How Can We Overcome Grief
One of the leading factors of grief is why?
One of the leading factors of grief is why?
Grief is something we can’t avoid, all of us have been grieved by many different things. The situation and degree range from very minor such as having to wait at the drive thru to the death of a loved one. Minor grief such as impatience can be easily overcome with more self control, but serious grief can be devastating mentally, spiritually, and most of all physically.
The famous author William Shakespeare said “Grief makes one hour ten.”
One of the first emotions people struggle with in grief is why? Why is this happening to me is a common emotion that most folks suffering a major loss or setback. It’s natural to wonder why this is happening to me, could I have done something different or did I do something wrong?
This can easily turn into full time self pity, which will only make the situation worse. Dwelling on things out of our control is of use to no one. It can cause the person to become very depressed, lose interest and consistently deal with low energy , increased anxiety and fear and can even turn the person bitter.
If you truly believe have faith and trust in the Lord you most likely won’t question him or cast blame. He marks our paths and knows our issues before they occur.
The New Living Translation Bible says in Psalm 56:3–4
3 But when I am afraid, I will put my trust in you. 4 I praise God for what he has promised.
I trust in God, so why should I be afraid?
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