2-20-24 Sermon
John 3:1-16
John 3:1-16
In the scriptures that we look at today,,, was Nicodemus afraid,,, and I also ask the question,,, as preachers today,,, are we ever afraid,,, and how can our relationship with God help Nicodemus and us?
Nicodemus is named in this scripture as,,, a man of the Pharisees,,, and a ruler of the Jews.
He was one of those that Jesus usually disagreed with and always seemed to be in conflict with all throughout His ministry.
But yet,,, Nicodemus apparently was amazed by the signs that Jesus was doing at the feast if you look back at chapter 2 verse 23.
And apparently because of this,,, his opening words were favorable toward Jesus.
It also says in verse 2 that he came to Jesus by night.
We are not told why that he came "at night",,, but the usual thought is that he didn't want to be seen.
But,,, the interview could have happened "at night" simply because Nicodemus was busy all day,,, as well as the rabbis discussing things until late in the evenings.
Another explanation might be that John uses the words,,, "at night" to show that those who dwell in the darkness are apart from the true Light,,, a picture that he uses several times. (8:12; 9:4-5; 11:9-10; 13:30).
Either way,,, apparently Nicodemus had a question for Jesus maybe,,, or wanted to discuss something with Him,,, but we aren't given that information either.
So we don't know why he came at night,,, or,,, what he wanted to talk about.
All we are told is what they discuss together!
After Nicodemus speaks favorably to Jesus,,, apparently wanting to begin this conversation on a favorable note,,, Jesus doesn't give him any opportunity to ask any questions.
Jesus immediately turns Nicodemus' attention to what will be the focus of their conversation.
Whether this was what Nicodemus came to discuss,,, we aren't told,,, but apparently it was important for Jesus,,, regardless of what Nicodemus thought,,, or wanted.
Again,,, we aren't told,,, for all we know,,, this was what Nicodemus came for since there is not any other questions from him.
Jesus begins this conversation with the words,,, "I assure you",,, and Jesus uses this phrase 2 other times,,, so we know that this information is something that we shouldn't miss.
And apparently Nicodemus thought so as well,,, even though he hasn't heard the other two times yet,,, since he continues the conversation.
Jesus has replied in verse 3,,, “I assure you: Unless someone is born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.”
Letting Nicodemus,,, and us know,,, that this is what's important and must be discussed.
We must be born again,,, to see the kingdom of God!
So they continue the conversation with questions from Nicodemus as to how this can be accomplished,,, with answers from Jesus that,,, maybe leave him with more questions than answers,,, but we also know from scriptures later in John,,, that Nicodemus slowly begins to change,,, that this conversation worked.
In chapter 7:50-52,,, we find him defending Jesus among his fellow Pharisees,,, and,,, in chapter 19:38-42,,, assisting Joseph of Arimathea in burying Jesus.
He will end the story as a disciple,,, finally able to see the kingdom of God,,, according to church history,,, but here at the beginning he is something less,,, searching at least,,, but not fully convinced apparently.
Again,,, I wonder,,, if he was afraid!
And as I wonder,,, whether he was or not,,, I can imagine that if he was worried about anyone seeing him talking to Jesus,,, that he would peep around doors and corners of buildings as he left to try to keep anyone from seeing him!
I can also tell you of a time that I ended up peeping around doors because I was afraid.
When I was asked to pastor Seminary and Oakdale United Methodist Church in 2018 I was asked to fill in at Lone Star United Methodist Church and Carson United Methodist Church before the appointment took place.
The morning of the service I preached at Lone Star first and when that service was over I left headed to Carson.
When you leave Lone Star on Hwy 84 and you get to the top of the hill you're supposed to turn left to go to Carson,,, but I kept going straight.
Needless to say,,, I ended up almost to Silver Creek before I realized it and had to call and tell them that I would be late.
When I finally got there,,, 10 minutes late,,, I had told them to go ahead and begin the service,,, so as I eased the door open,,, imagine my surprise as I heard my district Superintendent praying.
Needless to say,,, my heart almost stopped!
But I did manage to go ahead and make it through the crowd,,, made it up to the podium,,, and I was able to preach my sermon.
My district Superintendent had never heard me preach and this was her way of surprising me,,, giving her a chance to listen to me preach and it was very stressful and scary but I managed to get through it.
If I would have known that she would have been coming I would have been stressed too much to have really been able to get the job done possibly because I spent more time trying to do things with my strength instead of relying on God,,, the way that I should.
Everything worked out ok and I still began as pastor at Oakdale and Seminary,,, in spite of my failure,,, but I will always remember that feeling as I peered around that partially opened door that morning as I heard her voice,,, but the most important thing that has happened since that day,,, I’ve learned to trust God the way that I should have before that day!
We know that Nicodemus came to trust Jesus more and more as well.
As I told you earlier,,, in chapter 7:50-52,,, we find him defending Jesus among his fellow Pharisees,,, and,,, in chapter 19:38-42,,, assisting Joseph of Arimathea in burying Jesus.
So we can see that Nicodemus might have begun with feelings of being uncertain,,, or afraid,,, but he ended where he should be,,, seeing the kingdom of God.
I began my pastoral duties with fear and uncertainty,,, but now,,, while I might still doubt "my" personal ability,,, since I still struggle with fear and doubt in myself,,, I know that if God gives me something,,, I know that I have what's needed to get the job done.
Over the last,,, 6 years,,, it will be in June,,, I have failed God many times,,, but God has not failed or abandoned me!
Just as Nicodemus grew in knowledge and trust in Jesus,,, I have grown,,, in my own knowledge and trust in Jesus,,, and I can see the kingdom of God as well.
Maybe you are here today and you have questions,,, doubts,,, or fears,,, maybe you have done your share of peeping around corners wondering if anyone sees you,,, just know that God is here for you,,, just as He was there for Nicodemus,,, and,,, myself!
We all have room to grow,,, and when our relationship with God is strong the way that it should be,,, that growth will be progressively stronger,,, each and every day!
And that’s the way that it should be,,, if we pay attention to Jesus and trust Jesus,,, we will all see,,, the kingdom,,, of God!