The Advent of Redemption: Savior for Sinners
Genesis 2 verse 4. These are the generations of the heavens and the earth. When they were created in the day, that yaqui, God made the earth and the heavens would know Bush of the field was yet in the land and no small plant of the field had yet. Sprung up for Yahoo. A God had not caused it to rain on the land and there was no man to work. The ground and a Mist was going up from the land. That was watering the whole face of the ground. Then, Yahweh God form the man of dust from the ground and breathed into his nostrils, the breath of life and the Man became a living creature. And Yahweh. God, planted a Garden of Eden Eden in the East and there. He put the man whom he had formed and out of the ground. Yahweh God made to spring up every tree. That is Pleasant to the site and good for food. The tree of life was in the midst of the garden and the tree of the knowledge of Good and Evil. A river flowed out of Eden to water the garden and they are divided and became Four Rivers. The name of the first is the pishan, it is. The one that flowed around the whole land of havilah where there is gold and the gold of that land is good bdellium and Onyx Stone are there. The name of the second river is the geek on it is the one that float around the whole land of kush and the name of the third river is the Tigris which flowed east of Assyria and the fourth river is the afraid ease. Yahweh God took the man and put him in the Garden of Eden, to work it, and keep it and y'all. Hey, God commanded, the man saying you make Shirley eat of every tree of the garden. But if it's tree of the knowledge of Good and Evil, you shall not eat from the day that you eat of it. You shall surely die. This is God's word to us. Let he who has ears to hear hear what God the spirit would want us to hear from his word as we look at it now. So up until this point in our studies in Genesis, we've only gone through the creation week. We seen the stage set for the entire book of Genesis, and really the entire Bible itself in the first, in that first chapter Genesis extending on in 2, verse 3 of chapter 2, as we look at days, one through seven of creation history, Well, Genesis 1 through chapter 2 or 3 lays, the groundwork for understanding what is the purpose of creation? What is the purpose for which the ground? We walk upon the Stars, we see at night, but the beauty of the mountains, into the river, the the Glorious birds and animals, and life, that teams in this world, what is it for It is made to glorify God. And this is what our texts, and that we've looked at over the last little while have unveiled for us. It underlines the purpose for which always made and how we that are to fulfill this purpose. We honor God by extending his rule over the entire Earth. This is what God called Adam to do to extend Eden beyond the original boundaries of Eden and you do a key aspect of that as. Vales, his plan for Adam and Eve was that they would be fruitful that they would multiply. And so through procreation humanity, is to reflect the image of God to disseminate His Image throughout the world and to fill it with worshippers God wants his world to be full of worshippers. Can we all say that together? God wants his world to be full. Worshippers it. So that's why God said I'm going to create a space. I'm going to create this garden and I want you to extend this garden and its domain over all the Earth and I want you to be image bears for me and I want you to procreate more image bearers for me to worship my name. That's on the 7th day that God designates, he doesn't, he, he creates it as a holy day it and that one we looked at last week. It underscores that every single week of our lives here on Earth are to be centered around, giving glory to God. And as we looked at last week, we now begin with a day of rest and that was modeled for us in the, in the examples we have in the New Testament upon the basis of the resurrection of Christ. Now we as Believers begin with a day of rest reorienting, our lives around the globe. God. That's what we're doing here. This morning here in chapter 2 verse for now there is a a new section in the narrative account that Moses is writing for us and you know, we're going to see a very important phrase show up throughout our text and it shows up. Throughout Genesis noticed it in verse for. These are the generations. These are the generations. In fact, this is almost a 88 outline. You go through the Book of Genesis looking for this key phrase. These are the generations. You'll know where beginning a new section of the Book of Genesis. In fact, you'll see this Braves 11 times throughout the Book of Genesis. These are the generations And what is this called? It, if you're a Hebrew scholar, which I am not. I will rightly a test. I am not a Greek Hebrew scholar whatsoever, but I read guys who and so they help me out here. They tell us that this is a known as at all. Because in Hebrew, the phrase is La Tola. These are the generations. And so, In every case we see this this expression this phrase we're told what followed the person named the you'll see, these are the generations of maybe Isaac or so forth but here in our text we're told here are the generations not of a particular person but of the heavens and the Earth is so weird to ask, what follows from this, what follows from the creation account that we've just read. These are the generations 11 Preacher Jay Vernon McGee. He suggested that the sprays could rightly be translated. These are the families of the heavens and the Earth and then we read about what those families