The Gift of Healing

The God Within Us  •  Sermon  •  Submitted   •  Presented
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A. Sickness and aging came into the world with the sin of Adam and Eve. A sick person is not necessarily sick because of sin in his life, but because of sin in the world.
B. Isaiah 53:5-7 speaks prophetically of the beating that Jesus took for our healing. Jesus purchased our salvation at the cross and our healing at the whipping post.
C. God promised to heal us (Exodus 15:26).
D. Jesus' ministry was full of healings (Acts 10:38). He sent His disciples out to heal the
people in His name and healing is a mark of the believer (Matthew 10:1; Mark 16:15-18).
E. Some say that miracles and healings ended for the Church with the time of the apostles, but A. Gordon, in his book, The Ministry of Healing, reports that healings have taken place throughout the history of the Church.
A. If we are healed, we have received the gift of healing. Sometimes the gift of healing operates through us to heal someone else.
B. There are diversities in the operation of the gift of healing. The gift does not work the same through everyone.
C. We do not have to have the gift of healing to pray for someone to be healed. The believers should pray for one another (James 5:14).
D. During the communion service, we are to appropriate the healing that Jesus purchased for us when He allowed His body to be broken (Luke 22:19) by the beating (1 Corinthians 11:30). 15/21
2/22/2019 Study Guide for Holy Spirit by Chuck Smith
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