Philippians 1:1-11 A Life Full of Joy
This is Hope Sunday where we specifically show the Hope of Jesus Christ
The service is a little different than normally
Church Video
Gen’s Testimony
Read Phil 1:1-5
Read Phil 1:1-5
Joy = Closely to happiness, although joy is more a state of being than an emotion; a result of choice.
That’s why you will see people say “Choose Joy”
Having joy is part of the experience of being a Christian.
In the OT joy is associated with victory over the enemy
Example: David defeated Goliath and the women came out singing with Joy
In the NT Joy is associated much the same way, but better
The seventy-two returned with joy, saying, “Lord, even the demons are subject to us in your name!”
Joy comes from knowing that we have overcome our biggest enemy, Sin
However the victory has eternal implications
Just so, I tell you, there will be more joy in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine righteous persons who need no repentance.
This morning I want to show you how you can live a life full of joy
Grace & Peace vs. 1-2
Grace & Peace vs. 1-2
The first aspect we see of a life full of joy is that it starts with grace and peace
Grace and peace were often terms Paul used in his greetings, but he did so because he knew his readers couldn’t live without them
God’s grace is unmerited divine favor, a favor from which comes many gifts.
God extends his grace to us even though we don’t deserve it
He could hold all of our dumb decisions and actions against us but he doesn’t
Instead he extends his forgiveness and love
There are a couple things you need to know about grace
God is full of grace
God is full of grace
The Lord passed before him and proclaimed, “The Lord, the Lord, a God merciful and gracious, slow to anger, and abounding in steadfast love and faithfulness,
God is full of mercy, grace, and love
That means he doesn’t run out of grace for you
The devil will convince you that you’ve done too many bad things to be saved
Jesus shows us that he floods us with grace and mercy
Grace is a gift thru faith
Grace is a gift thru faith
For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God,
not a result of works, so that no one may boast.
Grace isn’t something you can earn, it is a gift you have toe receive
You receive that gift through your faith that Jesus is the son of God who came to die on the cross and save you from your sins
Grace gives us Hope
Grace gives us Hope
Therefore, preparing your minds for action, and being sober-minded, set your hope fully on the grace that will be brought to you at the revelation of Jesus Christ.
We can have eternal hope because we know that God is gracious towards us
When we receive the gift of grace we are given peace with God
Therefore, since we have been justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ.
Joyous Thanksgiving vs. 3-5
Joyous Thanksgiving vs. 3-5
The second aspect of living a life full of joy is joyous thanksgiving
You can’t live a life full of joy without being thankful
Paul often prayed for the Philippians
Every time he prayed for them it filled him with joy
He had a great relationship with them, and even though they were poor they supported him as a missionary
He was so thankful for them
Whenever he thought of them, his heart was filled with joy
vs. 5 Partnership in Gospel
There is one last aspect of joy that both Paul & the Philippians had
They partnered in the Gospel
When Paul went to Philippi the group of Jews was so small they had to meet down by the river
There weren’t enough men to build a synagogue
This small little church impacted the whole world because they got behind Paul’s mission to take the Gospel to the Roman world
They didn’t let their circumstances dictate their actions
When we decide to get behind what God is doing it can produce a great sense of joy
A Work in Progress vs. 6
A Work in Progress vs. 6
The third aspect of living a life full of joy is to understand that you are a work in progress
Receiving the gift of grace is only the beginning
God starts the work at salvation, but continues that work until you meet Jesus
Sanctification is the ongoing supernatural work of God to rescue justified sinners from the disease of sin and to conform them to the image of his Son: holy, Christlike, and empowered to do good works.
In “justification,” Christ’s righteousness is imputed to believers: it is reckoned to their account, judicially speaking.
In sanctification, Christ’s righteousness is imparted: by the power of the Spirit, the converted sinner becomes more like Christ.
The sinner is transformed in every area of his or her life: inward and outward, heart and action, relationships and purpose.
he has now reconciled in his body of flesh by his death, in order to present you holy and blameless and above reproach before him,
Joyful Affection vs. 7-11
Joyful Affection vs. 7-11
The final aspect of living a life full of joy is joyful affection
Paul was full of joy even though he was in prison because he was part of a loving community
They were in his heart even though he was in chains
They were committed to preaching and defending the Gospel with him
That word affection means feeling it down in your gut
The real word is bowels
The deepest part of your life, beyond feelings
No Christian is going to have true joy unless the are part of a Christian community
It is the venue God has set up and put hie Son Jesus in charge of
Toxic community
Jen & I have friends who are part of toxic church
They don’t leave it because the relationships they have formed over years have become family
Losing that by switching churches is more distressing than going to a new church
Church isn’t just about coming and learning God’s Word
It’s about loving one another through thick and thin
It isn’t about consuming what the church is offering, its about being part of an affectionate community
After 17 years we have relationships that stretch back 10-15 years
They bring great joy
God created us to be with Him.
Our sins separate us from God
Sins cannot be removed by good deeds.
Paying the price for sin, Jesus died and rose again.
Everyone who trusts in Him alone has eternal life.
Life with Jesus starts now and lasts forever.