are. What are the families of the heavens and the Earth? What kind of family would the heavens and the Earth generate Willits? Think about that little bit. Well, before we get there, let's think about this phrase in a couple other places. You go over to 5:1. We, we the the chapter begins this way. This is the book of the generations of Adam or you go over to 25:19. These are the generations of Isaac and then we are LED into the stories of Isaac. Sons of Jacob, a Visa. Similarly we could look at. Genesis 37 begins with the same expression, bees are the generations of Jacob. And then following that we have the story of Joseph. But if we come back to our text now and we see the same expression, these are the generations or the families of the heavens and the Earth. What follows immediately after that? What you mean? Italy after that, we have this detailed and more extensively detailed explanation of the creation of man. What came from the heavens and the Earth, what are the generations of the heavens and the Earth? The answer? If we are following the logic of this expression mankind mankind will its think about how could this even be the right to think in this way. So Adam, let's think about atoms name for a moment. Adam's name, derives directly from the word that is translated Earth or land. And so Adam's name essentially means dirt, he's out of the dirt. And that would make sense. Does it not? Because God formed the man of the dust or the dirt from the ground, breathed into his him, the Breath of Life, okay? So God, formed man, out of the Earth. Right out of the earth, bring forth life in the person of a man, doing fact. This name, Adam is interesting because if you work your way through the Bible you will see many times the word man. But it is actually the word atom. So here's something else to keep in mind every time we use this language of man we're staying out of dirt. We're talking about a people that have come from Earth now. we also know that we're Generated from not just the not just Earth, but the heavens and the Earth man is not just dirt, not just a bag of dirt, are we? We are breathing to the vet by the very Breath of God. So, God breathed into man, the breath of life. I want you to see this. That Eden is really a The coming together of Earth and Heaven in so many ways. God is walking literally among ad at the end of the garden with Adam and Eve in Heaven and Earth mingled in this place. In this space on Earth. Eden is a place. We're having an earth meet in such a way that there is no, there's, there's no fear on the part of man, of heaven. And Heaven is completely comfortable on Earth. You see that? And so mankind is the, the family are generated from, not just Earth, but Heaven as well. So I want you to see this that, you know, some people have looked at chapter 2 specially Skeptics of the creation narrative and they said, hey, wait a second here, look at chapter 2. It seems to conflicted with the creation account in Genesis 1 and so they'll use it for the accusation lie. Especially at someone who believes in a 7-Day creation to say, hey, look, you can see here that Genesis one must simply have been poetic language, not meaning to intend to intentionally, communicate how God created, but more in a poetic way of describing creation. But listen, I think if you're a careful reader, you'll see that Genesis 1 and Genesis to are in no ways in Conflict whatsoever. But rather that chapter 2 is zooming in on the creation of mankind. It's, it's Day6. Up close zooming in on day 6 and God Is providing further detail of how that creative work of his with carried out. So Genesis 2 verses for 26 is filling in details pertaining. Especially to the sixth day of creation details that were not included in Genesis 1 and so I say that that Genesis 2 is day. 6 in detail to fills in some important details, not included in the creation account. It's described in chapter 1, verses 1. To 2, verse 3 you to notice it is that there's something different about the way God is referred to here in Genesis chapter 2. It's not simply Elohim as we see repeated all through Genesis 1 and God said and God said and God said and got setting up said But now we have a man on the stage and God is describing even through the language that he uses to refer to himself. He's describing the language of Covenant and his relationship with man when every time we see not just Elohim, but we see Yahweh Elohim in the Hebrew yokwe Elohim, or Yahweh, God is, as my translation, puts it, that you'll see it in the all-caps Lord, which has been kind of a frustration for many dollars. Why we've opted for that when we, this is the Covenant name of God being referred to the same name that got introduced himself to Moses the writer of this book. When he said, I am that I am. This is the The name of God, by, which he relates to his people. It's a, it's a language of intimacy Old Testament scholar. John curd rice it. This way, the reason why Yahoo and Elohim in the Eden narrative is there is to bring together the title of the Majestic, powerful God, portrayed in Genesis one, with the personal intimate name Yahweh in Genesis chapter 2 and disc extends on into chapter 3. So it makes sense, doesn't it now that we're zooming in on God and his relationship with man and our relationship with God? He is using this language of intimacy because God and man, we're at in harmony with one another. There was peace, there was Joy, there was a community in the garden. Avedon. It's so this is the idea of the Transcendent God in one respect. When we think about God, we say, holy, holy, holy, we do not