Freedom perfected

Romans 14
BI: On disputable matters, don’t judge others but walk in love like Christ
Good morning everyone.
Welcome to Epping Church. Great to have you join us this morning. It’d be great to have your Bible’s open as we work through today’s passage.
I love the Church. I have grown up in a Chinese church. loved it. Since the age of 5, my grandmother love her she got all of us to church. I’ve always loved going. Gathering as God’s people has a been a place of love, joy, peace, seeing many come to faith, grow in the faith. My best mates are from church. I love it. nothing better. It’s been wonderful.
But there have been times when church has been really really hard. I’ve also seen sin wreak havoc. Division split the church. I have seen disputes. I have heard of a church split over the color of the pews. Sounds ridiculous. I remember sitting there seeing a brother, older man, gone to be with the Lord now, hands in his face just distraught because of two groups could not get along. They were fighting. Brothers and sisters bickering, fighting, slandering, ripping into each other over… an issue like ‘the pastors wife is weird because she raises her hand when we sing.’ The way we do Lord’s supper is so formal and out of date. It caused untold hurt. Pain. Sin. Over what? Trivial, disputable matters.
So today’s passage is just so important. What can destroy us as a church is probably not the government – or outside forces – it’s actually from within isn’t it? When we are fighting. When we are not united by the Gospel.
And here in chapter 14 Paul passionately, sensitively, and pastorally urges the church in conflict to love like Christ. He says, when it comes to disputable matters, don’t judge one another but walk in love like Christ. God is the judge. Not you.
This is a very practical issue of love. Given all that God has done, he has been merciful to us. saved us because of Jesus, we are to worship him with all of our lives. How? love God but love others. In fact, we owe it a debt to love others 13:8. I’ve mulled on that verse all week. It’s a debt we owe. love
1. Disputable matters (14:1-2)
Here's the question. What do you do when you can’t agree on an issue that is disputable? The Christians in Rome were despising, passing judgement, fighting, in conflict. Why? They disagreed about food and special days. Come with me to verse 1
As for the one who is weak in faith, welcome him, but not to quarrel over opinions. One person believes he may eat anything, while the weak person eats only vegetables.
One person esteems one day as better than another, while another esteems all days alike. Each one should be fully convinced in his own mind.
Paul looks at this and goes – this is a disputable matter. You are free to eat or not eat. To celebrate or not celebrate a particular day. it’s fine. It’s not a matter of sin. It’s a disputable matter. See a disputable matter is an issue where a bible teaching may be clear, but different Christians may have a different approach to how it applies. For example, baptism and whether we should baptise children. I’ve got a view. My reading of the Scriptures say we should. Another, very thoughtful lecturer at Bible college who’s digging away at the Scriptures has another perspective. It’s disputable. We’re both coming and reading Scripture humbly, sincerely trying to work it out. I think he’s wrong but he’s still my brother in Christ. The matter is disputable.
Or maybe the Bible is silent on the matter, so we take a different approach. We have freedom to use our wisdom. For example, what kind of chairs we use at church? what songs should we sing? Yes we should sing. But hymns only, Psalms only or more contemporary? Again, the matter is disputable. We can disagree but we can be, we should be in warm fellowship together.
As for the one who is weak in faith, welcome him, but not to quarrel over opinions. One person believes he may eat anything, while the weak person eats only vegetables.
Here, the disputable matter was about food and special days. But you can’t miss the fact that Paul tells us there’s a ‘weak’ group and ‘strong’ group. There’s a wrong way to think and a right way. The weak have got the issue wrong. why? Well the ‘strong’ knew in Christ all foods are declared clean. They have it right. Because what Jesus says in Mark 7:18-19
Mark 7:18–19 (ESV)
Do you not see that whatever goes into a person from outside cannot defile him, since it enters not his heart but his stomach, and is expelled?” (Thus he declared all foods clean.)
And the Apostle Paul gets it. Verse 14 Paul says
I know and am persuaded in the Lord Jesus that nothing is unclean in itself,
The reality is, they are free to eat anything. Prawns on the barby. No worries. Pork rolls – get into it. Rare steak go for it. Frog, Fish eye I’ve tried, cockroaches tuck in. Eat whatever you want. It doesn’t affect your relationship with God. it might affect your relationship with other people if they see you eating a cockroach. But you can eat it. Jesus has declared all foods clean. So in one sense, the answer is simple. Very simple. Jesus has declared all foods clean.
The strong have it right. You can eat anything. That’s why he calls those who don’t eat ‘weak’ in faith. When you think you can’t eat certain foods, or one day is better than another, you have a ‘weak’ faith.
