Elder Appointment - Matt Ullrich

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2/25/24: Matt Ullrich elder appointment

Today is a momentous day!
Today, we celebrate and install Restoration Church Bryan’s fourth elder.
I want to read from 1 Tim 3:1-7 to give us a picture of what a gospel-centered elder should look like:
Read 1 Timothy 3:1-7
1 Timothy 3:1–7 ESV
1 The saying is trustworthy: If anyone aspires to the office of overseer, he desires a noble task. 2 Therefore an overseer must be above reproach, the husband of one wife, sober-minded, self-controlled, respectable, hospitable, able to teach, 3 not a drunkard, not violent but gentle, not quarrelsome, not a lover of money. 4 He must manage his own household well, with all dignity keeping his children submissive, 5 for if someone does not know how to manage his own household, how will he care for God’s church? 6 He must not be a recent convert, or he may become puffed up with conceit and fall into the condemnation of the devil. 7 Moreover, he must be well thought of by outsiders, so that he may not fall into disgrace, into a snare of the devil.

I want to make several quick points

Noble Task

The man who aspires to eldership desires a “noble or important task”
John Piper would argue that the role of pastor is more important and significant than that of the president of the United States of America
Arguing that the the President makes decisions and leads in a way that captivates the media and perhaps impacts our nation and world events but that pastors make decisions and lead so as to impact eternity.

The qualifications are not for super Christians

The only two qualifications that would not be asked of any other Christian is that they are:
Able to teach and not a recent convert
As followers of Jesus, we are all called to all of the rest of these things!
My point is, that elders are not a higher class of Christian.
Jonathan said this last week when we appointed Brandon Sweeney at Salt City’s first elder, but elders are sheep as well.
He said: “It’s important to understand that the Bible sees elders as part of the flock, not separate from it. Elders are simultaneously sheep & shepherds.”
But they are called to be models of faith and devotion to Christ.
They should be able to share the words of the Apostle Paul, who in 1 Cor 11:1 said: Be imitators of me, as I am of Christ.
But let us never misunderstand.
There is ONE Great Shepherd, Jesus.
As elders, we serve for His glory and good pleasure.

The role of elder goes beyond just being an exemplary Christian…

The role of elder comes with real, God-given authority.
Authority that needs to be wielded with great care.
Alexander Strauch, in his book Biblical Eldership, said it this way:
“biblical elders do not dictate, they direct. True elders, do not command the consciences of their brethren, but appeal to their brethren into faithfully follow God's word. Out of love, true elders, suffer and bear the brunt of difficult people and problems, so that the lambs are not bruised. They bear the misunderstanding and sins of others, so that the assembly may live in peace. They lose sleep so that the others may rest. They make great personal sacrifices of time and energy for the welfare of others. They see themselves as men under authority. They depend on God for wisdom and help, not on their own power and cleverness. They face the false teachers fierce attacks. They guard the community’s, liberty and freedom in Christ, so that the saints are encouraged to develop their gifts, to mature, and to serve one another.”

Installing Elders

Each time we install an elder, I want our church to know that the man we install has been examined and tested.
We have assessed his character, his calling, and his competency - and we have observed Matt over time
Jonathan shared this quote last week, but it bears repeating: Bob Thune in his book Gospel Eldership said this: The cultivation of Christlike character is essential to spiritual leadership - character is formed over time, is discerned in community, is best evaluated under pressure; character and wisdom usually go together…We must constantly guard the integrity of our hearts. An elder leads in the church not for the title, the position or the notoriety. They do it because they love Jesus and have a calling by the Spirit of God to serve.

Invite Matt and Hannah Forward

Today I stand before you as one of your elders, in complete agreement with Jonathan Brooks and Kevin Caffey, ready to appoint Matt Ullrich to the role of elder/pastor for Restoration Church Bryan
We affirm that God has called Matt to the role of elder and he has demonstrated over the past ten years of faithful membership and service his heart for Jesus and the church.
He has met regularly with Pastor Jonathan, walking through an elder training process over the past seven or eight months - which included reading a stack of books, digging through the finer points of theology and doctrine, personal character, leadership in the home and the church, and calling to the ministry.
All of us have spent time together in prayer for one another, for our families, and for our churches.
Furthermore, Matt has proven his leadership time and time again as he has led in so many different capacities at Restoration.
Matt has preached from this pulpit many times.
He has been a faithful members in MCG, has led MCG’s, and multiplied MCG’s a few times.
I say with confidence that Matt Ullrich has been examined and is ready to be appointed to the role of elder at Restoration.

Call elders forward

I want to invite Pastor Jonathan and Pastor Kevin forward to lay hands on Matt as we pray for him.
As they come to the stage, I want to remind you of something that you already know, but need to hear.
You cannot do this on your own strength, brother.
You MUST walk by the power of the Spirit.
You will have days that are hard and you will have days where frustration or discouragement will get the better of you.
You are going to fail.
But here is the good news: God never does.
So, let’s press in towards Him together!
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