belong in his presence, but in another sense, the language of Yahweh is a language of eminence. That God has come near. We see that do not throw the Bible. Even after the fall. God seeks ways to come near the people through the Tabernacle later for the temple and most vividly for us through the coming of the Lord Jesus into the world as the one who tabernacled among men god with us. But we are not in the New Testament era without the presence of God With Us. Now, as well, Jesus said, I will give you the holy spirit will dwell among you, and he calls us the temple of God, he dwells within us. And so, this is the language of intimacy where by God and his people are in, in a posture, a piece with one. Weather. Well, in verses 5 and 6, we see that the land was undeveloped it lacked cultivation, because the text is, there was no rain and no one to tend to it. And then it goes on to say that I missed or spring emerge from the ground to provide the necessary moisture. What these verses are doing our depicting, the condition of the world, just prior to the creation of Adam. And it is emphasizing that until God had completed his work, which we just looked at God, finished his work we saw an inverse one until God had completed his work. There was an incomplete this about the world that man was necessary in the world. God Wanted man, kind to tend the world to to tend the garden that he had placed him in. And so this text is highlighting that, the Earth cannot actually fulfill its intended purpose without human involvement. This goes, of course, against the ideas of in the environmentalists of our day. I remember literally driving a tractor, I'm up in Manitoba Canada, I'm driving a tractor and somehow listening to CBC a Bastion of conservatism there in Canada on the radio. And I'm listening to this lady, say in, in clear words, we're killing the worms. And we need to eliminate so many people cuz we're just killing all these worms. And and the interviewer is essentially I like kind of questioning like are you saying we're the same as worms. Like we are valuable the same value as worms and in she was having to be logical driven to the conclusion. That that is exactly, right. We have no more value than the worms will according to God's perspective. Yes. We have value far above worms, far above all his creation. We are the stewards of his creation. We alone are given the joy of a relationship with God, not just as a bird tweeting in a tree singing, the Praises of God, but a relationship of communion with God. Cancel, this is, this perspective is very relevant. I would say, especially given that the environmental debate going on. While it while some might view Humanity, as a nuisance to the planet as this lady did, and I were such a nuisance here, Genesis presents a very different. You doesn't it that the Earth was created for mankind and in with the intention that we would shape it and cultivate it and that we would take the good gifts that God has all the resources that got it embedded in the earth. And and as we talked about a few weeks about go, when we talked about work,
Take the good gifts that God had made and create things out of them and thus imitate our creator. Okay. So without mankind the Earth cannot achieve its full potential. You know there's been a number of theories put forward concerning this. This watering system on the earth as described herein versus six and there's a number of different translations. Different translations will translate this word differently whether it's mist or stream or Springs, but whatever the word it seems to convey the idea that there was some sort of subterranean freshwater system, that provided water to the plant life at that time. As we discussed last week, God intentionally left work. For Humanity to do such as cultivating, the land naming the animals and everything in its final form. He didn't eat intentionally chose to involve people in fulfilling his purposes and that illustrates that God often Works through means to achieve his goals that we can think about that in the respect in the idea of a vandalism. God doesn't just boom as his voice from Heaven. As he did when he was introducing people to his son. This is my son. Listen to him know. He says to us, go into all the world and preach the gospel. Oh, but who can you save? No one. And yet God intentionally uses you. And I as the means by which he communicates his message, the lost people. And that becomes the means by which God brings people to himself. What we see this already modeled in the, the purposefulness of mankind in the world where there to guard to keep to, to prune to, to extend Eden around the world, queso, in creation, despite it being declared by God himself as very good, that that world was left incomplete. And that wasn't, that's not God, misusing language when he says it's just how I wanted it. But I want you now to take it and extended expanded prune, it guarded. Okay, just like we would say wow that's a perfect. Rose bud. But we're also hoping to see a perfect Rose. Come forth from it, right? Well that's the same kind of thing. God had put everything exactly as he intended it and now he inserts man into his. I want you to tend to keep the guard this place. verse 7 describes how the Lord God formed man from the dust of the ground breathed life into him and thus made man a living being breathed into by the very Breath of God, And this word mold Yachts are in the Hebrew or form. It is the word that that the Potter is used to refer to the Potter who who takes clay and mold literally forming forming a vessel. That is what? That is what