At this point, the weak don’t understand some things that the death and resurrection that Jesus achieved. What it means. For some reason they don’t understand the freedom that Christ has won for us when it comes to these issues.
So there’s a right answer. Paul does not say have no opinion. or suppress your opinion. Or there’s no truth in the matter. No, renew your mind. Think it through. Surely. You can have a strong opinion on the matter. But in this matter, that does not matter.
So because they are free. they are free. We are free. Free to eat. Free not to eat. Jesus has made us free. Yes, they are weak in faith. But they are weak ‘in faith’ don’t miss that in verse 1. They know Jesus is the only way to God. They are not sinning by keeping a certain day holy. Or eating kosher. That’s not the big issue.
Actually, the big issue is this; it’s church unity. It’s harmony. It’s love. Because the weak see the strong eat and they are disgusted. You unholy dirty pig eating grots. They think their faith means they can ignore all the rules and regulations. Slackers. And the strong look down on the weak. You rule keeping legalists. I can’t believe you believe in those laws. Jesus has freed us. Why do you still follow them?
2. How do we resolve them?
So how should they resolve this issue?
2.1 Do not pass judgment (14:3-12)
Paul says firstly, don’t not pass judgment. Don’t judge
Let not the one who eats despise the one who abstains, and let not the one who abstains pass judgment on the one who eats, for God has welcomed him.
Do you hear what he’s saying? To the weak – he says - Don’t pass judgment. Don’t declare final judgment on them. You can’t be a Christian, how can you eat that? You dirty unholy folk. Don’t do that. that’s being legalistic. making it all about rules and regulations.
And to the strong God says - Don’t despise, or don’t be so critical. You know what its like to despise someone. You roll your eyes, cluck your tongue, turn your head. Everything about your body language is I want nothing to do with you. nothing brotherly about it. We know Paul – our Paul spoke about genuine love brotherly affection the other week. That’s not happening here.
So, what are they to do?
Don’t judge but welcome him. that’s the command.
Romans 14:1 (ESV)
As for the one who is weak in faith, welcome him, but not to quarrel over opinions.
Yes, here Paul talks to the strong. But both have a part to play. Both are to accept one another into fellowship, into friendship, into one’s own heart. That’s the meaning of the word here. To welcome is the same word Jesus used in John 14, the way Jesus will receive us, welcome us into heaven. Jesus does just tolerate us. I’ll just tolerate you in heaven. You sit there I’ll sit over here for all of eternity. Of course not. He welcomes us with open arms into heaven. Like the way the father embraced the prodigal son. Even after he disobeyed him took half of his inheritance. Wronged him. hurt him. This command to welcome, accept implies warmth the kindness of genuine love. The unity we share must be expressed in love. Not just some effort. It’s every effort verse 19 pursue or make every effort to love.
It's hard isn’t it? if you’ve ever argued with someone over an issue. It’s so easy to walk at church, nothing to say. don’t greet them. look straight. Ignore everything around me. I get that. It’s awkward as. I remember disagreeing with this guy at my old church. it was about hiring a pastor. I was on the pastoral search committee. He disagreed with me. I remember giving him the cold shoulder for ages. the reality was i didn’t like conflict. Neither of us did. so we just ignored each other. But I was wrong. You can disagree but you’ve got to welcome your brother. Don’t pass judgment but welcome them. That’s the command here. Hear what God is saying.
Why’s he say all this? God does not just give us commands. He tells us why. Three reasons why. You need to know the why. because it’s not easy to do. I think that’s why God gives us plenty of reasons.
Verse 3 God has welcomed him
Romans 14:3 (ESV)
Let not the one who eats despise the one who abstains, and let not the one who abstains pass judgment on the one who eats, for God has welcomed him.
The fact is, they know Christ. they trust in Jesus. we are all alike under sin deserving God’s judgment. We are all alike saved only by Jesus. how can we look down on anyone when there is no one beneath us? We’re at the bottom. Yet God has welcomed us. So welcome them. Don’t pass judgment
And more than that verse 4 – Jesus is able to save him.
Romans 14:4 (ESV)
Who are you to pass judgment on the servant of another? It is before his own master that he stands or falls. And he will be upheld, for the Lord is able to make him stand.
See there this is important, second half ‘And he – that’s God, will be upheld, for the Lord is able to make him stand.’
