Heart Protection

Interlude: The Roots of Worship  •  Sermon  •  Submitted   •  Presented
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Hebrews 3:12–13 NASB95
Take care, brethren, that there not be in any one of you an evil, unbelieving heart that falls away from the living God. But encourage one another day after day, as long as it is still called “Today,” so that none of you will be hardened by the deceitfulness of sin.
This passage is a warning and instruction for the entire community of GOD to protect each others hearts. In light of American Heart Month, this message will focus on the importance of heart protection.
Be on a Constant Lookout
He gives them two major instructions that deal with two major heart problems. The first instruction is that they “take care”, or in other words to “look out”. Which is a call to pay careful attention to a thing. It is a present tense verb, which means it needs to be a constant look out. This signifies the seriousness of the matter.
Watch for the signs (Illustration)
Example: Whether you are a new or experienced driver, we’ve all learned what being on a “constant lookout” means while driving. And Departments of Transportation have done a good job helping us what to look out for. A sign with a street light painted on it, tells us a street light is up ahead. One depicts people walking, tells us there is a potential for pedestrians. One with deer drawing, tells us this zone has a high potential for deer jumping out.
Application: In order for us to be on the lookout for anything, we must pay attention to the signs.
Any Heart that reflects waning or lack of faith (What are we looking for?)
Well, what signs does the Hebrew writer post up? It is an evil heart in any one person within the community of these believers. Remember, heart here indicates the inner person and the internal features of the inner person, that being their thoughts, emotions, understanding right from wrong, and volition (the power to use one’s will to do a thing). What’s the sign? When those things are evil. How do we know if a heart is evil? In this context, it is lacking sincere trust in Christ!!
Application: That means that each of us, in this faith community, have a responsibility to pay attention to the signs in one another. That nobody’s thoughts, which come out in words, reflect that they are losing trust in GOD. That nobody is in an emotional state which signals a loss of passion for Jesus. If someone is trusting in anything other than GOD, for their security, contentment, or to get through, those are signs.
It is a vehicle to Apostasy (Result of unbelief)
Well why is this a bad sign? The Hebrew writer says that not trusting in Christ, is indeed the vehicle that moves one away from the living GOD. As a reminder, these Hebrew Christians were drifting away from their trust in Jesus as their connection to GOD, salvation, atonement and all the above, because of distress and despair they were under. And they were turning back to expired religious methods, without Christ, as a means to connect with GOD. And any distance from Jesus, is a distancing from the Father!!
Application: Now, please NOTE!!! This is not a motivation to be in everyone’s business. But we should be aware of each others state. The health of each other’s heart!!
Encourage one another
OK, watch the second instruction, because it enhances the first instruction. What’s the enhancement? Beyond a constant look out, encourage one another!! Which means to urge action (or a different action) by calling to mind Christ’s atonement, instructions, and warnings.
Application: First of all, both terms “encourage” and “one another” are plural, which means the focus is not myself. See each of us make up the body. So it is not just about me, it is about us all!! In addition, “one another” is reflexive, which means that the encouragement is supposed to be mutual.
Mutual Encouragement is:
There are some important factors for this thing to be mutual.
Encourage is active, meaning each of us has a role. Each at some point needs to take some time away from ourselves to help somebody else in this family!! That’s what composes a servant mentality! As a servant of Christ, I should be actively seeking to tell my brother/sister, slow down, be careful, it’s gone be alright, our GOD is faithful, etc., as they face trials.
This also means that all of us need encouragement and must be willing to receive encouragement. All sides of encouragement too, lifting up and warning and admonishment!! See sometimes we’ll take in the lifting up side, but reject the warning side.
Encouragement carries idea of close by. There’s a trust factor!! And don’t conflict condemnation with the warning side of encouragement. They are not equal. Solomon says “The wounds of a friend can be trusted” (Prov 27:6). Condemnation hurts and can leave you hurt. But admonishment hurts with intention to heal and help!!
Daily Frequency (When?)
What duration should this encouragement take place? The Hebrew writer says every single day, day after day. That’s how critical it is. As long as one can move and operate and refer to the day as “Today”.
Application: Listen, if we’re going to give and receive this type of encouragement every day, that means we all need someone close around. Our spouses (prayerfully in the Lord), parents/children even, fellow workers (that being the same ministry), etc. Or, there are sermon recordings, by preachers across this nation, that we need to put on repeat. Text and facebook posts. Whatever it takes to get something daily!!
To protect from hardening (Why?)
For what purpose? Encouragement is the primary instruction, everyday is the frequency, but why? The Hebrew writer now links back to his quotation “Today if you hear his voice, harden not your hearts”. The purpose of daily encouragement is so not one single person in the midst of the community of believers, will have a heart that becomes so stiff that it won’t bend itself to hear GOD. Well what can make ones heart that hard? The trickery, the deceptiveness of sin!! He personifies sin.
Psalm 78:8 NASB95
8 And not be like their fathers, A stubborn and rebellious generation, A generation that did not prepare its heart And whose spirit was not faithful to God.
Psalm 78:18 NASB95
18 And in their heart they put God to the test By asking food according to their desire.
Psalm 78:36–37 NASB95
36 But they deceived Him with their mouth And lied to Him with their tongue. 37 For their heart was not steadfast toward Him, Nor were they faithful in His covenant.
Application: Jeremiah says the heart is deceitful above all things, who can trust it. Solomon says a person who trusts in their own heart is a fool.
Listen, our hearts and sin, if left isolated and unchecked, will only accept thoughts that reinforce how my painful trials make me feel. Building a wall to the voice of GOD. Jeremiah and other prophets call it being stubborn in ones own way. A hardening of the heart.
But when we are mutually active and receptive in encouraging one another, it bursts my heart's sin bubble. It tears down the wall around my unbelieving thoughts and emotions. And helps me stay flexible toward hearing what thus says the Lord, and thereby strengthening my faith!!
Do you have somebody to talk to, who points to the word of GOD? Are you active in encouraging your spouse, brother, sister, parents/children, etc? Are we looking out for one another? Why Bro Evans, because Jesus through us, helps protect us from the deception of sin in our hearts!! Staying healthy.
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