the languages used whereby. God formed man from the land from the earth highlighting that we do have a relationship with the land. We were formed from it. We were tasked with cultivating it and by the way, dust Thou Art and to dust Thou shalt return, right? Now that connection to the land, it's a very important thing for us to understand we have a roll. We have a relationship with creation. God has put us here for a very important purpose to Steward this space that he is put us in. Well you don't man is not nearly as I said before, composed of the earth guy that is not merely composed of the earth, you don't know your scientists, they try to understand the human mind and try to understand the inner workings of the of the of the human psyche, right? Human behavior. But what science Neuroscience has failed to do time and again, is to explain the essence of the human soul, or Spirit to explain how that even exist or functions at all. They can they can see a brain, but they don't understand the mind, the soul, the inner workings of emotions and all that goes on, they can study but they're, as I mentioned, a few weeks ago, they can't even explain gravity actually. And so to, to understand the complexities of what it means to be human, still continues to be beyond the reach of science. God's acting Act of breathing life into man creates man as a living soul. And each breath that we breathe out and breathe in, is a reminder of the Sacred gift of life that God has given us. Didn't leave Adam. Finished world without purpose. No, he says here. I'm planting a garden at plant. A garden in Eden and I'm going to plant you in that Garden. This is going to be your base of operations Adam. And here is, it's like God is giving a model Garden. This is how I want my Gardens to look. This is how I want the globe to look. And that became a model for how Adam was to extend this order. This design, this glory to the rest of the Earth. And so, a lot of times we only notice in the Bible, the command not what man is not to do. But clearly in our text, Adam is given instructions of what to do to Stewart to keep the guard and extend Eden. and so just like a child learns about the world from their dad, from their mom or Grandpa and Grandma, Adam was to learn what God wanted his creation to look like from this model Garden that he had placed him in and his task was to expand the boundaries of Eden until Everywhere was covered with that Glory. It's so let's think a little bit about this Garden. What did it look like? Well most of us immediately go back to kind of little visuals from are those little children's Bible story books, right? And and eat and looks like someone combined a tropical vacation with a super-sized fruit basket type of scenario, you're usually at the petting zoo. And that's that's the Garden of Eden. You know, picture the Garden of Eden, the Garden so large that it could win. Certainly best Garden ever award. Even if you did not know anything about plan C. We just say, I don't know any of my plants but that's definitely the best one. The best Garden. I that could ever be trees. That essentially beg you to pick their fruit, right? And an even when you pick them, it was like pick more cuz we've got plenty where that came from right take more. We have plenty Eden Lions lounging around with the deer right bunnies and birds and lions. Just no big deal. We don't need to build a fence for the chickens. You know, Adam and Eve are shown this ultimate garden and and they are placed in there. As as though, they're the ultimate Garden Party hosts right there. Dressed in in the best Leaf out. Zephyr in the kids. Pictures at least. Now, the thing is, as I'm saying all this, I'm saying it somewhat, tongue-in-cheek, because we all know it's essentially impossible to with our language depict. What Perfection would look like. As we've never seen Perfection, we've only seen the beauty of Brokenness, right? We say, wow, look at that Jagged Mountain, that's pretty cool. A catastrophe, the global flood. Look at those lines in those those layers, in the rocking. Those dead things buried down in there, right? We see the beauty, even though it's broken. What would it have been like to see the beauty Unbroken? Right. Know, the name, Eden means the light or Bliss, or Paradise. These are the best that Scholars are given us as to what they think. The, the name itself means which would make sense, Delight Bliss Paradise. And and what those words, convey devices, the unparalleled Beauty and Perfection of that original environment, which mankind was put and the narrative contrasts sharply with the evolutionary perspective, doesn't. Evolution depicts early life is primitive harsh. And full of struggles is going up from the from the, you know, the swamp life and struggling up on land and eventually, you know, growing little flappy things that eventually turn into legs and all this kind of stuff. Right. According to evolution is early humans live in damp unsafe environments and they faced constant threat from Wildlife extreme climate scarcity, of resources. That's not the way, the Bible, depicts the beginning, the Bible accounts, a very different picture. He depicted as a place of rivers, we see that here in our Tech versus 9214 describes. Eden is being watered by Four Rivers. We don't know where those rivers are, by the way. There's some rivers named after them, but after the global flood things would have been. So, you know, reconstruct in terms of geology. That's a new rivers that form since then. It's a place of Rich resources. Look at verse 12, we see here, mentioned gold, Onyx