The Gifts of Teaching and Exhortation

The God Within Us  •  Sermon  •  Submitted   •  Presented
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The gifts of teaching and exhortation are mentioned in Romans 12:6-8 and in 1 Corinthians 12:11.
A. Often when the gift of teaching is in operation, other gifts are operating with it (word of wisdom, word of knowledge, prophecy).
B. The gift of teaching has not been given the recognition it deserves because many people believe that knowing something makes us teachers.
C. The gift of teaching is not often sought in ministers because it is not as immediately effective as the gift of exhortation. The gift of exhortation is sought, to the neglect of teaching because it excites people and stirs them into activity.
D. Teaching gives us the tools to do the job we have been exhorted to do. There should be a balance in the operation of these gifts (Romans 10:2).
A. The growth of a church built on teaching is slow and solid while the growth built on emotion is fast and transient.
B. If the pastor of a church believes that the primary goal of the Church is the evangelization of the world, his flock will be fed milky salvation messages week after week. Ephesians 4:8-13 says the purpose of the gifts is for the perfecting of the Church for the work of the ministry.
The Church exists: 19/21
2/22/2019 Study Guide for Holy Spirit by Chuck Smith
1. For God - His Church was purchased with His blood.
2. For itself - The Church builds up and perfects the saints until they are in the image of Jesus Christ.
3. To do the work of the Lord.
C. When the Church is what God intends for it to be, when love flows and people are being taught and growing, it attracts those outside because they feel the love and see the sincerity of the people.
A. We need to lay the foundation of our relationship with God deep in the rich soil of the Word.
B. We cannot choose to become teachers because teaching is a gift that God bestows as He deems best, but we should study the Bible diligently in case God does call us into a teaching ministry. If we open ourselves to whatever ministry and gift He has for us and follow the direction He gives to us, we will be able to fill our place in the Body.
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