Jesus is able to save him. Jesus can make him stand. He might have a weak faith. He might be confused on food restrictions. He might miss out on the awesomeness that is bacon – gee I sat next to Nello yesterday at mens breakfast and we kind of just looked at each other, yeah bacon. It doesn’t matter. It’s just bacon. The Lord will uphold him. God is at work to make him stand. We’re not saved by eating whatever we like. We don’t stand on judgment day because of our diet or weekly schedule, or even what we wear. No. God saves those who trust in him. even weak insignificant ones. And that’s all of us. So accept your brother and sister, welcome them.
And finally the third reason. Yes there are many commands in this passage but God always gives us the reasons. Here’s the big one
God is the judge.
Come to verse 10
Romans 14:10–12 (ESV)
Why do you pass judgment on your brother? Or you, why do you despise your brother? For we will all stand before the judgment seat of God; for it is written,
“As I live, says the Lord, every knee shall bow to me,
and every tongue shall confess to God.”
So then each of us will give an account of himself to God.
Why do you pass judgment on your brother? Or you, why do you despise your brother? Don’t do this. There’s the reason ‘for we will all stand before the judgment seat of God; then he goes to Isaiah 45:23 and it says “for it is written, as I live, says the lord, every knee shall bow to me and every tongue shall confess to God. he finally sums it up verse 12 So then each of us will given an account of himself to God.
He says 2 times we will all be judged verse 10 and verse 12 see it on the screen?
And in between those 2 statements is the reason from Isaiah 45:23 – every knee shall bow and every tongue confess to God. God is the judge. He is the King.
And you notice in these verses he emphasizes in these 3 verses. All, every and each.
Verse 10 second half we will all stand before judgment seat of God
Verse 11 every knee shall bow to me and every tongue shall confess to God.
Verse 12 So then each of us will give an account of himself to God.
Each, every, all. That’s the stress of these verses. Every single person will stand before the creator of the universe and give an account of your life.
So don’t judge your weaker brother, God will judge you. in fact he will judge all of us.
You see saying who’s wrong. Who’s right is not our right. God is their master. Not you. he saved them. not you. Let them give account to God for their actions. God has already accepted them, welcomed them. They will stand before God.
Friends, when you are disagreeing over a disputable matter, don’t pass judgment, welcome them for God is the judge. If we judge others, remember you will have to stand before God and answer to him. he’s their master, not you. our third child loves to tell the fourth child how to act. how to do the right thing. while it’s cute, we have to remind her, hey you’re not Bec’s dad. know your place. God is the judge, not us.
Don’t judge God is the judge.
and more than that, use your freedom not to stumble your brother. you have to walk in love. it’s active. it’s thoughtful. it’s giving it up for their sake. Look at verse 13
2.2 But walk in love (14:13-23)
Paul says to the strong, don’t stumble your brother. Verse 13
Therefore let us not pass judgment on one another any longer, but rather decide never to put a stumbling block or hindrance in the way of a brother. I know and am persuaded in the Lord Jesus that nothing is unclean in itself, but it is unclean for anyone who thinks it unclean. For if your brother is grieved by what you eat, you are no longer walking in love. By what you eat, do not destroy the one for whom Christ died.
Walk in love. Don’t cause a brother to stumble. See the word there ‘decide’ in verse 13? the word is actually to judge. Let me read it again. Here’s what Paul says. Let us not pass judgment on one another any longer, but rather judge never to put a stumbling block or hindrance in the way of a brother. Do you hear what he’s saying? It’s radical. If you want to make a judgment, then judge never to stumble your brother. That’s your judgment. You won’t stumble a brother. Ever. you might not think its wrong. you’re free to drink beer, get a tattoo, smoke, but if you flaunt the bacon in front of them, what makes it wrong is their conscience. look at verse 23, jump down there.
But whoever has doubts is condemned if he eats, because the eating is not from faith. For whatever does not proceed from faith is sin.
See what he’s saying? It’s not walking in love. This brother has sinned. Why? If he is eating not from faith, he is eating not ‘trusting God’ but he eats thinking ‘I know in my heart this is wrong but I will do it anyway. At that point he is going against what God desires. In his heart he thinks whatever God I will do it anyway. My brother has done it. so I’ll do it too. That’s the problem. Anything not done in trust, in faith is actually sin. Anything not done in relationship with God. anything not done trusting him is sin. Do you see?
So, walk in love, do not stumble your brother. Don’t cause him to sin.
It’s like the desperate situation in Afghanistan in 2021 after the US withdrew their forces. See the US cargo planes packed from end to end to get cargo out. it’s an absolute crisis moment. People were trying to climb into the plane as its flying. Imagine if someone on that flight comes to the pilot and says I’m a frequent flyer with American Airlines. Based on the terms and conditions I get a meal, extra leg room and free movies on this flight. What would you think of this person? You would think get real mate. That’s ridiculous. That’s a joke. Lives are at stake and here you are worrying about leg room and movies. Your freedom as a frequent flyer. That’s similar to what’s here. We need to understand God’s prorities to walk in love. Don’t stumble a brother. A sister. It’s a disputable matter. God cares that everyone is not stumbled. They don’t sin. they don’t have their faith destroyed.
