A Holy Priesthood
hateful feeling, hostility
treachery, deceit, slyness, trickery
pretense (duplicity, insincerity)
slander, defamation, evil speech
We cannot imagine for one moment Lazarus, raised from the dead, wanting to hang on to his grave clothes and to wear them still. It ought to be just as hard to imagine a child of God, wrapped in new life in Christ, hankering after the grave clothes of his old life.
The babe, instead of chemically analyzing, instinctively desires and feeds on the milk; so our part is not self-sufficient rationalizing and questioning, but simply receiving the truth in the love of it (Mt 11:25).
Mindful that the example of Jesus is the pattern for their lives, they can be assured that their precious value in God’s sight and their selection by God for a privileged destiny more than compensate for the low esteem in which their neighbors hold them.
quite pleasing