Stones, this aromatic resin that was there and end. These valuable resources are we at least the Highlight the richness, their luxurious Ennis, be unending resources, what that were available to be mindin, to be utilizing to be reconstituted into other things. It's a place of trees. We see in verse 9, it's built with the many trees, stunning, Beauty, producing glorious, wonderful fruit. So, what we see in the text of scripture itself, is that Eaton was a pristine, a bountiful environment. It reflected God's ideal creation and the intended Harmony between humanity and nature. And you know, I love that, but let me mention this more importantly, a Harmony Between Heaven and Earth between God and man, there was absolute Harmony. Well, I want to come now to thinking about this place as a temple recently. I suggested is that I think we should look at Eden is as in some respects, a temple. Because for one thing it was first and foremost a place for man to have perfect and unattended fellowship with God, a place for fellowship and communion with God, we don't see the word Temple or Sanctuary anywhere in Genesis 1 through 3. And yet there is a lot of clues that would show us that Eden, functioned essentially as a temple. Let me give you a few and these are not original to me whatsoever. I've read a lot of great writers on on this subject. One being Jake. He built it has a book titled the temple and the church's Mission. A Biblical Theology of the dwelling place of God in there. Extensively discussed as how Ethan is depicted as the first Sanctuary or Temple. And that does that becomes a model for the future temples? Such as the Tabernacle and the temples that were to come in Israel's history. Meredith, Klein in his work Kingdom prologue highlights. These parallels as well, particularly, in terms of this being a Sacred Space, a place for the presence of God and the Covenant will themes that come from it. Many other writers have pointed out these, these connections. So you might say okay. Well, exactly, how do you go about seeing this? What Genesis 3:8 here, we see God Walking In the Garden of Eden. That's that's the language. God, Walking In the Garden of Eden. and and the presence of God with man is emphasized No, where else will we see that? Kind of language of God walking with Manuel, it's going to show up later in in the concept of the temple as that unique place where God presence was experienced especially by the representatives of the people that being a priest Heather, just as the priest encounter God in the temple here. Adam and Eve are encountering. God, directly in Eden. You going over to Leviticus and Leviticus depicts the Lord instructing his people concerning. What kind of practice is there to carry outs pertaining to the priests? The sacrifice at the temple worship. And in chapter, 26 years, what we read in versus 10 to 12. God promises there to walk among his people and be their God. And what would that right away of reminded those those Israelites at when When God says, I will walk among you, they'll say, well, I remember Moses telling us about how God used to walk among his people back in Eden, God's presents with his people, that was Central to what it meant to have God Tabernacle in among his people does. It was sent before Adam and Eve during their time in Eden. But we also see Eden is a mountain and, and we see this Temple imagery there any Ezekiel 28, and I quoted that text on your bulletin. We see even described as the Holy Mountain of God and often throughout the Bible, mountains are depicted at places where God reveals himself or or where significant acts of worship Whitaker whether it was Noah's offering. After he got off the arc, he's standing on Mount Ararat, or Abraham sacrifices. He climb the mountain with his son, Isaac or Moses. Receiving the law and Top of Mount Sinai or Jesus is crucifixion on Mount Calvary is. So this connection is, is many other places even in the Psalms and some 24 dishonest ask who may Ascend the hill of the Lord. And points to the Purity that is required to stand in God's holy place. But then further, as you look at the temples that then would be, God would give instructions how they were two to be made. Many of the design features of the Tabernacle in Temple or intentionally designed to evoke this imagery of Eden's. Well, you see the wooden carvings of flowers and and palm trees in the temple. That was would recall the beauty of Eden's Garden. You have the menorah the Candelabra that likely was intended to point to the Tree of Life. The river flowing from Eden which brought life is mirrored in Ezekiel 2547 where a river flows from a temple symbolizing the life-giving presence of God that extends from his holy place to the world. We have a cherubim guarding the entrance to eat an after man is thrown out. There are the cherubim saying nope, you may not answer back in here. Will that Motif is repeated in the design of the Tabernacle in Temple. There are Terrapin standing in front of the holy of holies, keeping men protected from God, who will Smite him? If he was to stand in his presence.