It might feel like you go to sacrifice to give up your freedom but remember, these matters of freedom is not what Christ is on about. It’s not about food and drink rituals. It’s got nothing to do with food. It’s about righteousness. That means you can stand right with God. declared not guilty before God because of Jesus’ death. being at peace with God. the war between us and God is over. It’s about joy washed clean from sin and be with God forever. That’s what we’re on about. It’s about making it home to be with God in his Kingdom forever. Forever with God.
Verse 17
For the kingdom of God is not a matter of eating and drinking but of righteousness and peace and joy in the Holy Spirit. Whoever thus serves Christ is acceptable to God and approved by men. So then let us pursue what makes for peace and for mutual upbuilding.
Walk in love. Don’t fight about trivial things like food. We’re on about Jesus. making disciples of Jesus. that’s what important. It’s about making every effort to pursue peace. it’s about building others up in christ. it’s helping people make it to the end.
In disputable matters, don’t judge others, welcome them because God is the judge, and walk in love. help people make it to the end.
so some concluding thoughts, there are so many places we could go but i have two. i’m sure home group will be a great place to keep fleshing out implications.
3. Implications
3.1. Don’t pass judgment but welcome others
When it comes to disputable matters
Baptism by immersion or sprinkling
Whether you are more left leaning or right leaning on the political spectrum – don’t pass judgment on others.
Whether or not you wear masks even now – I have had to repent of judging people who wear masks even at this stage. No don’t do that. don’t their weird. No welcome them. it’s a trivial matter.
Whether you like the music or don’t like our music
Whether you raise your hands when you sing or not
Whether someone smokes – don’t judge them don’t assume they are unbelievers
Whether someone has tattoos – it’s fine.
Whether you think the Lord’s supper should be for young children or not – we’re free on this matter
We can hold different views on these issues and welcome each other as brothers and sisters in Christ. hear what God is saying. Welcome each other, genuinely.
But be careful, don’t elevate the negotiables, disputable matters to the level of indisputable. Don’t confuse the fact that Jesus is fully God, fully man, salvation is by grace alone.
And if you are really worked up about a matter, can I suggest you have a conversation? Have compassion. get to know the person. If you know someone has a problem, well you take the initiative. Have the conversation. Why is it my responsibility to worry about my freedom when they have the problem? Because they are your responsibility. So we need to know one another. we need to be open and upfront with one another. walk in love like Christ.
I don’t drink alcohol, well barely. I think it’s good if you ask me why. It’s worth us having a conversation to know each other. Drunkenness in the Bible is wrong. absolutely clear. but talk to me we can have a great discussion. And I can talk to u about why you do drink. I don’t want to judge you. I ought to be thinking, how can I serve you and see you get there on the last day? into the Kingdom of God? how can I look to build you up in Christ. that’s what the kingdom is about. It’s not about restrictions, rules and regulations, the code, it’s about joy and peace and righteousness by the Spirit.
3.2. Walk in love
So walk in love, don’t stumble your brother or sister.
You are free to love them.
· if a brother or sister thinks its wrong to eat meat, eat pork, eat during our time of corporate worship, don’t do it. love them. don’t judge them. don’t flaunt it in front of them and sear their conscience.
· If your brother struggles with the grog, don’t drink in front of them. love them, don’t cause them to stumble
· We can go to lots of examples. I’m sure you get the principle
· On disputable matters, Don’t pass judgment, but walk in love
4. Conclusion
Friends, this passage brought up a lot of things of the past. Growing up in church. I loved it. but I do wonder at those times when church had major conflict, what it would’ve been like if brothers and sisters didn’t judge each other, but walked in love. They really understood God is the judge, not them. they really understood that actually these are disputable matters. What’s more important is the Gospel – the Kingdom of God. peace and building others up, helping them get to the last day. that’s more important.
So let’s be united in Christ. we’re here to make disciples of Jesus together. and though we are many of different nations, different minds, lets hold to the truth of the Gospel and never let it go. Let’s be a church that holds on the truth of the Gospel in love. Let’s be a church that does not pass judgment on each other. Let’s be a church that welcomes each other even when we disagree. Let’s be a church that outsiders go wow you have different views but you walk in love. We want to know your God.
Let’s pray.