only 60% of us surveyed felt confident that we knew and could share the Gospel with others. Brothers and sisters, are you listening!? You know that needs to be higher, and unfortunately those numbers are probably on par with the average American Church. Even despite this, I know you love God and you are capable of much much more. We are both capable of and should aim for 100%, because we love God, we love the Gospel, and we know that people have to know because there is no other way to receive salvation except through Jesus and the accepting of the gospel message. Why not be the witness that Jesus want’s you to be for His glory? Let me charge you too, if you don’t feel that you are adequately equipped to share this message, please let me know very very soon so we can make this right and you can learn it all to God’s glory. Because, we should aim to share the Gospel and Believers are to actively pursue Gospel sharing opportunities.
Another action to see and do is to: Warn about their rejection (34-41)
34 As to his raising him from the dead, never to return to decay, he has spoken in this way, I will give you the holy and sure promises of David., 35 Therefore he also says in another passage, You will not let your Holy One see decay., 36 For David, after serving God’s purpose in his own generation, fell asleep, was buried with his fathers, and decayed, 37 but the one God raised up did not decay. 38 Therefore, let it be known to you, brothers and sisters, that through this man forgiveness of sins is being proclaimed to you. 39 Everyone who believes is justified through him from everything that you could not be justified from through the law of Moses. 40 So beware that what is said in the prophets does not happen to you:
41 Look, you scoffers, marvel and vanish away, because I am doing a work in your days, a work that you will never believe, even if someone were to explain it to you.”[2]
As we had mentioned earlier, Paul knowing his audience used terms and ideas that the people listening would have understood. He told them in this case, about the promises of David and how this was fulfilled in Jesus, and about how the great King, like everyone else except Jesus died and decayed, his body was no more. But, God raised up Jesus and HE did not. So, through this same Jesus we proclaim to you that everyone who believes is justified, is forgiven, unlike in the law of Moses which could not justify you. So, do not be a doubter, do not be a rejecter, do not be a scoffer as the prophet Habakkuk warned against. If you do, then upon your death you will receive the punishment you have earned. Do not reject this message, because their will be consequences for you.
I bet every parent here knows the value in this idea. In warning about the rejection. Specifically, warning your children about the consequences of breaking your rules. For example, my mother probably couldn’t count the amount of times she successful used the words/formula, “Jacob if you don’t quit, then you will not be able to _______.” The sharing of the consequences, helps communicate the seriousness of the situation. In my case, not following the rules means I no longer have the privileges to: play video games, watch TV, go to a friends house, not stand in a corner, or what have you. (By the way, when I was little standing in a corner was a very effective punishment for me once I understood). I can still see the memory of myself standing in the corner by room in the hallway to this day. And once I knew that heard those words, I had better listen up and behave.
As believers, we have to understand the seriousness of the consequences a person has if they don’t accept Jesus. Also, we have to understand that it is a universal and non-negotiable truth. Don’t just say, and think of it as, “well, you don’t get to go to heaven.” It’s much more serious than that. It means, you are separated from God. That should be a truly terrifying reality to the Christian. Sure, the reality of hell is scary. But, even greater and more fearful is the truth that if you are not in God, then you are an enemy of God. While on earth, while you are alive, the only way you get to experience Him is through what is called common grace, that is you are not being actively warred against and are given opportunities to accept God. However, a life lived and ended not in Jesus, is an eternity in death only knowing God’s vengeance and judgement, which as you know is terrible and impossible to withstand. We need to understand these truths and the seriousness of the situation and in turn warn people about the consequences of their life of rejection to Christ. This is one of the things you must do as you are aiming to share the gospel because as you know, believers are to actively pursue gospel sharing opportunities.
Beloved. Do you understand that you just that. Beloved. Beloved by who, yes myself of course, but more importantly, by your savior and Lord Jesus Christ. As a beloved Child of God, can you say that God is beloved in your heart? If He is, then you know that your love of Him should motivate you to share Him with others. If you aren’t loving Him in this way. Then let me ask you, and let yourself reflect; what is keeping you from doing so? What sin, what rebellion is keeping you from doing so? Find that, and remove it and know the forgiveness of your savior instead of that guilt that you are feeling; do this and know your God deeper and love more. Remember His will for your life, to Love God, Love Others, and Make Disciples.
With all of that being said, I would be remised if I didn’t share the Gospel (or the Good News) of Jesus Christ with you today, for the benefit of both believer and non-believer in the room. This begins all the way back at the beginning, God created everything, and he created all things good. He gave His most treasured creation (us, mankind) the ability of free will, the ability to choose Him or rebellion. Man was deceived by Satan and desired to be like God and sinned (or rebelled against God). This brought the curse of sin and death into the world and it remains with us to this day; which separates us from God. God though, loved His creation (mankind) so much that He worked through history to redeem all mankind that would turn to Him from sin so that we can experience a full and perfect relationship with Him again. This was through the perfect and final sacrifice of Jesus Christ on the pay for sins. Accepting this free gift from God, makes you new and forgiven. All you have to do accept this free gift by repenting and believing in the Lord Jesus and you will get to experience the good side of God’s justice forever. So, now that you know this, you can no longer plead ignorance. I invite and urge you to respond today non-believer and apply this to every part of your life believers in the audience today.
With that, Let’s conclude. Brothers and Sisters, I love you all. During our last song together, if you need prayer, or want to talk more about Jesus, or have something you want to talk about, I’ll be here, don’t be afraid to come on down. Let’s pray. Father God, we thank You for who You are and what You are doing to us here in this place. May whatever it is that You are doing in each of heart here, continue as we leave go out into the world this week. Change us, mold us, make us, re-arrange us, that we can be both better lovers of You and better showers of You. It’s in these things that I ask and in Jesus Christ’s Holy and precious name that I pray, Amen.
[1] Christian Standard Bible. Holman Bible Publishers, 2020, p. Ac 13:13–33.
[2] Christian Standard Bible. Holman Bible Publishers, 2020, p. Ac 13:33–41.