And yet, God has come near God, literally was camping with his people throughout those 40 years, wandering in the wilderness. Well, we also see Adam functioning in many ways in the role of a priest guarding and keeping the garden. The only other time where you have that language guard and keep shows up in terms of the instructions that the priests were given with reference to the temple, they were to guard and keep the temple as a Sacred Space, just as Eden was to be guarded and kept course, Adam did it. Miserable job at that as that snake came squeaking in crawling in and and undermines the plan in that respect, but we'll get to that in a future sermon. This language of cultivating, the garden that marks the beginning of Agriculture, where Adam is tasked with tending to the land ensuring its flourishing. And so we have this idea of guarding and keeping the garden will that work was a significant role. But it it also is extended into the imagery described in the temple. Well, you might say, Okay interesting. But what it, what's the point, what's the point, why does it matter? I'm hoping some of us are thinking that because you know if somebody can get up here and just make all kinds of neat connections. And why does it matter? Well, understanding Eden as a kind of Temple, I think helps us to grasp the continuity of God's relationship with Humanity throughout scripture. So just as God Walk with Adam and Eve. He dwelt also then later with Israel in the tabernacle, during their Wilderness wanderings and later, he caused the Glorious presence to be known in Jerusalem in the temple. But now, is we coming to the New Testament? We see that through Christ. He dwells within us by his spirit and he came and walked Among Us Tabernacle Among Us when he came on Earth. And so, for us to see these connections, this relationship all the way through the Bible. I think it only helps us to better understand the role that we have been given as God's people. We have been called by our savior to extend the presence of Christ, to extend the rule of Christ, throughout the world. As we bow in submission, in our individual lives, as we seek to compel others balvaneda Christ, obey Christ. Even in some to kiss the sun Oak Kings of the earth be warned that we have a duty. We have a role as well to not just ourselves to submit to the authority of Christ. But to extend that we are the agents, the means by which we go into all the world, we proclaim the gospel of Christ and we warn men and women to flee for Mercy to Christ and to the tootsie that relationship of Peace restored between man and God. And so, you know, some months ago, when we were just starting to wade into this book of Genesis, I preached a message that I titled creation fall Redemption where we looked at this theme in a very big perspective, way and saw the whole Spectrum. I did a terrible job, I'm sure it trying to do that but that was my attempt to see from beginning to end. What is God's plan with this whole thing? And I pointed to two passages like Romans 8 21 where we read this the creation itself, meaning our present creation will be set free from its bondage to corruption and obtain the freedom of the glory of the children of God. Ephesians 1, where Paul describes, the mystery of God's will according to his purpose, which he set forth in Christ as a plan for the fullness of time. What's the plan? To unite all things in him, things in heaven and things on earth. That's the plan. That's still the plan. God, still wants his glory to wrap around this whole planet or Revelation 21 which teaches that in the Eternal State, the New Jerusalem will come down To a fully renovated, redeemed and restored Earth, and John writes this in and Trent 21. And I saw the holy city, New Jerusalem, coming down out of Heaven, from God prepared as a bride adorned for her husband, and I heard a loud voice from the throne saying, behold, Listen to this. The dwelling place of God is with, man. He will dwell with them and they will be his people and God himself will be with them as their God. So God descends to dwell with man and once again, there will be complete unhindered joy and fellowship between God and man. No more sin. The curse is broken. We would do not long for that day, when all that has been marred and broken in the fall, will be restored to Beauty Beyond description. And that's only in Christ Jesus. That paradise can be regained and through the mercies of the New Covenant in Christ, mankind, can find forgiveness and pardon, and one day to Mission will have been fully completed. Now, in Christ, who is also described as the better Adam. The better Adam Wii U and me get to partner with him in the Fulfillment of that original Mission to extend the glory of God globally and our purpose here. Right now, even reflects that about him to build God's house, to extend his Rule, and through the gospel. In his Proclamation, we get to participate in this Mission leading to the ultimate fulfillment of God's purposes. Well, are we
Are we all in? Are we in to proclaim the name of Christ around this world and whatever sphere and opportunity and space that we we have opportunity to Proclaim his name to Proclaim Christ is Lord and you who are once far off can be brought nigh by the blood of Christ, that's what we preach. Well, let's pray. Father, we want to thank you for these early text of your word that set such a glorious stage 4. The plan of God, the purposes of God throughout time. And then eternity, that God will dwell with man. There will be no more. Animosity. All the vestiges of Brokenness that were consequences of the Fall will be gone forever. Save for the nail prints in the hands of Christ, we will have eternal reminders. Of what we have been redeemed from the curse, the fall. But the glory in the presence of Christ will far exceed all the memories of the past. And as we just asked, even now in the present time that you would grow a relationship with you, that we would hate the sin that we would be guarding and keeping the the spheres of influence that you've given us especially our individual lives, our homes are families,